---Chapter II: First Blush---

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Dandelions: A Michaeng Fanfic
Chapter 2: First Blush

             "It's been years since I first blushed. But how, how am I blushing for someone I just met? How is that even possible?"

After school, Chaeyoung, Dahyun and Tzuyu went to a cafe to hangout and eat. They were having fun and played board games until Mina, Momo and Sana walked in and they saw each other again. As usual, Momo and Sana were excited to see Dahyun and Tzuyu since they're school friends as well. But Mina, being herself again, didn't mind the happy atmosphere

Sana: Tzuyu!

Momo: Dahyun!

Dahyun and Tzuyu: hey guys!

Tzuyu: you're with Mina? I thought it's just the two of you?

Sana: well, Mina is kinda acting weird today and went with us

Dahyun: for the first time and forever~~~~

Dahyun said in a singing tone while Tzuyu is silently judging her

Dahyun: what??? It's a first Tzu

Momo: did you guys order the food?

Dahyun: of course

Chaeyoung: hi

Chaeyoung shyly greeted them. When Sana was about to greet her back, Mina surprisingly greeted Chaeyoung back

Mina: hello

The other four were shocked with Mina's response. Sana told them that they should leave and let the two alone and see what happens. The three joined the plan, went downstairs and left Mina and Chaeyoung alone

Chaeyoung: oh, they left us alone here

Mina: yeah, they did

Chaeyoung: my friends mentioned about you not talking a lot

Mina: it's true, I don't know why I kept on talking to you

Chaeyoung feeling a little hurt but noticing that Mina talks a lot around her, she felt okay about it. Unexpectedly, a person at a table across them suddenly jumped with excitement and accidentally bumped Chaeyoung which caused her to lose her balance and fall over Mina. They stared at each other while they're still on the ground. Chaeyoung started to blush and so did Mina. It was the first time Mina blushed in years and she couldn't hide it. The other four decided to check on them and saw the two of them at this state

Dahyun: what are you guys doing......

Sana: Mina, you're not like this T^T

Momo: I told you Mina is weird today

Tzuyu: Chaeyoung get up now

They immediately stood up and fixed themselves

Chaeyoung: a-are you okay??? I'm so sorry

Mina: it's fine, it was an accident

Mina saw Chaeyoung's palm had a little bruise and was a little worried

Mina: you have a bruise on your palm, use this, it's clean

Mina said as she hands her handkerchief to Chaeyoung and Chaeng accepting it while blushing

Chaeyoung: T-Thanks

Sana and Momo saw that Mina was blushing and immediately pulled her outside and asked her

Sana: what happened and why are you blushing?

Mina: someone bumped Chaeyoung and she just fell over me, she used her hand so that she won't fall directly over me and......hurt me

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