My forever (Sally Mckenna x Reader)

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A/n: Im so bad at updating, im sorry. Life is just taking a decline so. #notslay i just love disappearing and coming back.
TW: death, talk of drugs, suic1de, overdose
Y/n's Pov:
I'm running through the hotel while I hear Sally screaming at me, she's mad at me because I haven't talked to her in days after telling her I loved her. I've been distancing from her because I was scared she didn't feel the same and I feel I said something wrong. So i was running away cause i was scared and i didn't know what i should do. I do love Sally so much but I just feel she's been trying to get with anyone she can and I was finally the fool who fell for her lure, I mean she hasn't talked to anyone since i've been here and i got here i think 5 months ago but that doesn't make me not believe if i leave she'll go onto someone new as fast as she can or she'd move back to doing drugs.

I get brought out of my thoughts with the sound of, "(Y/N) GET BACK HERE, I NEED TO TALK WITH YOU." fuck what is she going to say to me, "ur not good enough" or some awful lie I continue running through the hotel to the bathroom to grab all the bottles of pills i can cause if i die in here she can't move on right? i honestly don't know if i want to be around her or want to leave this shithole but i mean if i die then she has to love me right? i grab the bottle of some pill bottle that i think was for my depression, one that's for my schizophrenia, and some pain killers. i run to the bed and i sit down while digging out the pills and putting all i can fit in my hand of all of the pills, should i do it in the hotel... know what fuck it. Right as i popped all the pills in my mouth and swallowed them with bourbon, Sally comes running in "NOOO BABYDOLL STOP" she says while busting into tears, did she actually love me? i mean i'll know when i come back.

When my soul returns back to the hotel i see Sally gripping onto my lifeless body while attempting to gag me so i wouldn't die in the hotel but it's to late, i just stand there not wanting Sally to see me avoiding what she'll have to say to me. I watch her contently while i cry but not loud enough to where Sally can hear me, she's telling me something but i don't know what but it just breaks me to see her this sad. Sure i've seen her sobbing in the bar and that was my first impression of her but that wasn't necessarily her being 'heartbroken' that was just her being sad. She never really admitted why she was crying there too besides some stuff i don't remember cause i was to drunk to remember all details. As I stand there though I hear her say, "darling, I love you too...I wish u didn't run away when u told me." Sally says then starts sobbing again, I contemplate going to her or not cause I'm mad at myself but I probably should but should I?

After thinking about it for a solid minute I go up to her, hovering over her and tap her on the shoulder. "Y/n!!! why, why did you do this?" Sal asks me, "well sally umm I thought you didn't love me and i thought that if I killed myself in the hotel then you can't move on from me...I know I know it sounds stupid I'm sorry, I'll go to the bar." I respond back to her, "Babydoll your the only one I love you didn't have to kill yourself, now your stuck in this shithole but u have me my darling girl, now come here." Sally says and points to the spot right next to her, I sit down besides her and she immediately pulls me in for a kiss. Sally then makes her way to my ear as she bites it and licks my earlobe and says, "mmm kitten i love you so much." I got aroused by her saying that but it can't help me feel that she'll get tired of me and then move on so I back away a bit, she could be thinking of someone else while saying this right now. "Baby, why'd you back away, did I do something wrong?" Sally says in a worried tone fuck I'm making the 'tough' sally worried, "is it truly me you love though, are you still in love with John?" I ask sally. She sits there and looks at me and softens a bit while biting her lip, "Love of course it's you I love, John was just another person to lead me to you the most darling girl in the world. Your my babydoll even though I might be rough in bed and everything but everything I do is for you kitten." Sally says and I get a little wet again hearing her say kitten but this isn't a moment for that, "mm okay sally im sorry, you mean so much to me and I thought I did something wrong saying 'I love you'" I respond, she looks and me and nods. Sally then catches my lips in hers and gives me soft kiss, when sally does that you know she's worried, "I love you sally" I say, "I love you to my darling."

A/n: sorry for the shorter chapter and I'm sorry for not writing much!! please dm me with suggestions and I'll try to get to them

Word count: 951

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