She's beautiful (Ally Mayfair-Richards x reader) part 1

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A/n: sorry this has taken me so long to update lovely's, Saturday I went to a friends house, then on Sunday I had softball once I left my friends then went out to eat so I really haven't found time but I hope you like it!
TW: homophobic parents, ivy
Y/n- your name l/n- last name

Y/n's pov:
Ugh today was so stressful so I decided I was going to try this restaurant called "The Butchery on Main", I haven't went to since I moved to Michigan.

The reason this day has been so stressful is one: I auditioned for multiple roles a while back and got some emails today saying 'I didn't make it' and to 'practice as much as I can'
two: My homophobic parents decided that they wanted to text me and ruin my day AGAIN, they decided they were going to call me all the slurs they could fucking could and tell me how much of a disgrace I was.
three: The guys at my job decided to be dicks to me like always, that's why I'm trying to do acting to get away from them and do what I love.
four: The last and final reason I had a panic attack today during work

So here I am now outside of the restaurant, I've heard it's pretty good so I mean why not try it? Walking in the place was very cute and I loved it. I waited to be seated and as I did I spotted the most beautiful person. I got seated and as I did my eyes kept gazing to the gorgeous women and couldn't help but think about us having a future, WHAT THE FUCK AM I THINKING (Y/N) ITS LITERALLY JUST A RANDOM LADY!!!

As I ordered my meal and took a few bites while getting some random stares, probably because I'm by myself and everyone else is either seated with their partner or family and what not. Then while I was starting off into space for a second I heard a noise by my table, "Hello im Ally Mayfair-Richards but just call me Ally, im the boss of this place, i was wondering how is your food tasting?" holy shit. That's the woman I have been starting at all night, "I- i um oh it's really g-good, im (y/n), (y/n) (l/n) by the w-way." Shit! I just stuttered like a dumbass! "Well I'm glad (y/n), now I was wondering what are you doing all alone?"

God she has a beautiful smile

"Oh well umm I have no friends and no one to be here with, plus I just needed somewhere to go to calm down if I'm going to be honest" she gave me a worried smile and i just gave her a small smile back. "Now (y/n) can I join you, I don't want to leave you alone, so tell me why do u need to calm down?" she sat across from me and held my hands on top of the table "Well today has just been stressful first of all the acting roles a tried out for I didn't get, my homophobic parents decided to tell me how much of a disgrace I was, the dudes at my job decided to be dicks to me like always..." at this point I was about to burst into tears and she was actually listening to me, "a-and I had a panic attack today at work."

Oh my fucking god did I just tell this woman my whole fucking day-

"Hey hey honey I'm sorry all of that happened to you how about that meal is on the house? But trust me you got this you can do this try your hardest and give it your all!" Did she just call me honey "But..." "No buts. How would you feel to help me close up, this place closes in 5 minutes at 10" I nodded my head while finishing my food.

We had talked until around 11 and had some wine until she decided it was probably long overdue to close up this place, "Sweetheart if u want we can go back to my place for a bit and come get your care tomorrow your very tipsy." "Am not!" I said that with a pouty face but then replied to going back to her house by saying "and yes I'll go to your house" she nodded to that we then walked to the car and while walking she intertwined our fingers, it was like that in the car too.

We then made it to Ally's house , "God Ally this place is beautiful, but not as beautiful as you-, shot oh my god im so sorry." "Darling it's ok I could say the same for you, now let's get you inside." Ally then opened my door and held out her hand for me, I happily took it then we walked to the front door. We got inside "Make yourself at home honey do u want some water?" I nodded at her, then she went to get it while I sat down on her couch.

"Here you are sweetheart!" "Thank you so very much Ally" and gave her a big genuine smile. "Of course now! Want to watch a movie? I was thinking carol!" God she's going to make me watch carol but I just nodded at her

The movie then finished, neither me or Ally were asleep. My head was laying on her shoulder because she said it was alright and then she looked down at me and we stared into each others eyes, "Your eyes are beautiful (y/n)" she whispered against my lips "so are yours Ally" we kept looking into each others eyes when her eyes kept looking at my lips, "may I kiss you?" I didn't give a verbal response I just connected our lips for a short loving kiss then we went in for another, it then started to get a little messy but before it could get heated someone bursted into the front door and found us kissing, "Who's that Ally?" She then had a look of worry one her eyes "ALLY WHO THE FUCK IS THAT!!" Ally whispered to me that's Ivy....

A/n; hate to leave you on a cliff hanger but I will make it up to u in the next chapter, have a great day or night!

Word count: 1083

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