A Family Apart

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Alma finally saw it, the love and adoration they felt for eachother as camilo walked over to (Y/n). The closer he got, the lesser the flames where, and when he was standing next to him the flames had completely diminished. She saw the strong bond that had grown over the months they where together, it was all infront of her, yet she chose to close her eyes and continue with the lie she had been told. "Two men, cannot be involved with eachother, it is simply impossible!" She said, and now it was camilos turn to speak. "Like it's impossible for a man to fall for a woman?" He questioned. "That is differ-" "No, it's exactly the same thing, just because we both have a dick doesn't mean we can't love eachother." Camilo cut her off. Normally his mamá would have told him to watch his language, but right now that was unimportant to her. "Love is love, abuela. Even if he's a man, I still feel like when I'm with him, nothing can happend. When I'm with him, I feel save. I feel loved. I feel complete." Camilo said, looking to the floor, holding (Y/n)'s hand. "When I'm with camilo, everything that happend in the past, seems so far away that it can't hurt me anymore. When I'm with him, I feel like it doesn't matter what will happen in the future. It onöy matters what is now, and now I love camilo with all my heart. Yeah I may only be 16, yeah I may not have that much life experience, but I still know and recognise love. I love camilo, amd I'll say it again and again until you realize that." (Y/n) said, suprising everyone in this room. Camilo teared up and smiled, hugging (Y/n) as hard as he could. (Y/n) returning the act, and enjoying every second of it. He kissed camilos forehead, and looked at alma. She still had a look of disgust on her face. "I will not tolerate such thing in this house!" She said, still fuming. (Y/n) sighed, all hope of having a normal conversation leaving him. "Fine." Camilo said, confusing everyone, and making alma hope thatvshe had converted him back to 'normal'. "If you don't want us in your house, then I guess I'll have to move in with (Y/n)." Camilo said finishing his thought. "Camilo, cariño. Are you sure?" Pepa asked. "Yeah, I'm sure." Camilo smiled at his mother. "Well, I do feel like I have to give you some hospitality, cus the amount of times I was over is probably uncountable." (Y/n) said, making everyone laugh. "Why are you all okay with this?!" Alma asked, angry as ever. "Because, it's their decision where they want to go, plus I would have sent camilo to live with (Y/n) as well, seeing as you still seem to be holding on a little tighter than you should." Bruno voiced his thoughts for the first time in this conflict, suprising everyone exept for Camilo and (Y/n).

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