Part 3😏😏

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Alexi's POV:

We all got back to the camp after Dolton interrupted the moment that was about to be the best moment of my life. When we got back to the camp the wind blowed and there was this god awful smell "wow what's that smell" Blake said making a face of disgust "Ew who died out here" I covered my nose with my velvet purple jacket sleeve "Dolton did you crap your pants again" I turned to him "Again? What the actual fuck have I been missing" Dolton turned to us "Huh, no I don't know maybe I mean I'm still in my work clothes" My brother kept smelling himself like he had something on him "Jesus what the hell" Nick covered his nose "Come here right quick" Nick waved his hand for me to come over "Somethings dead out there" Wade said when I walked over to Nick "No something died right here" Blake pointed at the camp.

After the smell left, we all started getting back to joking around and playing football. Dolton put up his camera and started recording everyone "Yo watch this" I patted Nicks shoulder and ran towards Wade covering his eyes and jumping on his back "yo get off" Wade kept squirming around trying to get me off and everyone was laughing and Wade finally flipped me over on my back "Bitch" I laughed sitting up "Jerk" he replied going over to his girlfriend I walked over to Nick who was smiling "What" I crossed my arms over my chest "Nothing" he lifted his arms up in defense. I saw Carly chase my brother and grab his camera to make him go in the tent. "Haha that's what he gets for filming everybody now he's getting a makeover" Nick smirked and got his lighter and started burning the label on the beer bottle that he drank "Hey I need that lighter" he looked at me confused but saw the cigarette in my hand "oh come here" (I'm bout to pull white girl cheesy shit but I thought it was funny so don't judge) I walked over and tripped on a branch that fell from a tree and landed on Nicks lap. He looked at my lips again like he did last time but I took his lighter out of his hand and lit my lung cancer stick.

"Oh shit look at Dolton" Nick pointed "Huh- oh my god" I couldn't contain my laughter at this point and fell to the ground laughing "You look like Elton John but more gay" I laughed even harder and heard Paige laughing with me "Wait Elton John is gay" Dolton asked. After a little while Dolton took his camera and we sat in a circle and everybody was making out with each other other than me,Dolton, and Nick. Dolton was Filming everybody when he turned the camera to me and Nick "Dolton don't even think about I'm not kissing you dude" a smirk formed on Dolton a face "But you'll kiss Alexi" Nick turned to me and grabbed my face "Ayo consent mother fucker" Nick looked me in the eyes "May I" I nodded my head and when our lips were so fucking close of course something interrupts and it was a truck with some bright ass head lights "Oh you got to me kidding me who the fuck is this dude" I yelled "yea" Wade yelled "Yo you need something" Blake yelled after Wade

"What does he want" Carly asked "Hey can you turn off your lights your gonna make me go blind" I yelled covering my face. Now this is creeping me out all he did was hang out there and watch us like some stalker "Okay this is getting kinda creepy" Paige said reading my mind "ay come man get out of here there's nothing to see here let's go" Blake told the man, Wade started walking towards the truck "Can we help you" Carly suggested that we were in his property but we didn't pass any fences "Ay turn yo lights off" Blake stood up "Hey get up for a second" Nick asked since I was sitting on his lap "Bro I'm serious turn your lights off or I'm gonna woop someones ass" Blake yelled but Wade held him back. Nick finally got up and threw a beer bottle at one of the guys headlights and broke it "Nick" Carly yelled but I didn't say anything because I thought it was hot as shit. Nick walked forward and I ran up next to him he stood there for a bit "What" Dolton yelled wailing his arms around trying to look scary but I just scoffed until the truck started to pull away. "Yea" Dolton yelled again "Would you shut up" I slapped his head

"That was great dude that was great" Dolton said "Man Nick is hard core" Blake complemented "What the hell was that about" Carly grabbed Nicks arm "Don't be so hard on him he probably just saved us from getting killed" I walked with Nick back to the chair and sat on his lap again "Thanks for saving our lives basically, I was getting ready to fight or run I don't know which one" I laughed "and why did you agree on kissing me" I questioned "Well, he wasn't wrong I wouldn't mind kissing you" he looked at me in the eyes and I felt like I could just stay there forever. "Ay I think we should head to bed" I knew I was forgetting something I forgot to set up me and nicks tent "Oh shit I forgot to set up my tent" I got up off of nicks lap and got to setting up my tent. "Need some help" Wade asked "yea sure thanks" I smiled at him "No problem. Uh question" Wade looked at me "Yea sure what's up" I look back at him putting down a tiny metal pipe "what's going on with you and Nick" my brows scrunched together in confusion "What do you mean" He sat down and looked at me with a knowing smirk "You two were about to kiss earlier before that stalker dude came" ohhh that thing, yea um nothing going on it was just that Dolton dared us to kiss" I know that wasn't the truth but i didn't really want to tell him I liked Nick.

"Yea sure?" and I just nodded "okay well all I have to do is put the pipe in and pin it down and we should be done". We finished that and me and Nick got set up in the tent.

Nicks POV:
"Hey Dick head the tents ready" Alexi pointed towards the tent "Alright I'm coming". Me and Alexi got everything set up in the tent and we sat in the tent for a moment in a comfortable silence. "Hey I think I'm gonna get changed so can you please get out" I started to get up out of the tent "Yea" I got out of the tent and didn't realize I hadn't closed it all the way until I got out a looked back at the tent and I didn't want to go up to the tent and her thinking I'm coming in. I went to go look away but I saw her taking her shirt off and her black bra was revealed
(This is creepy but I saw this in TVD so fuck off) she didn't have much boobs but got damn did she look hot. "I'm done" she opened the tent and I quickly looked away hoping that she didn't see me "oh ok coming" she held open the tent for me as I took off my shoes and hopped inside. I started taking off my jacket and went into my muscle shirt, I caught Alexi starring at my arms "Take a picture it might last longer" she threw a pillow at me and got under the covers.

"Hey Nick" Alexi called out "Yea" I grunted out taking off my pants to be in my boxers "um never mind" She turned over and I scooted so I was close to her

Alexis pov:

I felt movement next to me so I figured Nick was getting comfortable but instead I felt an arm wrap around my waste and pull me close. "Goodnight brats doll" Nick whispered into my neck "Goodnight ken" he laughed a little before drifting off to sleep.


Tbh I have been working on this chapter for about 3 hrs cause I've been going a lot of places but yea here it is

Dusk till dawn~ Nick JonesWhere stories live. Discover now