Cat and mouse

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Aziel's Pov:(A few weeks later)

As I looked around the store I noticed the lady staring at me. I know I looked stupid I had no fucking clue what to look for.

'Will you relax? You look like you wanna start a fight.'

I heard Scott whispering beside me.

'I don't know what I'm even looking for!'

'Come.On. I already did all the hard work all you do is pick a damn design!'

As I browsed my options I felt a bunch of eyes staring at me.

'What if it's too girly...or fragile?? Or too small..Maybe I should just forget it..!'

'Oh my- dude you have colder feet than my dead grandmother, would you just breathe. All the oxygen is going strayght to the damn stomach and nowhere near your brain right now. She'll lobe whatever you get her. Just take something thay speaks to you.'

I heard him mummble a few cusses as I turned to browse a bit more and I suddenly realise I was running late. Suddenly something caught my eye. It was simple and small but it reminded me of Nova. So I took it and we were off to the next five stores before I returned home to nova in a beautiful black dress for our date. I took her hand and lead her to the car as I waved to Scott and drove off. But this date was different. I went back to the old camp first. It was completely empty now and nature consumed every inch of the camping ground. We got out and I sat her down on a small blanket I had layd out with a picnic basket as I picked her some fresh wild flowers.

Time seemed to tick by so quickly, as I suddenly realised that it was getting late now so I drove us back after out picnic and I sat her down at our last destination. It was a beautiful lake with an amazing view of the sunset. I sat beside her and as the sun got closer and closer to peaking out from behind the mountains my heart started pounding worse than ever. This was the first time after who knows how long that I have been able to do this and do it right so when the sun was just below the mountain peaks I stood up and took her hands gently holding them as I took a breath.

Nova's Pov:(Watching the sunset)

Todays date was incredible. Though quite different. When Aziel stood up I started to worry. He held my hands ever so gently and the world fell silent for a moment until I spoke.

'Aziel? Is everything alright?'

He stepped closer.

'Nova..I've been waiting to do this for a while..and..'

My heart sank down to my stomach. I was so confused as to what was going on at first.

'Well..the day I first saw you I was curious. You weren't like anyone else...and I fell in love with you because of that..I was so afraid to speak yet I wanted to tell you my whole life story..'

A tear fell down his face. As he knelt to the ground and pulled something from his pocket.

'After all we've been through I want you to stay in my life forever. So..would you do me the honor and be my wife?'

I looked down and the case in his hands and a ring of beutiful diamond was staring back. I felt my face start to glow as I looked up at Aziel now crying.

'Of coarse I'll marry you, You pumpkin head!'

I jumped up hugging him as we kissed and he slid the ring onto my finger kissing my hand as we watched the sun set and went back home to announce our new engagement.

2 weeks before the wedding, Me, Melony and Jade went dress shopping. It went about as well as you'd expect with three tomboys and a white room but honestly I fell inlove with quite a few dresses.

'I mean..I'm just saying that like, I'm not the best person to ask. For fashion advise especially.'

Melony spoke as Jade shook her head.

'You're fucking 2 men I don't think any arvise is relevant coming from you.'

'Oi! Hush I can fuck whoever I want. Plus they fuck eachother too-'

Me and Jade voth burst out with laughter before the well known "Eww" sound left our mouths.

I then turned to the two honestly curious.

'How am I gonna find a good dress with a judgy lesbian and a polyamerous tomboy??'

Just then Troy walked in and in the moment I swear he seemed like an angel walking towards us.

'Hey princess. How could you get married so soon??'

He hugged me and I hugged him back chuckling at his comment.

'I'm so glad you're here. These two idiots can't decide on a dress.'

Just then he immediatly took over as the other two were still trying to figure out how I had the guts to call them out.

Eventually we settled on a dress and we figured out the kinks and a few changes were made.

The day of the wedding everything went amazingly amd everything was beautiful..Aziel was wearing a beautiful black suit with a red tie and handkerchief to match our theme and my dress was a beautiful white fading into red. But, sadly it didn't go as smoothly as I had hoped.. It all started with the popular phrase everyone knows.

'Any objections? Speak now or forever hold your peace.'

Suddenly I heard a voice from the back of the seats.

'I object to the wedding.'

I then saw my father stood at the end of the walk way. Clearly feeling proud of himself.

'How sweet. But you don't have a say. Not afte what you did.'

'I'm still your father. I don't see a problem, Other than the fact that you want to marry a low life such as Aziel.'

'He's an amazing man, who you tried to kill!'

Just the Scott grabbed him and my dad shook him off.

'Fine. Have your wedding. But he is a dead man walking I promise you that.'

And as he turned walking away we just continued our wedding and it went amazing. We weren't to worried about my dad but still made sure everything was safe first. Not long after the wedding me and Aziel planned our honeymoon to a beautiful Island just to get away and we left Scott in charge of the kids. That was the most terrifying decision I had to make in my life, because we all know he and stiles together are dumbasses. Complete dumbasses.
But this kids love them to death and I trust them too despite their constant antics.

And Nora especially loves Scott. He's like a big brother to her in her eyes and I'd be impersonating a monster if I let someone else babysit. So we were off.

After a few days at the island we started getting packages from an anonymous sender and cards. Creepy cards. So I started to put it together and sure enough I knew it had to be my dad. The wording he used and the style he wrote in was identical to how he spoke. It became eerily creepier as days went on and eventually we started to ignore him until the day he sent us a singular object. A card. All it said

"Let's play a game, of Cat and mouse."

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