The Beginning

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"Are you sure?" my friend asked. I only nodded as my response. With final hugs, words, and goodbyes; I left through the time rift created by death. I had lived many lifetimes. I always ended up having the world somehow. I wanted to rest... for a while. I wanted to breathe. 

" It is time Mistress" Death called. I nodded as I levitated my belongings behind me. I was done with this world. In my original world, I had saved time and time again. I lost count after 43 lives. I walk through the portal into my world of rest. The realm of the primordials. I have been blessed with many gifts over my millennia of lifetimes. My would itself was at least 9 million years old. 

"Welcome Mistress of Death" A young woman with hair that rivalled the sun. Unblemished tan-ish skin. Eyes the colour of crystal sapphires. I smiled at the goddess of life. Next to her were 5 others. The gods of time, mischief, chaos. The goddess' of magic and fate. 

"You have done me proud my champion" The goddess of magic spoke. I met her halfway and hugged her. I knew I would be safe here. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Many years Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I cry as my family starts to fade. Earth was dying. I couldn't do anything. I didn't know how to save them. I cried as they gave me the rest of their powers. Death, using the last of his strength opened a portal into a new universe for me to begin anew. With final hugs and goodbyes, I was launched into the portal before the universe I was born in was wiped out. I curled into a ball and floated aimlessly through the vast void I now call home. 

I felt a pull. A soul calling out to me. I slowly awakened from my slumber. The pain from my new powers as they changed my form caused me to blackout. I look towards the source. A ball of glowing light reached out to me. It held no malicious intent. Only comfort and safety. I stretched out my form, not noticing the changes in my body. I float over to the spark. Spark? Yes... This was a spark. How did I know? I don't. I just do. 

I gently hold the spark in my hands. It soon changed into a Cybertronian? Yes... He was a cybertronian. 

"Primus" I breathed out. He nodded his head before a light engulfed my form. Instead of the round room we were in before, I was now in a room with other cybertronians. I slowly floated down to the floor. I don't touch it, I hover above it. I feel their optics staring at me. I look over each one. 

'Him' I thought as I stopped at the young mech with red and blue colours. I slowly float over to him. His spark was pure, kind, and made of gold. I rest my right hand on his chest. He was tense, they all were. I look into his optics, wide, filled with curiosity, awe, and innocence. I gently smile at him before primus appears next to me. I look at him with a nod I slowly move back. I go to a silver mech. He was bigger than the one I was with earlier. I hover in front of him. I stare at him in his optics. I tilt my head to the side slightly before cupping his faceplates. His eyes widen before he closes them and relaxes slightly.  I remove and purge unicrons essence from his frame. Moving back from him I can tell he is better. Though he is still filled with anger and vengeance. He is filled with pain and unbridled rage.  

"So much corruption... So much pain... Death... Suffering!" I whisper as I turn to face the mechs that stare at me. 

"For what reason other than power and control? Greed... Lust... Pride... Gluttony...Lies... Why?" I spoke in a hushed voice. I knew they all heard me. Even the people outside these halls. Everyone was watching.

"Who are you?" A mech spoke. Primus walked over to me, I did not look at him as he knelt. I could hear the gasps and those who choked on air. I raise my hand slightly to dismiss his action. He stood once again but slightly behind me. I finally stand on the metal floors. Cybertronian flowers begin to sprout around my feet. I close my eyes as I connect with every being on the planet that has not been corrupted. 

"I am Althea" I answer him. I look to the young mech to my right. Orion? Orion Pax... his name... Optimus Prime. I look at primus with a sad smile. With a nod, I leave. I take my true size once I am away from the metallic planet. I look at the now small, ball-sized planet with a gentle smile I turn and float away to a system that closely resembled my own home. Earth. 


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I wonder about the world as it had just begun to form history once again. Before the people take notice of my immortality, I fall into deep slumber till I am needed once again to save them from the evil the world produces. Deep inside the castle of witchcraft and wizardry, now rests my sleeping form. 

Though my body is resting, my mind connects to the earth to watch over the people of this planet. I watch the first encounter between Archibald Witwicky and Megatron. I watch over his bloodline as the war on Cybertron moves to earth. 

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