Game Time

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I knew what he meant. So I enjoyed the rest of my Honeymoon and when I got home I planned my next move. a Last letter. Then I started packing.

"Fine. We can play on MY conditions. My family is kept out of this and we play for life. But don't forget one little detail...I'm YOUR daughter after all."

With that a few pairs of clothes, and a few of my other necessities made their way into a duffel bag. Then. Weapons of coarse. I knew the type of game he wanted to play. And I was gonna give it to him. So I settled myself into a small apartment and cut all contact with anyone, including the internet. This was a game of Cat and mouse. And I was the mouse. I just needed to know how to play it right.

Day one. Not much action but I did plant some cameras. Trackers and got more info. After that I just did some digging into his background and this went on for about three days. Then day 4 is when it started to get interesting. I watched outside my window and he stood staring at me. And nodded. So we started the chase. I made my way down stairs with my bow and arrows, a few knives and a small pistol. I chased him down and ended up in a small alleyway. Looking around I paced further and further into the gap between the two buildings. 

'We could've just avoided all this dear. But you had to be smart about it and be a bitch.'


I drew my bow back with an arrow aimed at him.

'I never miss.'

'Then go ahead, shoot me but I'll shoot you back.'

He raised a gun to me and a smile crept to both our faces before we both let out a chuckle lowering our weapons. 

'I just need to know why you let them do it. Your own daughter.'

'I never found much use in a baby girl. They're not as smart or as agile, but clearly I was wrong. You're much better than your brothers.'

'Brothers? Multiple..'

'Very well observed.. Cassie. Carter is not your only brother. You also have an older brother, In fact he's right behind you.'

I turned to see a man behind me holding a gun towards me. 

'Ah, So you're a cheat.'

'Now I wouldn't call it that. I call it using small advantages.'

'But you don't want me dead. Or you would've killed me already.'

'Don't think you've got it all figured out. You've known me for a few hours.'

'That's all I need.'

I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my leg and heard a loud bang as I fell to the ground.

'Don't play smart with me. I'm not afraid to kill you.'

'What happened to that loving ill father that hid with me in the basement?..'

'As I said, Not much use for a girl in the family.' 

He then lifted the gun pointing it directly at my head as I started to laugh.

'What's so funny??'

'The irony in your words-'

I replied sweeping him off his feet with my foot and swiping his gun aiming it at my dad. Then I looked at my "brother".

'Shoot me and I'll kill him right here, Right now.'

He looked angry yet his eyes told me a different story. He lowered his gun and walked away but not before smiling in my direction and giving a small nod. When I looked back to my father he was gone. 

'Damn it! Coward!'

I grabbed an arrow from my quiver and took of my shirt covering myself with my jacket, and wrapped my shirt around my leg. Then I returned to the apartment and realised it wasn't healing. I took my shirt off and the bullet was still in my leg so I grabbed a pair of scissors and attempting to remove the bullet and about 43 minutes of excruciating pain later I got it pulled out and the wound started healing. Then I just waited and cleaned the blood the next day before heading out again. This time I had a better chance because I had planted a tracker on my dad the previous day and it was still tracking him.

So off I went and eventually I walked up to a house that seemed quite expensive. As I went around the back I snuck in and waited in the kitchen for my dad to come downstairs. When I heard footsteps I got my gun ready and pointed it at the door. Suddenly my dad popped out in his robes.

'Hello father.'

'Well...Touché kiddo. It's 7 in the morning, can I at least have coffee?'

I have been enlightened to his tricks before I wasn't falling for it.

'I have a boon. You give yourself into the cops now or I kill you right now. Before Coffee.'

'How cruel. Well you did catch me...You won the game.'

I knew it couldn't have been this easy and I was right. I heard a small floor creek behind me and in a moment I was staring at my 'brother' laying on the floor and my father pointing a gun at me again.

'Quick reflexes but I'm not stupid. I knew you'd use a tracker and follow me home.'

Then I had an Idea. It was stupid but it would work. I held up my garage remote from home and put my finger over the button. 

'Then you'd know I rigged the tracker to be an explosive. No? Then put the gun down or you'll go boom.'

He lowered his gun and I hurried to pin him. I may have forgotten to mention that I steal Scott's heavy-duty handcuffs sometimes.. For reasons of personal and public matter. This being a public one. 

'I expected this to take way longer but I suppose You are MY daughter after all. Well played.'

'Well. Yea except the fact the remote to the explosive is just my garage remote.'

As he tried to process the fact he was just completely humiliated I called Scott to come get us and I Also cuffed my supposed brother and placed them a fair distance away. Scott came to pick them up and everything seemed to go back to normal. I went back home and I had to explain to Scott where his handcuffs came from and well let's just say he isn't very happy about it. So now both my parents were in prison and my little brother is staying with us. Turns out the other guy was my brother after all and his name is Alex. He didn't get charged as he was under protection for something. That was a mystery that I didn't want to get involved in yet as things just calmed down. But he often came to visit me and we actually got along pretty well. 

But I did figure out that he had been in a business with my dad but it was unwillingly as he was forced to at gunpoint and they threatened Carter but he had no Idea we had him. Oh well, As long as it ended well, and it Did. And just then, sitting on the couch by the fire I realised the huge mistake I had made...

'Aw FUCK! I could've said "GAME OVER DAD!"..'

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