A shoulder to lean on pt.2

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My plan was as followed, I would ride over to Troy and ask some of the people I knew there to help me make replica's and He didn't know I was doing it as It was a pretty far ride so I had to make a pit stop every time. So once I had everything bagged up I asked troy to take the originals back to the others. The difference between these nd the originals, These papers had anything important redacted out and the devices didn't work. Once I met back up with the guy the next day I gave him everything and he just take a quick check at the bags then took off my bracelet.

'Just remember I will kill you if this stuff isn't what I want.' 

He said as he rode off. As I headed back home I prepared myself for a fight that nobody could help me with and I made sure to let everybody know I cared about them. Luckily they figured I was like this because of the whole other fighting ordeal or 'hormones and I'll admit though I didn't mind that night it still felt wrong as I might've been leaving them for good and they didn't even know. 

a few days later he finally showed up again and I unsheathed my sword pulling my mask over my face and hood covered my head and ears. 

'You've been planning this haven't you?'

'Yes, I wanna challenge you. If you do win I'll fork myself over and you'll get your hefty pay and my life, If I win you'll leave us alone and nobody will come back to get us.'

He smirked and nodded before pulling out a giant Axe and dismounting from his horse. My eyes widened before I felt my body start to shake. I finally let myself get a grip before taking a breath and when I looked back at him he seemed to have the fear of death in his eyes. I was confused but eventually we did start to fight, which lasted quite a few hours. At that point I had been badly beaten up and bruised even. I couldn't see from one eye anymore and there was blood pretty much everywhere we looked. He was just as exhausted but I somehow managed to get way more hits onto him. I looked down trying to catch my breath and when I looked up again he was standing above me holding his axe up about to bring it down on top of me, and in that instant my life flashed in front of my eyes.

I had almost blacked out for a few seconds before I heard a familiar voice screaming my name,

'Nova Run!!'

When I came back to reality I saw Aziel Holding the axe up and I was just barely out of the way when I saw the guy finally get his axe loose from Aziel's grip and he swung the blunt end at him, tossing Aziel to the side as I Screamed for him. I felt the tears streaming down my face as I rushed over to him holding him in my arms as he laid still. He wasn't responding at all. My heart sunk and I laid him down and put my head on his chest crying. Then I felt something hitting my back, almost like a falling rock but It didn't hurt a lot. When I turned around, The man was standing there with a broken axe staring at me with widened eyes. I stood up and the tears started to slow down and anger took over me. Then I blacked out for what felt like hours.

When I finally came back to, I was standing over anonymous' dead body and my sword was in his chest. I stared at the scene and Aziel was still laying still. I ran back over to him and I hugged him again as I felt a hand on my cheek. Aziel pulled me in closer and I sighed and started to cry again. 

'I never did notice how beautiful your eyes were..'

He murmured under his breath, and I widened my eyes grabbing his hand. 

'No, you'll be okay! Scott can heal you!..You'll heal, you're part animal!..' 

'It only heals so fast Nova...'

'No no no! You can't leave me! I was doing this to protect you!..Don't tell me I did it for nothing!' 

'I'm sorry Nova..I'll watch over you..I promise..Just keep fighting for the hybrids..'

'Stop it!! You're not dying on me-!!'

He shut me up by kissing me and I kissed him back before I felt his hand go limp and he had stopped kissing me. I put him back down and I cried on his chest before I heard Scott from afar running towards us. I don't remember much after except for all the screaming and crying. I eventually cried myself to sleep and continuously woke up in the night thinking it was just a dream until I felt my entire body aching and my vision became clear that I couldn't see from one eye. 

Everyone was extremely sad about it but I think I took it the worst..I had known him the best after all. We agreed to burry him under the tree we'd fallen asleep under together when he asked me to dance. I placed down my sword as a grave stone and Scott engraved his initials into it earlier. as I stuck it into the ground I fell to my knees and cried again. I stayed even after everyone else had left. I fell asleep there a few times too, and I knew it wasn't a dream anymore. As I thought about it I couldn't understand how I could've survived but he didn't. I remembered the fear in the other guys eyes before we fought and when I turned around. I also remembered his broken axe and the feeling of the rock hitting my back. I slowly made my way back to my tent and turned my back to a mirror. I had a giant bruise in the middle of my back on my spine, in the same shape and area I felt the pressure going down onto my back was. My eyes widened as I again fell to my knees.

Why wasn't I the one to get hurt or die?? Why was it him?? I held my hands over my stomach as I felt sick all of a sudden. I had been for a few days now and I figured it was just a sickness and I'd get over it but it won't go away, so I went to Scott and he gave me some herbs to help me soothe it and it worked for a little while. After Aziel had died Scott and the others all made turns to take off and go somewhere, while I didn't really care anymore at this point. I just wanted Aziel back..

After a few weeks of this I couldn't help but eat most of the day, and I had noticed I'd been gaining weight. Scott, Stiles, Toby, Jake and Tylar all told me it was normal and it was okay for me to after losing him, but I couldn't help but blame myself. At some point I tried to stop eating but I would get the worst stomach cramps so I just gave up. I laid in bed all day everyday, snacking on anything I could find that didn't taste like hell. Everybody assumed I was getting really sick and I kind of had hope that I'd join Aziel but it never did happen. In fact what I did find out was something that gave me a little more joy that I didn't think was possible as I was sure that I had completely run out. 

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