Part 2🤨

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I was in the back seat laying on Nick, while Dolton was on left. Wade was turning up the radio when it talked about the game "It's gonna be packed tomorrow" I went to sit up but Nick pulled me back down "Well no shit Sherlock, it's a football game what do you expect" I saw Wade roll his eyes "Dude speaking of packed, my legs are killing me back here" Dalton complained like usual "Don't worry man, it's not wades fault with his little hot wheels car" Dalton laughed while Carly  glared and I hit him in the chest with the back of my hand. "I'm trying to sleep can y'all shut up" Nick put his head next to my ear "Sorry" he whispered "It's more like a shot wheels car." Nick looked at Dalton telling him to shut up and Dolton obeyed. I was about to fall asleep until red lights started blinking "What the hell is this" I covered my eyes a little bit trying to get adjusted to the lights. "This sucks" Carly  cried out "I couldn't agree more" I sat up trying to figure out what was going on "Well there goes the short cut" Wade answered and I saw the short cut was cut off do to construction. We turned down the road and Wade started to drive next to Blakes truck. Dolton started yelling and patted me and Nick shoulder "What du- holy shit" I started laughing "oh my god" Carly said looking over to Paige giving Blake a head job. Dolton turned on the camera and Wade honked the horn, Paige looked up and Blake gave us a smirk. Carly gave Paige a shrug asking what she was doing

Paige got her phone and called Carly saying that she dropped her chapstick "This priceless" I laughed "Yea" Nick laughed. A few minutes late we all decided to pull over and camp out because it was getting late. "Hey look a wax museum" and that was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep.


"Hey wake up" I felt someone shaking me, I opened my eyes to see Wade shaking me "I'm up I'm up" I sat up rubbing my eyes "We set up the tents and everything else so you don't need to help with anything" I looked around to see everyone else hanging out and Nick sitting the distance "Oh ok thanks" Wade smiled as a thank you and headed over to Nick. "Look it's sleeping beauty" I rolled my eyes which had felt like the millionth time today "Awww thanks for calling me pretty anyway, you look depressed" I sat on the ground in front of him and put my head back so it was in his lap "No I just don't want to be here" I turned to face him "Then why did you come" he looked down into my brown eyes and I looked into his icy blue ones "I told you, to protect my sister just in case Wade does something weird" I sighed "Look I get that you want to protect your sister i do, but she knows how to take care of herself" He kind of just looked at me "What I'm saying is that She's not a little girl anymore" he looked mad at first but then he smirked "But?" He smiled again "But what" I asked "But. Do you need protecting?" I'm so glad it was dark out or he would have seen me blush "are you watching your sister or me" he shrugged and soon enough a football hit his foot. Wade put his hand out for Nike to throw it but he just sat there and Wade went to go get the ball but Nick got up and threw it to Blake "Nice arm, can't see why they didn't give you a scholarship" Wade looked pissed off so I went next to him to make sure he didn't punch Nick "Yea that's a real tragedy ain't it" Wade walked a little closer "Yea it is" I put my hand on wades chest at pushed him back a little "Wade chill and go help Dolton please?" Wade looked at me but he listened and went go help him "Bye Wade".

I heard Wade mutter asshole and I giggled a little bit. Carly walked up to Nick and me "you know what you can be a prick to me that's fine but he didn't do anything to you"  I went next to Carly and put my arm in her shoulder "So you admit that you did something" Nick asked "Yea I admit that I did something according to you sure" I could tell Carly was getting annoyed by the way Nick was acting and I was too "You dimed me out" really dude you really think your sister would do that "I did not dime you out, when the sheriffs came to the house asking about the car I told them no, I didn't even know it was stolen" she kept doing these weird hand movements "and your blaming that on me" ha this is fun "You could have covered for me huh" I sighed "You get caught for stealing a car and it's her fault, you then resisted arrest and it's the cops fault" I pitched in and Nick laughed "Why would you swing at me huh" i put my hand on my forehead Jesus this boy I love him but Jesus "You get kicked off the football team and it's  the coaches fault, Mom and dad kick you out of the house and it's there fault" Nick just kept on laughing after Carly finished for me. They kept going back and forth until Carly walked away "you are a real asshole you know that" he looked at me weirdly "Excuse me"

"You're always being a dick for no reason, and you always put this 'I don't give a fuck act'  like you have to be the bad guy you don't" he started to laugh and go sit down "Are you kidding me?"


"What that's you have to fucking say is what"

"Yea, I do" he smiles "God why do you have to be so fucking delusional. You are a dick for no reason you treat everyone like shit" He stands up and walk over to me "And why do you have to be this selfish idiotic bitch like seriously if you're gonna act this way go back to your family.. oh wait you don't have one" he had this hard face on until he realized what he said "I- wait I didn't mean it I'm sorry" a tear started to roll down my face "No no don't cry uh I can fix it what do you want me to do" he grabbed my shoulders "Fuck you" I said quietly "What?" He looked confused "I said Fuck you!!" I yelled and got out of his grip "Fuck!" He kicked his chair as I walked away from him. We have never really gotten into fights before the one time we did was when we were playing monopoly and me and Nick almost stopped being friends over that game (author:True story my parents almost got a divorce over monopoly). It sucks that we got into a fight he has never said anything like that before, Carly came up to me "Hey what's wrong" I pushed her out of the way and walked a little bit into the woods "Alexi!!" Carly yelled. I found a rock big enough to sit on so I took a seat on the rock. After a few minutes I heard leaves rustling behind me I turned around and saw it was Nick.

"Did you come here to say more shit about me not knowing my family or what" I wiped my tears "No, I came here to apologize." I just laughed "You apologizing I didn't think that was possible" he asked if he could sit down and I scooted over "Okay look that was the most dumbest thing I could ever say, I mean it was really stupid and your my best friend and I wasn't thinking so I'm so-" I busted out laughing at his rambling "What" he looked at me confused "You rambling is the funniest shit ever"

"I'm trying to apologize here" he covered my mouth so I wouldn't keep laughing. I tapped his hand to let him know I'm good "Look it's fine i forgive you and i know you didn't actually mean it" I smiled "good I was kinda hoping you would, you and Dolton are my best friends" It hurts me when he says we are friends because I always wanted to be more than that "Yea friends" he noticed I didn't sound like I was ok "You good" I turned to face him and I noticed how close our faces were "uh- y-yeah" his eyes transferred to my lips

Nikes Pov:
She turned her head and I are faces were closer than what it was supposed to "uh- y-yeah" I could finally get a closer look of her face without being far away. She had perfect plump lips, dark eyes, and god damn she was gorgeous. I couldn't help myself from looking at her lips. God what is this girl doing to me "Okay just making sure" I said quietly and then I started to lean in and she did too but as soon as our lips were about to connect her brother came running threw the woods "Bro why the hell are y'all taking so long let's get back to camp" we quickly separated and Dolton had a smirk on his face "Uh yea let's go" Alexi quickly got up and left. I was so close to kissing her, I just hope she knows how I feel about her now.

Author: okay so yes I know that this is only the second chapter but I just thought this was a good thing and help me find a ship name For Alexi and Nick I'm kind of think Niclexi idk but help me bro

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