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It's 9 pm, why would Harlan be calling him this late?


''Hello, grandson. How have you been?''

Ransom rolls his eyes. ''Peachy. How have you been?''

''Good, good. I just had a little chat with Marta, she said you needed her for your friend.''

He pinches the bridge of his nose and closes his eyes. ''I'm sorry, ok? Normally I would have taken her to the hospital but neither of us can afford hospital bills right now. I'll pay you back for her time, it might take me some time because of rent and everything but you'll get your money.''

''Nonsense. Keep your money, Ransom. That's not why I was calling.''

''Why are you calling then?''

''To see if she is feeling better.''

''Oh.'' He clears his throat. ''Yeah, she is. Thanks to Marta.''

''She also told me she was a very special friend.''

''Ha! That's why you're calling. I should have known she was going to rat me out.''

''So who is she? When can I meet the miracle worker who made you trust people again?''

''I'm not having this conversation with you.'' He shakes his head and starts cleaning up the kitchen with one hand while the other keeps his phone against his ear.

''Why not?''

''Because you want gossip and there is none.''

''You should bring her at the next family dinner.''

''Are you out of your goddamn mind? I'm not letting her go anywhere near any of them.''

''We're still your family, Ransom. If she's in your life then she should be in ours as well, part of the family.''

''Ok, pump the brakes. She's my friend, not my girlfriend.'' Ransom whispers in case you can hear him.

''That's not what Marta said.''

''Marta was here for less than an hour, what does she know?''

''She says that you were very protective and sweet. You didn't leave her side and took care of her.''

''Yeah, so?''

''That sounds like love to me.''

He groans. ''I'm done with your craziness, old man. I have a kitchen to clean up and a sick friend to take care of, bye.'' He hangs up before Harlan has time to add anything else that would make Ransom want to rip the hair out of his head. Instead he focuses on cleaning the kitchen until it's spotless and then goes to your room to change your sheets for when you're ready to go back to your own bed. With everything done, he goes back to his room quietly in case you're sleeping. He watches you for a few seconds and once he's sure that you're sleeping he takes a clean pair of sweats and a tank top with a pair of underwear, leaving as quietly as he came in to go take a quick shower.

This time when he comes back your eyes are wide opened.

''I thought you said you'd be back before I woke up.'' You tease him.

''I'm sorry, Harlan called me and it slowed me down. In my defense, the first time I came in you were still asleep.'' He gets under the covers on his side of the bed and lies down on his back, turning his head to the side to look at you. ''How are you feeling?'' He reaches over and gently touches your cheeks, still afraid that your fever will come back.

''Better than I did when I came home from work.'' You smile and sit up. ''I'll go sleep in my own bed, get out of your hair. You've been taking care of me all day, I'm sure you have better things to do.''

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