Driving test

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"Rise and shine baby boy."

"More sleep."

"Nope, breakfast and then driving test."

"Seriously?" He rolls over to look at him.

"Yes, now let's go." The alpha picks his omega up and goes down stairs.
For breakfast they had, scrambled eggs and toast with bacon, lots of bacon for both of them.
"You're a smart ass." Said Peter.

"Well, you won't steal from me now."

"But when it's from your plate it tastes better."

"Oh, well it seems I'm missing something on my plate." His hands covered his smirk.

"What is it?"

"If everything is better on my plate, why are you not sitting on it?"
Peters face was lit up like a thousand suns, wade took immense joy in seeing the omega react in such a way.
He fumbled with words incoherently trying to speak, wade couldn't help but laugh at him.
"Shut up, it's not funny." Peter finally spoke.

"I'm sorry, but you're so cute when you get all flustered."

"Please stop it. It's not fair, I can't make you flustered and be all cute and blush." He pouts which makes him even cuter.
"Oh but you do make me flustered, I just hide it better than you."

"Still not fair, let's just go take the test already." He gets up and puts his plate in the sink.

"Okay, let's go drive." He was still giggling.

They pull into the parking lot where the testing is held, the driving instructor was already waiting.  He was a middle aged man who had a warm smile on his face.
"Hello, I'm Mr. Redford, I'll be your instructor today."

"Hi, I'm Peter."

"Shall we begin?"

"Sure." You'd think he wouldn't be scared of driving, of all the things he's done how could he be scared of anything?
But Peter nervously sat in the drivers seat and clicked his seatbelt on.

"No need to be nervous, driving is like riding a bike, just bigger."

"And it can go faster."

"You'll be fine babe." Wade sat in the back seat.

"Please refrain from giving him directions." The instructor spoke to wade. "Now, put it in drive and pull up to the white line, stop just in front of it."

"Okay, that's easy."
He pulls up slowly and hits the break, the next step was backing up into a parking spot, after that was parallel parking.
"Good job, now we will start the driving part of the test."
Peter was scared to be on the road, but wade sat behind him and gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze.
"Okay, let's do this."

Peter pulls out into the road slowly, no cars were coming at the time so he was free to go as slow as he wanted.
"Now go down two blocks and make a right turn."

"Okay." He used his turn signal and makes the turn, all of the sudden something felt wrong. His senses were telling him danger was close.
He grips the wheel, ready for anything.
"Easy on the wheel, don't tense up." Said the instructor.

Suddenly a car flys through the air, it was falling towards them and peter makes a hard right turn dodging the car and keeps driving away.
"Oh my god, it must be a villain get back to the parking lot."

"Is that the end of the test?"

"Yes, I'm not having you drive while a villain is on the loose."
They make it back to the parking lot safely, but havoc was breaking loose down town.
"Well in a normal situation the test would have been longer, but seeing how you had such a quick reaction and stayed in the lines I'll give you a passing grade."

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