Chapter Seven

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Daniel went home that night and I was left alone for the weekend. I spent my time doing homework and thinking about Daniel. I already had a weakness, Adam, and Daniel was just another. Adam was sick today so I was walking alone. Monday, yay. I yawned and kicked a rock. I got to school at my usual time and people stared as I walked by. They all had fearful expressions. What was going on? I walked to my locker and filled my bag with all of my classes. I went outside leaving the door ajar and walked over to the treeline. The kids were surrounding Daniel this time but the blonde kid who usually had Daniel sat aside smugly. Another kid held Daniel up by the throat. "So your Scarlett's boyfriend?" the kid asked.

"Yes he is," I frowned getting ready to drop kick him.

The kid let Daniel drop and Daniel looked at me with eyes wide. The kid turned around and air caught in my throat. Him

-Daniel's POV-

Scarlett obviously recognized the guy who had been choking me a few moments earlier. Her eyes went wide and her bored expression suddenly turned fearful. Who was this guy? "Hey darling, told you i'd find you," the kid winking at Scarlett.

Her eyes darted around, instinctively looking for an exit. "Aw, don't look so afraid, i'm just a new kid," the kid batted his eyes, playing innocent.

Her eyes turned violent. "You're more than that and you know that!" she cried.

Jordan (the blonde kid as Scarlett says) was shocked by her fear. He actually took a step forwards to defend her. Then I was to my feet, that's not his job to do so. I darted past the kid and stood in front of Scarlett. I glared at the kid. Scarlett shook behind me. "Hiding Scarlett? That's so unlike you, oh wait no it's not," something burned in his eyes and pride was written all over his face.

Scarlett stopped shaking. She stepped around me and I said nothing, she would only get mad at me if I got in her way. She walked up to the kid and got in his face. Then madness erupted. She threw a punch but the kid deflected it. He tried tripping her but she only bitch slapped him and grabbed his ankle making him fall. While he was on the ground she sat on his waist and wrapped her hands around his neck. She didn't let go. He slapped her in the arms and she was scarily calm as she choked him. I stepped forward. Whatever this guy did he didn't deserve to die. I pulled Scarlett off and she looked the kid in the eye while she picked up her bag. "I'll be the one lighting the flames this time, Erik," and with that she walked back to the school.

-Scarlett's POV-

Erik was here. Here. I had gone to class, my whole body cold. Daniel gave me questioning glances. Erik was in Daniel and I's first hour and bruises were already forming on his neck. The whole class stared at him and he only stared at me. He chose the seat diagonal from me. He snuck glances at me but I easily ignored him. After school Daniel followed me without saying a word. We went to the cafe from awhile back. We got coffee and sat at our booth. "So," Daniel said looking up.

I looked at him and sighed. If I told him he'd worry, my problems would then be his. He kept his worried gaze on me. He wanted to fix my problems, it was all over his face. "You-" he cut me off, "If you say it's none of my business or I don't need to worry about it I will be royally pissed. Scarlett, when I went out with you the other night it was awesome and I don't want you to hurt, and I do need to worry about it because when you worry I worry without wanting to," he said in a rush, like it was his last words.

I looked down and licked my lips. He's cornered me. "A few years back before I knew how to fight my parents died in a house fire. I was the only survivor. I got into drugs but before that could get serious I met Erik and he taught me how to fight. We got close and started to get close," I stopped trying not to recall the night. "And we went out. We got drunk one night and he admitted setting the mayor's house on fire because he got kicked out of his house and blamed it on him," I felt tears sting my eyes.

Daniel stared clearly not connecting the dots. "The mayor was my father," I choked.

Daniel's eyes widened and he slipped into my booth, cradling me in his arms. I saw regret cross his eyes. "I should've let you kill him," he growled.

I took a deep breath. The cafe was empty but the staff was watching us. "I told him the mayor was my dad and he thought it was funny," I growled.

"I swore I would kill him," I laughed airily.

I tasted my salty tears and closed my eyes. "Then he thought it would be funny to torture me and soon there was a price on my head," I shook my head.

Daniel held me tight and I laid my head on his chest. "He raped me," I said quietly.

Daniel stopped breathing. "I'll kill him," he growled.

"Stop," I said pulling away.

Daniel couldn't care about me enough to kill. "Scarlett you know about my dad but you don't know about my mom," Daniel said quietly.

I didn't want to hear this.

"She left me when I was young. She left me with him. I've never cared about anyone before, there's so much I've never got to do or feel Scarlett," he said looking up at me.

Tears were filling his eyes and I felt my cheeks get hot. "I may not know everything about you Scarlett but you don't understand what I mean when I say I've never loved someone before," he said in a rush, obviously not wanting to cry.

He rubbed his eyes like a child and I wiped away my tears. "I think I love you Scarlett," he breathed.

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