VI : Tribrid vs Quadbrid

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Lizzie and Josie led the Mikaelsons towards their mom's office

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Lizzie and Josie led the Mikaelsons towards their mom's office. Caroline Forbes-Salvatore, the current headmistress had been explaining to the Mikaelsons bout the school. Meanwhile, Hope decided to walk out and look around. She was admiring the boarding school when she accidentally bumped into someone. Her good mood vanished.

"Watch where you're going!" Hope exclaimed towards the red haired girl whom she bumper into. People started to form a crowd to watch. Her voice did made a scene.

"You should tell that to yourself sweetie. I was standing on the sides and you still bumped on me." The unknown girl asked with her hands folded in her chest as she leaned on the lockers. Hope recognized her as one of the 'Morningstar' transferees. She couldn't help but feel jealous and furious towards this girl. Doesn't she know that Hope is the original Tribrid?

"Are you implying that it's my fault?" Hope growled.

"Are you denying that it is?" The girl asked feigning innocence. The other students around them started whispering.

"What is happening here?" Klaus said marching towards where his daughter is, Hayley a few paces behind him.

Liliana's gaze turned towards her oblivious father. Liliana is a Morningstar by birth and holing grudges against her father is in her blood. I mean her mother and uncle Lucifer literally started a rebellion against God. She looked at Klaus then at the woman behind him, Hayley the dog his dad chose to cheat her mom with. Then and there Liliana saw red.

"Niklaus Mikaelson. I assume this mannerless girl is your daughter? Oh Hayley Marshall or Kenner or Mikaelson? Which one is it dear? Whatever your new surname may be, that doesn't change the fact that your the female dog that the original Hybrid knocked up." Liliana said with a teasing and sadistic smile.

"How dare you insult my mom!?" Hope shouted. She was about to slap Liliana but the Morningstar stopped her.

"I wasn't insulting her, deary. I was describing her." Liliana then gave her the sweetest smile she possessed.

Klaus, on the other hand, was frozen. This girl right in front of him acted a lot like the person he have loved since forever. They have the same hair color and eyes but her facial structures and features are quite familiar yet foreign for him. It's as if she's his girl version but he cannot deny that some of the features aren't his.

Hope and Hayley was about to attack her when they were pinned on the wall with a spell.

"Now now, we wouldn't want you to hurt our dearest cousin." Another girl appeared behind Liliana, she looks familiar almost like Rebekah. Then two boys were standing with her. Klaus blinked twice because for a moment he thought he was staring at Elijah and Kol, but different. They were Heretics.

"No need to worry cousin dearest. Meeting them is quite a delight, especially Hope Andrea Mikaelson. After all I have to pay my debts." Liliana said with a bright smile. Then Hayley and Hope were released from the spell that pinned them on the wall

"Who are you?" Klaus asked.

"Liliana. Liliana Nicole Morningstar, the person you wouldn't want to cross." She introduced.

Then right on que, the other Mikaelsons arrived. Elijah, Kol, Davina, Freya and Rebekah stood behind Klaus. Oh how the Morningstars want to rip them then and there. They act like they're the most powerful family but can they really compete with the family that literally owns the world? No.

"Who are they Nik?" Rebekah asked, eyeing the teens warily. But then her gaze soften when it landed on the blonde girl who currently stood beside the red haired girl they heard to be Liliana.

The blonde girl walked forward and held out her hand. "Apologies for the unpleasant start. My name is--"

"Stella, Liliana, Damien, Kaden!" Esther called, oblivious of the presence of her children. "We have been looking for you. Where have you been?"

"Mother?" The Mikaelsons siblings said in unison.

"You're supposed to be dead." Niklaus said, pulling Hope behind him protectively.

Kol sped up to Esther and held her by the throat. "I am so going to enjoy ripping you apart." But then he was thrown on a wall.

"No one dares to hurt my grandma." Damien glared, still pinning Kol in the wall while choking him. He only let him go when Liliana placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Now, now Dame loosen up. We're here to study not to slaughter." Liliana told him then turned her head towards the Mikaelsons. "Sorry about that. My cousin had a major anger issue."

"As much as we want to stand here and chat, we have very impatient adults to go to." Kaden intercepted. "Lead the way grandma."

And the Morningstars left the Mikaelsons confused.

Klaus followed his mother and the teens that has the same name as three of his deceased nephews and niece. He couldn't ignore how the red haired teen that talked back to Hope feel so familiar. The boys and the blond girl walked with Esther while the red head stopped on her tracks.

"You know it's creepy to stalk someone right?" She said before turning to face him.

"Who are you?" Klaus asked which made the girl smirk.

"Your guardian devil."

"But isn't it supposed to be guardian angel?" Klaus Mikaelson said to the red haired girl sitting next to him on the bonfire.

"Nah, not really."

The red haired girl's response brought him flashback when he asked his Lucia who she is. It was way before he became a hybrid. They met when he thought he was in love with Tatia but when Lucia came, nobody mattered more. He was about to open his mouth when someone interrupted him.

"Walk away from my daughter Nik." Klaus froze. That voice he could never forget... It was her, his guardian devil.

"Lucia." Klaus' gaze bounced from Liliana to Lucia. "She's your daughter? You have a daughter? With who?!" Klaus asked enraged and jealous that the love of his existence is now a mother to someone else's child.

"None of your dusty crusty musty arse's business." Lucia growled dragging her daughter away.

Freya appeared right beside Niklaus when Lucia and Liliana disappeared. She saw the young red head and she recognized her. The angel sitting on the throne. The three other teens were the people with her. Then she sensed it. She sensed her.

"Klaus I think we have been wrong. Hope is not your eldest daughter." Freya said.

"What do you mean Hope is not my--" then it dawned on him.

Lucia Morningstar's daughter is his daughter too. She didn't have a child with another man. She had a child with him. His child grew up without him and he didn't even know she exist.

But then he'd remember dreaming that instead of Hope, he had a daughter with Lucia. He had dreamed of that every night, that he and Lucia had a happy family. Maybe deep down he knew that he had her that's why he yearned for his unknown daughter. Or maybe the dream is another one of God's doing because even though he disapproved about the hybrid's choices he is still his granddaughter's father.

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