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I took a deep breath. My dress was tight and I knew I looked good in it... hopefully. Carlos stood by my side in a black tuxedo. His grey hair was combed back and he had a wide grin on his face. Jammie, my best friend, was fixing my hair while Janet did my makeup. It was almost time and I couldn't be more nervous. The organ came on and Jammie jumped up. "Here we go princess!" she squealed quietly.

Carlos offered his arm and I took it, trying to keep my breath from speeding. We walked slowly down the isle, even though I felt like running. Daniel stood at the alter, a priest behind him. His jaw was slack when he saw me. Christa threw flower petals in front of me, she was Jammie's daughter. She wore a white dress and her chocolate brown hair was pulled back. Jammie was already to the side of the alter, my bridesmaid. I stepped up the alter, letting go of Carlos. I stood in front of Daniel and he was grinning. I didn't even hear the priest as he spoke, I was too caught up in Daniel. I stuttered when I said my part.

"I do."

"I do."

And that was it. "You may now kiss the bride!" and Daniel jumped at me.

But it was an ending.

And a new beginning.

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