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Wade was getting into his new suit, and strapping every weapon he could put on himself.
"Dude, do you even know who to go after?" Weasel asked.

"Nope, but I got people who hear everything and see everything. I'll find him in an hour tops."

"I wonder why someone would blow up the newspaper building, like of all places why that place?"

"It could be a disgruntled employee, or ex employee that was wrongly fired. I'll definitely check that out." He finished packing up and was headed out the door.

"Kick some ass Deadpool." Weasel called after him.

"You know I will."

Deadpool made calls and texts as he drove to the crime scene, he got some information from one of his guys; that a few people have been fired or quit in the last five months.
"Okay, get me all their addresses, I'm still checking out the scene, stupid bombers always like to go back to the scene." He puts his phone down and steps out of his car.

Police of course were still in the area, at first they didn't notice Deadpool. But when he started climbing rubble to get into the building, they tried to stop him.
"Hey, you menace, you can't go in there."

"Menace? You haven't seen me in forever, and that's how you greet me."

"Deadpool, you can't be here."

"Sorry officer, but I'm gonna be here even if you don't like it. I have a personal matter with this and I'll bring the bastard to justice."

"You can't kill everyone and call it justice." The officer tries to block him.

"That's funny coming from you. Using your damn badge to not uphold the law, and killing innocent people for no good reason."
The officer opens his mouth to speak, but wade continues to speak and got louder.
"You don't even call it justice, you just sweep it under the rug and call it a day. I take down really bad guys, the guys who blow up buildings and hurt or kill innocent people." He continues to walk into the building, leaving the officer speechless.

"Let's see, if I was a bomber where would I stand to overlook my master piece?" Deadpool asked himself.
He looks around at all the destruction, splinters that used to be a desk, glass everywhere, computers turned to dust, and chairs that looked like magneto himself twisted up just for fun.
"Damn, he used a controlled substance to blast this shit up. He knew exactly where to hit. This wasn't a disgruntled employee, they hired a professional."
Just then his phone went off,
"Talk to me."

"One guy stands out, his name is Travis waters. He was fired for following women to the bathroom, and recording them." His friend diamond, spoke softly.

"What a pervert. Any strange bank transactions?"

"He took out a loan a few months ago, actually it was a few days after he got fired, and then wired that money to an off shore account just yesterday."

"He had this planned since he got fired, it took him long enough. He's definitely our guy. But I want to find the hitman he hired too."

"I'm still tracing the money, I'm sure I can find the account holder soon."

"You're the best D, keep me posted."

He left the building with no other clues and didn't see any suspicious people in the area.
"I guess he's a professional, not some random psycho." He felt dejected, he wanted- needed to find who did this and beat the shit out of them for hurting peter.

Diamond was calling him back in no time, "give me good news." He answered.

"Wade." Her tone was serious.

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