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Last time~

Adult and U. S Valts: *sweat-drops* Why- *looks at each other and then at the fighting duo* *face-palms*

To be continued once again~



Adult Shu and S. U Fubuki: 😐🤐

Author: Now, let's start doing with cooking competition, you guys gonna cook a dessert and the original Chiharu Aoi is the judge

Chiharu: *waves*

Adult and S U Valts: *waves back*

Author: *clicks a remote*

After Author clicked a remote, the stage moved and two kitchen counters with all the necessary items appeared

Author: Now!~ let's start!~

Adult and S U Valts: *runs to the counter and starts cooking*

---time skip brought by the both the universe's Valt's friends looking at the fighting duo---

Author: Times up!!! Please bring you're respectful foods to the judge!~

Adult Valt: *goes to Chiharu and bows down* I cooked Wagashi.... Mother...

Chiharu: Thank you sweetie

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Chiharu: Thank you sweetie.... *takes a bite* mmmm... Yummy... You did well honey

S U Val : Hello Mum *bows down* I've like to serve mochi, hope you you like it

S U Val : Hello Mum *bows down* I've like to serve mochi, hope you you like it

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Chiharu: Thank you dear... *takes a bite* hm... That's impressive for you're age...

Author: *mouth watering* damn... OK ok... So Mrs Aoi... Who is the winner?

Chiharu: Adult Valt cooked well even if he lives alone, he have learnt ver well. S U Valt have also cooked nicely for his age as well.. So.. The winner of this cooking competition is none. It has ended in tie

Author: not suprised because of these dishes looks really cool...

To be continued~


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