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(Yo sorry for the misspelling in some of the words from some of my chapters. Anyway enjoy and thank you for all the people who have read my story)

Alexis pov:
We were walking to the truck when Carly asked me something "Hey are you sure about coming with us" I turned to look at her "Yea of course, Wade might be your boyfriend but I did take shooting classes and fighting classes" we both giggled "Um so I don't have a back seat so one of you are gonna have to sit on the others lap" the man said putting his hand on the truck "I'll sit on wades lap" Carly said opening the door so I sat in the middle "Alright". We all got in the truck and started driving to the town in an awkward silence,I felt eyes on me and I looked over to see the man staring at me in a sexual way "Look I don't mean to be rude but can you focus on driving and not me" I said and heard Wade trying not to laugh "Can you roll the window down please" Carly asked and Wade tried to pull down the window but there wasn't any handles "Sorry about that, the truck seen better days" the man laughed "uh you mind rolling down your window then" Wade asked and the man did. "Sorry you kind of get used to the smell" the man said trying to keep conversation "well I don't think I can ever get used to it" I made a nervous laugh and I felt Carly grin my hand cause she knew I was uncomfortable "You can get used to anything if your around it long enough" the older man said and then it went into that short silence again that felt like ages.

"We almost there yet" Carly asked and the man said yea and I looked over at Carly to see her staring at the the man and I looked in her direction to see her staring at a knife. The man looked at her and said "You like knifes" and she quickly answered "No not really" but he continued to pull out the knife and talk about it, soon enough he stabbed it on the dash board of the truck and slammed on the brakes in front of water and I put my arm out to stop myself from hitting the dash of the truck. "Hey what's going on man you said there was a town up here" Wade said out of breath "yea there is. Just around that bend I gotta flip my stuff into fore-wheel-drive you mind helping me out" the man asked "I think we will walk the rest of the way thank you though" i said in a little bit of a panic "Now why would you want to do that" he smiled "Look we wanna walk just let us out now" Carly demanded and the man's face dropped "Sure" the man grabbed the knife and walked towards the way to wades side.He opened the door but the knife wasn't in his hand, I sighed I'm relieve when the man told us to get out. Wade got out with Carly and i followed "I'm just trying to do something nice for someone" Wade closed the door "It's not like that man we appreciate it" the man laughed sarcastically when Wade said that. We started walking when we hit and a small pond that has some rocks on it and made it across "is he still staring" Carly asked "Just keep walking" Wade said "ha like we're gonna stop" I said walking a little bit faster and found a town not to far.

"Man, now I feel like a real asshole" Wade said sighing as he saw the town "I don't care that guy was a freak" Carly said running up next to me and leaving Wade behind "I'm starting to think you like Alexi more than me" Wade said "Most definitely not" Carly said sarcastically and I just laughed.

Author: this is short but it's something lol

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