Part one

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It's had been three weeks since your parents died in the car accident you arrived at Ruth's last night and as soon as you got there you drank a whole bottle of vodka you used to stay round all the time with James he looked after you like a big brother as you used to be a geek Ruth told you he got kicked out and fucked off somewhere so the only person you knew was still in town was effy when you dated her brother tony you and her became quite close you broke up with him when you moved away 3 years ago you never knew why they never told you but you moved to USA. Being back in Bristol had brought back loads of memories and you were trying not to think about your parents death when you moved to the USA you had a massive glow up you died your hair it was blond with brown lowlights now you used contacts and only did a little makeup you started dressing better and lost a lot of weight.

You wake up and look next to you to see paddy asleep you always liked him as you were good with kids you slowly moved him and phoned effy "hey" she says picking up "hey first day of college today you excited" you ask "god no but dress hot my dad will pick you up" effy says down the phone "you sure" you ask "yeah address still the same" effy asks "yep see you then" you say hanging up you walk to your wardrobe that you shoved everything in last night drunk you end up walking over to your top draw of your dresser and pick out a jacket before grabbing some jeans and a pink bra you put it all together as paddy wakes up "hey Ellie" he says as you kiss his forehead "good morning be good for school I'll talk after" you say as effy was outside you walk downstairs you grab your converse and walk across the stones barefoot to effys dads car "hey Jim hey eff" you say getting in and shutting the door "where's your bag" Jim asks "don't have one I'll just steal a pen off someone" you say as you start driving.

You wake up and look next to you to see paddy asleep you always liked him as you were good with kids you slowly moved him and phoned effy "hey" she says picking up "hey first day of college today you excited" you ask "god no but dress hot my dad w...

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The car ride was quite with just the radio you see the collage as Jim hits into something then into a bollard it all happened so fast you were quite taken back by the while situation as Jim gets out you climb into the front and undo your window yo...

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The car ride was quite with just the radio you see the collage as Jim hits into something then into a bollard it all happened so fast you were quite taken back by the while situation as Jim gets out you climb into the front and undo your window you see cook and his two friends who you couldn't remember there names sitting in front of you he hadn't changed much but you ended looking up at the one with curly hair you smile before taking the cigarette off effy you see cook start talking to Jim as you get out the car and lean against it as Jim starts putting money in cooks hands he makes eye contact with you. You couldn't tell if he knew it was you but you walk up to him as effy had already left, you put your middle finger down his face and licked off the ketchup "sweet" you say walking to school.

Childhood crush // James cookWhere stories live. Discover now