Chapter Fourteen

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"A hundred grand?" I said, my eyes wide.

Daniel nodded happily. "That's amazing!" I said jumping out of his lap.

He just nodded again. Just then the door burst wide open. I jumped back, the guy I beat earlier stormed in, Erik right behind him. Daniel was up and so were his friends. "You're coming with me," Erik smiled at me.

I growled and jumped to grab the guy I beat. He simply grabbed me and threw me against a wall. I landed on the ground in a giant thump. Daniel was quick to jump in front of me and protected me from his stepping closer. "Leave her alone," Daniel growled.

"No," the man sneered and jumped at Daniel.

Ray tackled the man in midflight and they both went tumbling to the ground. "C'mon," Daniel swept me into his arms and ran out the door, Erik running after us.

A few gun shots rang through the air and the crowd went wild. Daniel had dodged the crowd and had made it to the exit before the herd could trample us. Daniel threw me into the car and got in. He sped off, Erik in a slick black car behind us. Daniel drove so quickly I was surprised there weren't cops after us. Erik smacked the back of the car and I went flying into the front. I yelled and Daniel swerved to the side of the road. My eyes were two blurry and I think I broke a rib. Soon everything was black and Daniel was yelling.


When I opened my eyes I was on a bed, it was a water bed. I sat up and looked around. It was day, the room very expensive looking. A bathroom and walk in closet were to the right but the curtains on the canopy of the bed I was on made everything seem fuzzy. There was a wall that was just a window to my left. I was alone. I crawled out of bed, I was wearing the same thing I was yesterday. I went to the door that was locked and jiggled the doorknob. It was locked. I stepped back, idiots. I ran forward and kicked with everything I had. The door creaked and fell. I stepped out, a long long hallway on either side of me took place. I started running, passing no doors, just wall after wall. I took many turns and was soon lost. Speakers suddenly rang out. "Show us your skills, see if you can get out of the maze," the unfamiliar voice rang out.

I glared at the air. I took breaths and stood straight. I followed the right wall, running. Soon I found and elevator. I got in, there was only one other button. I pressed it and I went flying up. When the doors opened it was like a lobby. A receptionist was behind a desk in front of me. She looked up as I walked forward. "Can I help you?" she said.

She had brown hair that was pulled into a tight bun and her nose was so pointy it looked like a needle. Her glassed were low on her nose and she seemed to be glaring at me. "Where is the exit?" I said politely.

She turned her full body towards me and studied me. "That way," she pointed to the left.

It was a golden door and I went through it. It was pitch black as I walked. Soon bright lights started to turn on. Daniel sat in a metal chair, his hands tied behind his back. There was a man in a white suit walking towards him with a green needle. I ran at them and smacked into a window. I kicked at it but it wouldn't break. What was going on? 

"Your biggest fear is losing him," the unfamiliar voice said in my head.

The man with no face plunged the needle into Daniel's forearm. "No!" I screamed.

"And now we have him, we have you."

My eyes flew open. I tried to sit up but I was strapped down. "She lived through the serum?" a muffled voice said.

I started to thrash, where was Daniel? Was he dead? Millions of questions flew into my head, along with stress and worry. "Stop it," a cold hand was placed against my calf. I looked down, everything was blurry but thankfully I was wearing a patient dress.

"Where's Daniel?" I cried.

Hot tears threatened to escape but I held my breath and squeezed my eyes shut. "He's fine."

Even though I couldn't trust whoever this was I let out a relived breath. "Can I see him?" I sighed.


I shot a glare at the blurry man. "Put her in the last cell, as far away as him," the man said before leaving the room.

Rough hands cut the ropes that held me down. I shot up and ran at the blurry door. Everything was muffled and fuzzy and I honestly didn't know where I was going. I didn't get far before the rough hands swooped me into their arms. I kicked and thrashed again and screamed at the top of my lungs. "Let me go!" I screeched.

The man holding me slapped me so hard across the face the ringing in my ears got even worse. I was thrown against a wall and everything went black once again.

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