She's beautiful (Ally Mayfair-Richards x Reader) part 2

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whispered to me that's Ivy....
TW: poisoning, ivy, fluff, rape

Y/n's Pov:
"Who the fuck is Ivy thinking she can walk into your house?" I ask Ally, " Well I came here to come pick up Oz because it's my weekend with him." Ivy answered me then continues, "Now Ally who would that hoe be that is cuddled up next to you?" She asked ally, " You have no fucking right to call (y/n) a hoe she's sweet and genuine and much more things that you aren't plus Oz is at his friends house tonight I told you this, also I wouldn't call people hoe's when your the one who went and slept with the babysitter and that's why I got a divorce with you a year ago." Ally answered back.

Ally had already told me about her having a son that has split custody but this was very unannounced of this bitch to show up like this.

"Why thank you beautiful ally but Ivy what the fuck it's literally 1 in the fucking morning are you drunk or something." You say to her "Bitch I am not fucking drunk! I'm just gonna fucking leave so I don't have to deal with such a skank like you." DID THIS BALD LOOKING BITCH JUST CALL ME A SKANK! Ally then replies "Ivy how about I go get to you some water to get you a bit sober before you leave because oz would not want you to get hurt...or would he" she whispered the last part to me so ivy couldn't hear it then whispered to me "whatever I do don't freak out" that remark confused me but I let it slide while I waited for her to get back.

Ally then came back with the water and the whole time i didn't speak to Ivy. After ivy took a sip after  a second or two she started to collapse. "Umm Al what's going on?" "Don't worry I just may or may not have poisoned her drink" wait why is that kinda hot-"mmm ally that's kinda hot especially after all the shit she has done to you." Ivy now laid on the floor, a lifeless body. " now ally what do we do?" "I'm going to throw her in the lake, it's not like anyone can go in it because it's on my property be back in a second." With that she drags Ivy's body out to the lake then comes back in. "Now (y/n), darling I know we barely know each other but I trusted you with something big like not telling the police on me. What's something big that had happened to u that I can keep a secret?" She said as she hugged you from behind in the living room.

should I tell her about. I'll just tell her about the horrid thing that has happened to me.

"Umm well when I was twelve my dad raped me up until I was fifteen, the only reason he stopped was because that's when I came out as gay and he didn't support me and kicked me out." I say while tears start rolling down my cheeks." Oh honey you have went through so much, how about instead of my usual plans of fucking you senseless we just go up to my room and cuddle? I know we barely have seen each other but i can tell this isn't just a one time thing." "How about this Al I'll cuddle you tonight in all but how about tomorrow we go out to eat, we'll that's if you don't have work or something?" "Mm that sounds amazing im free tomorrow and for about a week because the restaurant won't need me at the moment." Ally then drags you up to her room.

"Ally i umm don't have any comfortable pjs to wear, do u have something I can borrow" I ask her through the bathroom door. "Yes honey" she knocks at the door to let me know she is here and hands me a pair of green silk pjs. "Thank you so much I'll be out in a minute"

I walk out of the bathroom and go to join ally in the bed

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I walk out of the bathroom and go to join ally in the bed. "Now darling im sorry about all of this happening so sudden." Ally says to you as she opens her arms so u can put your head on her chest. "It's ok Ally I already trust you and it feels like I have know you for years upon years." You look up at ally and she places a kiss on your lips a soft and gentle kiss to show how much she wants to care for you. "(Y/n) what show or movie do u want to fall asleep to?" "Umm how about American horror story I love that show" "mm you have good taste, now are you comfortable?" "How could I not be when I'm with you?" She the starts playing with your hair and leaves kisses on your head while you lay kisses on her collar bone. "Goodnight darling sleep well, I'll be here in the morning i promise cant wait for our dinner." "Goodnight to you too Ally sleep well too and me too!"

A/n: ik it's been a hot minute but there will be a part three because I didn't have a lot of motivation for writing but I needed to get this done sorry for it being done short!

Word count: 917

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