XVI : Chances and Ifs

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The white walls of the room melted and slowly turned into their living room

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The white walls of the room melted and slowly turned into their living room. Marcel and Nadia decided to leave the family because they look like they're still processing what they saw.

Klaus couldn't look at his younger daughter. When he lost Lucia, he felt like Hope is the only one he had left. He promised himself he wouldn't give his daughter a reason to leave him. But after seeing that his daughter that he treasured the most is one of the reasons his eldest daughter who he never knew existed hated him.

Elijah was livid. He lost the love of his life once. It hurts him that when she came back to life, she didn't make any effort to contact him. But he couldn't blame her. He neglected his son to be the father figure of his brother's daughter.

Rebekah is drowning in regret. Her baby girl, the gift that she had always dreamed of, is happy without her. Her daughter found a family that doesn't hesitate to protect her, quite the opposite from the treatment they received from them.

Kol was furious, thinking that his brother stole his son. He hates seeing Damien do the things they're supposed to do with Finn. Davina was just feeling miserable for taking her child for granted.

Freya hoped that she did things differently. If only she tried to be fair when it comes to treating her nieces and nephews, she might have prevented the family's fall out.

Hayley was pissed. Those children are taking away the family that is supposed to protect and love Hope. Plus the love of her life's true love is back. Katherine Pierce is alive and she knows there isn't anything that she could offer that Katherine can't. Her chance in getting Elijah back diminished and is close to impossible in a matter of seconds.

Hope, well she's scared. She knows her family would hate her for how she treated her cousins. Her family hadn't even saw the worst thing that she did to her cousins. Her aunts and uncles want their children back. They barely spent time with her when her cousins disappeared. They would never spend time with her now. And her dad...

She was aware of how her mother drugged her father's drink using Bonnie Bennett's concoction. It was a favor asked by Damon Salvatore to ensure he wouldn't torture the werewolf because of her involvement with Katherine. At that time, with Klaus and Lucia together, they were unstoppable. The Mystic Falls gang needed them to break up. So they plotted that scheme. And that scheme created an unexpected aftermath, Hope. It was the mother and daughter's darkest secret.

Now she and her family knew she had an older, more powerful sister. Klaus and Lucia's child that was made out of love, not out of a one night stand scheme. Hope dreaded the fact that his father would prefer his first born. She wasn't oblivious enough to expect that her father would just ignore Liliana and go back onto focusing on her.

The family went to their separate rooms without a word.

The next day, Liliana was sitting alone on the Mystic Grill waiting for the girls. She loves her cousins and best friend but she also loves having time alone for herself. Sipping on her strawberry milkshake, she didn't noticed her estranged father entering the grill.

Klaus Mikaelson's mind is still a mess. All the informations that was laid in front of him hours ago are still trying to sink in. Then he saw her, his daughter sitting alone on a booth, sipping her strawberry milkshake happily while humming a tune and looking outside the grill.

He wanted to approach her so he walked towards her direction. But as he came closer to her, his courage was slipping away. What would he say when he come face to face with her? Does she even want to talk to him? He was bout to turn around and walk away when he heard her voice.

"Hello Mr. Mikaelson. Are you here to threaten me because of yesterday's event?" Liliana asked with a sweet smile.

Klaus gulped and cleared his throat. Is that how his daughter see him? A father that would threaten his daughter after a little fight? But then he had to remind himself that he treated his daughter's cousins like threats everytime they're anywhere near Hope. They must've told her about their experience with him.

"No. I am not here to threaten you Liliana. I just want to talk to you."

"About what specifically? About me badmouthing your daughter and her mother? About raising Esther from the dead? About how your niece and nephews are alive?" Liliana asked with visible faux innocence.

"No. I would like to talk to you... about us." Klaus said nervously.

"Ew you're too old for me." Liliana said with a sour face as she stood up and started to walk away but Klaus stopped her.

"No, not that kind. Please stay." Lily raised her brow on him as she sat back onto her seat.


"I am your father."

"Yeah. Good for you Darth Vader." Liliana said, rolling her eyes

"No, seriously Liliana. I am your father and I know that you knew." Klaus said firmly.

"Your point?"

"I am not a good person. I have killed mercilessly and tortures without remorse. I am selfish, yes. But don't you ever think for one second that I didn't want you." Klaus let out a shaky breath before continuing. "I may not know you exist before but I do now. Please, tell me what I should do for you to give me a chance to be a father to you."

"Hmm... It depends..." Liliana said with a teasing smile. "not on me but my family. Earn my cousins and mother's forgiveness. Earn my grandparents and uncles and aunts' trust. If you do that, then I'll give you a chance. I cannot hold you accountable for reckless abandonment because just like what you said, you didn't know I existed. But you were aware of the damage that you inflicted towards the people important to me."

"You're my daughter. I can feel there's a but." Klaus said with a raised brow.

"Yes. But if you fail, I shall never see you as my father."

Klaus beamed while thinking about the possibility that his eldest daughter would accept him. "I will do everything I can to complete the task. I will prove that I truly love you, my daughter. Always and forever."

"I'm an immortal. Forever will never be enough."

With that final statement, Liliana stood up and walked out of the grill, deciding to just go home instead of waiting for the others. Her emotions were going haywire. She wanted her father but she hated how he treated her cousins.

Then it made her wonder.

What if Lucia didn't keep her existence a secret?

What if the Mikaelsons didn't mistreated their children?

What if Klaus didn't sleep with Hayley?

Would Lucia and Klaus get married?

Would Liliana have siblings?

Would they be a happy family?

Would Michael be able to push her into another dimension if Klaus was there to protect her?



Hello dearest. I still can't believe this story is getting a whole lot more reads than I expected. So I decided to post an early update. I will try to update on Friday.

Anywho, I just want to say that the first week of college is as hectic as the finals. The schedules are just not it. I'm on my third day and I already want to cry because the professors had been ghosting us.

This is going to be a triple crossover and beware! I will borrow some lines from Lucifer and use other references.

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