Chapter Six

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We continued watching Tv until the sun went down. Then I got up and went to change. I slipped on some stretchy running shorts and a white tank top and a black cardigan. I put on my black vans and when I came out again Daniel was staring. "Ready," I smiled.

"Ready," he smiled back.

We went outside and walked. I still had my beenie on and I liked it there. I've never had something sentimental with anyone before. I looked to Daniel. Why did I like him again? He was cute and defiantly had a dark past, but there wasn't really anything that just stuck out. I felt something warm fill my right hand. I looked down to see Daniel was holding my hand. Being emotionless meant you didn't have to deal with someone else's problems and didn't have to worry about what they were doing. I looked up at Daniel. But feeling felt great. I walked closer to him and leaned my head on his shoulder. He looked down on me. "This whole not feeling thing isn't working out how I planned," I frowned.

"I'm fine with that," he smiled.

I smiled back. I was too. He led me through twists and turns of alleys and I was easily lost. But he traveled as if he had done it all his life. He probably has. We went down two flights of open stairs that were slippery with dew. Soon I heard the noise and we came to a door, that was filled with screams. He knocked a long rhythm and waited. Then a man with a scruffy beard opened the door, his lip had a rather large scar and an eyepatch. He saw Daniel and his eyes widened. "Ripper?" he said, his voice low and rumbling.

Daniel shifted to his other foot and nodded. "Come on in!" and then his eyes drifted to me.

"Ripper? Don't tell me you've settled down," he flinched, looking me over.

"Afraid we've only been together as of today," he smiled.

He looked me over again, this time with hungry eyes, or eye in his case. Then he shrugged and stepped aside. We walked in and we were swarmed with millions of people. I could hear the punching from across the room. We made our way to the front and were pressed against the sidelines. Just as the big guy went down the bell sounded. The announcer spotted Daniel and his eyes widened. The two men went off the court and they were both laughing, both equally beat up. "And I've spotted an old one folks!" the announcer laughed pointing at Daniel. Everyone looked at the two of us. "C'mon Ripper, one more game?" the announcer said.

Everyone erupted in agreement. Daniel shook his head in defeat. He tore off his shirt and I couldn't help but to flush. He pushed himself onto the stage and I watched. Someone threw him wrap and he wrapped his knuckles. "I'll take him on!" a guy from the crowd announced.

He hopped up onto the stage, he was easily triple the size of Daniel. I felt my stomach double over. Daniel didn't even seem slightly worried. A bell rang and the big guy charged towards Daniel. Daniel easily slipped to the slide making the big guy fall. He quickly stood and threw a punch at Daniel. Daniel dodged and punched him in the side. It was all easily projected. Daniel was quick and strong, even though the big guy was strong too but he was slow. Soon Daniel clipped him in the jaw and he fell unconscious. Everyone whooped and cheered. "The Ripper everyone!" the announcer laughed.

Daniel hopped back down, sweaty. He smiled at me and kissed me. He kissed me. I smiled at him widely even though he grinned. Everyone was watching us. I gulped and wondered what would happen next. "Why doesn't your girlfriend give it a go?" the announcer yelled.

Everyone agreed very loudly. My eyes widened. Daniel shook his head and I was frozen in place. "Show us what you got!" the announcer yelled.

I slipped off my cardigan and went up on the stage. My tank top was tight and even though I could fight in anything, it wasn't very comfortable. A pale girl with braided hair got on the stage. Her muscles were ripped and she was wearing only a training bra, showing off her hard six pack. I wrapped my knuckles and brought my fists up. I knew once I started fighting I wouldn't stop until I won. She gave me an evil grin and I took a deep breath. What a waist of time. The bell sounded and she threw a punch instantly. I dodged her next five and ducked through her legs, thank god I was short compared to her. She turned around quickly and by surprise I punched. I kept punching, not stopping unless I was dodging. Soon she fell the ground, her face blue and purple. I sighed and pushed my hair out of my face. "Looks like we've got a winner folks!" the announcer laughed and everyone was still in shock.

I hopped off the stage and headed towards Daniel. He was smiling at me, he must've known I was going to win all along. We watched the other fights and I held Daniel's hand. I looked at him. If I wouldn't of helped him out that day we wouldn't be here, I'd be perfectly fine, no risks. I would probably be at home doing my homework or sleeping at this time. So much could change from just a helping hand. I sighed and looked back to the ring.

So much.

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