IX : Rejected

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They saw a six year old Liliana sneaking inside one of her Auntie Maze's luggage

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They saw a six year old Liliana sneaking inside one of her Auntie Maze's luggage. She was small enough to fit. Her mother had just told her about her father. Apparently he is in New Orleans. Liliana asked her mother to take her there but Lucia apologize to her telling her this isn't the right time yet.

So Liliana took the matters on her own hands and sneaked inside her bounty hunter aunt's luggage. Maze and Eve were tracking three people and their lead points into New Orleans. Liliana held onto the Mikaelson necklace her father gifter her mother a thousand years ago.

Klaus smiled at the necklace. Lucia didn't throw it away. She still had it. The love of her life gave the necklace to their daughter. Their daughter that they made out of love. But then his heart dropped when he realized.

"If she went to New Orleans then why haven't I met her?" Klaus asked.

A look of recognition etched itself onto Hope's face. She knows her dad would be angry at her. But he can't be. Klaus raised her. This brat? They haven't had a decent conversation before. Surely her dad won't be angry at her.

When Eve opened Maze's luggage, she almost screamed after seeing her wife's goddaughter.

"Liliana Nicole Morningstar!"

Before Eve could do anything to bring her back to LA, Liliana ran away from her. Liliana ran and ran until she found herself outside a cafe. There she bumped into someone and fell on her butt.

"Are you okay?" Davina Claire's soothing voice was heard.

"Y-yes Ma'am." Liliana said with fake Southern accent. She knew New Orleans are infested with supernaturals and she won't risk telling them who she is.

Davina gasped as she remembered. " Oh my god! I remember her. I was with--"she was cut off by Hope's voice.

"Watch where you're going, clumsy girl." Hope sneered.

"I'm really sorry for bumping into you. I was just playing tag with my aunts." Liliana said with an apologetic smile while fixing herself. She doesn't lie. She never lied. But she can bend the truth a little.

Davina was distracted when someone came to her. She turned away from the two girls. Hope saw Liliana's necklace. It had the same symbol as Stella's ring. She wants it.

"Hi! I'm Liliana Morningstar." She introduced herself, offering her hands but Hope only looked at her hands in disgust.

"Hope what is the meaning of this?" Klaus asked sternly.

"I'm not sure dad. I was too young to remember." She said avoiding her father's eyes.

"Hope is my name. Where did you get that necklace?"

"Oh my daddy gave it to mommy. I'm going to use this to find my daddy. I don't have any picture of him because mommy was angry at him so she burned all their pictures. It's a family heirloom so mommy said if I show this to daddy, he'll know I'm his daughter." Liliana said happily.

"Give it to me." Hope said angrily.

"But it's mine."

"No. It's your daddy's. And since he left you and you have to find him, it means he doesn't want you. It would look better on me anyway."

Liliana was confused about Hope's sudden hostility so it was too late when she realized that Hope snatched it away from her neck.

Everyone except Hayley looked at Hope in disbelief.

"Why would you do that Hope?" Elijah asked her with disappointment lacing his voice.


"That necklace was spelled. I had it spelled for Lucia as a joke. At that time we thought angels can't procreate and I was already a vampire with my siblings so we knew we'd never have children. But we had a witch to spell it to magically appear in the possession of the first born of our family. I thought it appeared for you to find. I told you that story so you were aware. You said it appeared to you out of nowhere. But-- why would you lie to me like this, Hope?" Klaus asked his daughter. Hope felt guilty after seeing her dad look at her with hurt and betrayal.

But even after realizing what Hope did, she didn't move. Even after Maze and Eve found her, she didn't say anything. She was silent. Even on their way home she was silent. The only thing that runs inside her mind was what that girl, Hope, said.

'And since he left you and you have to find him, it means he doesn't want you.'

'he left you'

'you have to find him'

'he doesn't want you'

Those were the thoughts running through her head.

"No... No that's not true, my little angel." Klaus said as tears stream down his face.

Rebekah and Davina were sobbing.

Freya was completely heartbroken.

Kol was shaking in anger.

Elijah was speechless.

Their niece thought they didn't want her. She was too young to think of that lie as the truth. She was too innocent, too pure. It hurts them physically and emotionally seeing her look at the mirror as her thoughts echoed.

Then Liliana remembered something her mother said.

"Your father is Niklaus Mikaelson, the original Hybrid. For most people he's the big bad wolf. But for me? He was my protector. He showed me that even a sinner can love. He's the greatest man I know, greater than my father. He didn't fix me. He helped me fix myself. And I did the same for him. Never resent him for his mistake. To be honest, I'm being selfish. I chose to turn my back on him even though I knew he didn't mean what he did. I'm a coward. I cannot muster the courage to face him. But you, my little Lily. Someday you'll be able to meet him. You look just like him. Dirty blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. Every time I look at you, I am reminded about all the good things that he has done for me. I might have lost him due to my cowardice but at least I have you."

Klaus didn't know what to do. He wanted to run to her. He wanted to hug her. He wanted to tell her that it will always be her. But he can't. At least for now.

"I look like him, dirty blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes." Liliana said to herself. She's in her room looking at herself.

Lucia looked at her daughter, hiding on the nook. Her daughter needs space. She knew something happened.

"I look like him, dirty blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes." Liliana repeated. The sadness in her eyes was replaced with anger.

"But he didn't want me. I don't want to look like him. I refuse to look like him!" She shouted. Then she cried, screaming, letting out all the pain.

Her power, in the form of a red mist, surrounded her. Lucia went out of her hiding spot and shouted for Liliana. It went on for minutes then it stopped. The red mist disappeared. All Lucia could see are her daughter's wings, wrapped around her body.

It was the first time Liliana's wings showed. Unlike Lucifer and her's white wings with soft feathers, Liliana's wings were like diamonds, shiny and sharp. Then Lucia gasped when her daughter looked up to her.

Niklaus' heart broke for the millionth time. The once dirty blonde hair of Liliana was now blood red, her beautiful and innocent blue eyes were replaced by fierce rubies.

"My darling angel. You know how this works right? Deep inside our hearts, what we look like is how we see ourselves. These wings, your hair, your eyes."

"This is how I see myself, mommy. I am Liliana Nicole Morningstar. I am not Niklaus Mikaelson's daughter. I am yours."

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