Part 8🙀

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Author: heyyyyy...long time no see hehe ummm sorry about the uh year wait pretty much I just haven't had the motivation to do Jack shit anymore but I bring to you the next part😁

Nicks Pov:

Me and Dalton had to use the bathroom so Blake had stopped the vehicle and me and Dalton went into the woods "Oh, dude, I had to pee so bad, man." Dalton said making these moaning noises and wouldn't shut up so I pushed him "oh come on,dude"he said and Blake came out of no where "Hey, you guys gonna have sex?" I rolled my eyes "What?" Dalton turned his head to look at him "Because me and Paige are" he smiled "So you two go pick them up" he pointed at the both of us "yea all right" I said zipping up my pants. "Hey Paige" Blake yelled "yeah?" Paige answered back "Nick and Dalton are gonna go get them." Blake pointed at us again "why? We can go" she questioned as we were waking to the truck "oh, baby. Come on, I'm tired of driving" Blake whined like a stupid little toddler "ok" she answered again.

I held out my hand for the keys assuming Blake would've handed them to me "um why don't you let my man drive" Blake turned around and tossed the keys to Dalton "Really?" Dalton questioned "yea" Blake answered "Aha you hear him. Move." Dalton mocked, I grabbed the back of his neck "give me the damn keys." I placed my other hand out "ok ok but Alexi gonna kick your ass if you keep hitting me" he pointed his finger at me "yea but I don't see her right now ALEXIIII" I yelled "oh wait she's not here so shut up and get in the damn truck"

Alexis pov:

Me and Wade were looking around for the stupid fan belt but we hadn't found one that would fit "I don't think this is cool, just coming in like this." Carly looked at us "What? Look, the door was unlocked. He said he'd be half an hour, he's been 45 minutes." Wade got down from the stool "yea I'm sure he won't mind" I said after Wade "you know, if your brother and his yes man hadn't come along in the first place, we would've gone with Blake. None of this would've happened." Wade put his hand on his hip "once again, Wade that's not her fault." I looked at him "I mean I don't understand his beef with me. I've always tried to be cool with him." He Ignored me and looked at Carly "Nicks got beef with everybody. You can't take it personally." Carly answered him looking for the fan belt "Yea except Alexi" he started looking for the fan belt again. "Hey that's not my fault, he just so happened to like me I mean I'm kinda awesome" I put my hands up in defense.

"Nick and I always used to stick together, and then when we were in Junior high...Nick would get into trouble here and there and our parents would always like compare us. I was the good twin and Nick was the evil twin, as he likes to say. He kinda got this image.. he totally played it up as if that's what he had to be or something." Carly explained. I walked over to Carly to see why she was looking out the window "Damn it's already getting dark. I hate the winter" I put my elbow on her shoulder. I heard Wade sigh "what?" I turned around "he's got everything but a 15-inch. I'll just have to use a 16-inch, make it work some how" he grabbed the fan belt " are you sure that's gonn-" I got interrupted "You plan on stealing that?" We all turned around to see that creepy ass man leaning on the doorway "Uh no. We didn't know how much longer you were gonna be and, you know, we didn't wanna interrupt again." Wade explained "but we left you some money on the counter but you don't have the right size. You don't have any 15-inches" he stated to explain again "I do at the house" the man said "I hope you're not getting the wrong idea that we're in here." Carly walked out the door and we followed "No. it's okay." The man said "Does that cover it" I looked over at him "it's close enough" he looked at me "look why don't we get the one you need? It's only a couple of blocks." He started to walk away guessing we would follow "Yeah all right." Carly answered " you keep fan belts at your house?" Wade asked and the man turned around

"Well I get things delivered there when I'm not here."if you wanna hold on to the 16, that's fine by me." He answered Wade "No, no, no, it's okay." Carly answered him and we walked out the door "Hey you mind if I use your restroom real fast?" Wade asked "oh, up at the house. That ones out of order." The man answered his question "All right" and we started to follow the guy to his house which I had a kinda weird feeling about but I mean all this guy has been kind to us so I guess it's alright. "So is it too late to sign Carly up for that beauty pageant?" I asked laughing a bit "Now, unfortunately it is, because you would've won hands down." He answered my question "thank you" she smiled "That house of wax is pretty cool." Wade said "You went inside" the guy questioned "yeah" Carly said "yeah it was unlocked, so, you know" Wade said "everything seemed to be unlocked around you, now don't it?" The man said in a snarky tone and I just scoffed "what was that" he turned to look at me "nothing it's just you seem to have an attitude with my friend here so I scoffed" I smiled "Alexi" she whacked my back "nah it's fine I understand" he answered and "but people used to come see it from miles away and Trudy was the main I guess "artist" is the appropriate word" he changed the subject "what about Vincent?" Carly asked "I saw his name on a lot of the work." Carly mentioned "he was one of Trudy's boys" he answered her. But that name Trudy it kinda rung a bell for me "They still around?" I asked "No, no it's a horrible story. Doc Sinclair, he was a doctor in the big city until he got his license revoked for doing surgeries on the side. Ya know, stuff that, most doctors wouldn't dare to do. So he moved him and Trudy out here to Ambrose, and made a fresh start with his medical practice... and Trudy really found her calling with that whole wax-sculpture thing. It was her dean to do something really incredible here. Then she had a couple kids, picket fence." He said "what's so horrible about that?" Wade asked "Well she had a daughter she gave her away though because Trudy got a cyst in her brain. She started rotting away so she gave this baby girl up, I mean the girl was just a couple of months old and she just took her away which was pretty sad. But Trudy couldn't work, she went crazy. Things got so bad that Doc. Sinclair finally had to strap her to the bed and the whole town could hear her screaming from the house. Dr. Sinclair was so depressed that he couldn't save her and that he had to give his daughter away he uh" he pointed finger guns to his head and made a pew pew sound "he blew his head right off." He continued

"That's terrible" I answered "did they ever find the girl?" I asked "No but it's was worse for the boys, being left alone like that. They both ended up in foster homes and while they were there, they tried so hard to find there baby sister but they couldn't find her" he answered and before I could realize we were at the house "hey, uh why don't you three hop in. I'll go get the fan belt and I'll give you a ride to your car." He opened the door for us "Actually, we've got friends picking us up where the roads washed out." Carly told him "I'll give you a lift there it's the least I could do for making y'all wait." He insisted "cool." Wade said "All right." Me and Carly said both getting in the old truck " hey you uh said you need to use the facilities right?" The man asked Wade "yeah thanks" Wade answered and walked away "You two need to sue the can" the man asked holding the door open "No it's okay we're fine oh wait Alexi you got too?" Carly looked at me "No I'm good thank you though" I smiled. The man closed the door and Wade and the man both walked into the house.

Author: so what y'all guys think about this chapter let me know in the comments and is it a little weird that the lady has a daughter and Alexi was adopted when she was a couple of months old🤨 I don't know guess y'all gonna find out🤷🏽‍♀️

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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