---Chapter VII: After School---

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Dandelions: A Michaeng Fanfic
Chapter 7: After School

             "she's like a little kid. Small, curious and caring. She's also cute, so cute that she makes me want to put her in my pocket"

Mina was casually waiting for Chaeyoung outside the campus while listening to music.

Chaeyoung quickly noticed Mina and walked towards her

Mina: let's go?

Chaeyoung: let's go!

Chaeyoung held Mina's hand and smiled at her

Well, as usual, everyone in their section saw the two of them

Dahyun: you guys going to the park?

Mina: yeah

Tzuyu: well it's soulmates' day today there, have fun!

Chaeyoung and Mina: oh

They said while slowly looking at each other

Chaeyoung: I mean what could go wrong?

They both took the bus together to the park, it was Mina's first time riding one, and of course, with someone

Chaeyoung: good day! A ride for two

They went to find two seats and immediately sat. Chaeyoung saw Mina's worried look and reassured her

Chaeyoung: first time?

Mina: yeah, my parents haven't let me ride the bus before

Chaeyoung: well, it's another first in your list, and don't worry, I ride the bus all the time

Unexpectedly, the bus driver quickly hit the brakes and Chaeyoung was slightly thrown forward but Mina acted fast and got her hand to protect Chaeyoung's head from hitting the front seat

Mina: you okay?

Chaeyoung: yeah, how about you, your hand, are you okay???

Mina: oh, I'm fine

Chaeyoung: does it hurt?

Chaeyoung gently blowed on Mina's hand. Mina's heart started to beat faster but she didn't feel any chest pains unlike before

"what is this? My heart is racing again, but......why am I not feeling weak? How? And when did I start caring for people now?"

A couple minutes later, they finally arrived at the park. The place was crowded and was filled with food stalls and some are merchandise stalls. It was decorated pink and there was a huge banner that says "Soulmates' Day" at the area

Chaeyoung: they sure prepared a lot for this

Mina: I see

They walked around the place and saw a lot of string lights above them. To their suprise, one of the people who were organizing the event, approached them

Abby: hello and welcome, today is a very special day for soulmates. Here's two headbands for you two to wear today! It's free don't worry. Have fun!

She gave them options for the headband. Chaeyoung chose the one with a baby cub ears and Mina picked the one with a penguin. They both walked around with the headbands and still holding hands with each other. Mina can't take stop staring at Chaeyoung as she smiled and was happily running around like a kid. Mina smiled back looking like a proud mom

Chaeyoung: you're smiling again

Mina: I didn't noticed, you looked so happy today

Chaeyoung: yeah I am, hey, do you want to take a picture there?

Mina: I don't think I-

Before Mina could finish her sentence, Chaeyoung took out her phone and pulled Mina to the heart shaped structure

Chaeyoung: come on, this background looks cute. Excuse me! Could you please take a picture of us?

Chaeyoung handed her phone to the guy and they stood in the middle of the heart and did a V pose on their hand

Chaeyoung: a small smile will do

She whispered and Mina let out a subtle smile like what Chaeyoung said. And also because she haven't smiled intentionally in years. The man took their photo and handed the phone back

Chaeyoung: thank you! Let's see

Mina: you look pretty here

Chaeyoung blushed and gently punched
Mina because of the sudden compliment. Mina giggled and they continued strolling until.....

*small tummy growls~*

Chaeyoung: you hungry Mina? We can eat first before exploring the park again

Mina: my tummy's hungry

*small tummy growls~*

Chaeyoung chuckled and Mina felt a little embarrassed

"that was embarrassing Mina, why didn't you ate before going? Wait, embarrassed?"

She thought to herself

Chaeyoung: Mina come, they have good corn dogs here

They went to one of the food stalls to order their food. Mina insisted on paying the foods as Chaeyoung paid their bus fare a while ago

Chaeyoung: I told you they got good corn dogs here

They explored the park again while listening to the band at the stage. Mina never felt this calm and happy at the same time. They sat down on one of the park benches to rest after walking.

Mina took the opportunity to kiss Chaeyoung on the cheek to show how thankful she was for the day.

But Chaeyoung unexpectedly turned her head and accidentally kissed each other on the lips instead on the cheeks. They both blushed a lot to the point they were turning red. They stared at each others' eyes and finally, letting go

                        "my first kiss~"

Mina thought and held her hand onto her lips while Chaeyoung was still in a state of shock

Chaeyoung: I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't kno-

Mina: it's okay, it was just an accident

Mina started getting chest pains because of the kiss and was very worried. She immediately checked the time on her watch. It was 8:30 pm

Mina: do you think we should go home?

Chaeyoung: oh yeah we should, where do you live? I can just drop you off

Mina: how about you?

Chaeyoung: me? I'm used taking the bus at night, don't worry

They took the bus again and Chaeyoung dropped Mina off by their house. She waved goodbye and Mina looked back.

Since they both exchanged numbers while they were at the park, she quickly texted her

Myoi Mina


better rest after eating

dinner, okay?

Okay, get home safely

I will Mina =]

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