~The Accident (Chapter 1)~

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Ariana's P.O.V.

The sound of a baby crying woke me up early in the morning. I rolled over to get a glimpse of the time. It was 7am! I am not quite the morning person.

"Oh my gosh!" I whined picking up my pillow and placing it on my head trying to block out the sound of my 2 week old brother.

I wasn't really excited when my mom announced she was pregnant 9 months ago. I was more speechless, astonished, in awe, not really 'happy'. Once the baby came the whole world revolved around him, as if he was the sun and the other planets were orbiting around him. I am not jealous. I shouldn't be. Well I shouldn't be getting much attention anyway I am a 18 year old woman trying to find my way in life. Thats what i say now but when I look at my non existent social life, I came up with the theory that the journey of life just wasn't my thing.

I can't believe i am jealous of my new born brother; Zach. There i admit it.

"Ariana...Cool your awake!" My mom said interrupting my thoughts. "I wouldn't be up if it wasn't for Zach." I retorted.

"Well lucky for you I have some errands for you to run, while me, Zach, and Jeff go shopping for groceries."

Jeff was my step dad. He sorta kinda has an anger problem. We don't really discuss this much you can just see it in his actions. He never used his anger on people or at least that i know of? other than that Jeff's a cool guy. He is a really good artist but doesn't have a steady job yet. I call him my "dad" because he is the closet thing I have to a real one.

I sighed and dragged myself off of my bed. Opening my closet I found what I was gonna wear for today. A pair of black high waisted shorts and a sleeveless crop top, with my white vans. I a quick shower and slipped into my clothes. Brushing my teeth directly after. For the final touch I put my mascara and lip gloss on. These little things don't matter anyway i still look like an unpleasant monkey.

As I came out of the restroom I saw the list of errands my mom had to left on my bed. I retrieved the list and grabbed my purse and phone. I found my way down the many steps of stairs, walking out the door into the garage shortly after.

I put my key in the ignition of the brand new car I got for my 18th birthday. I scanned the list for the first thing i should do.

1. Pick up the dry cleaning.

Our dry cleaners is all the across town...


I drove really quickly just trying to accomplish this list. Blasting my Demi Lovato CD through my speakers.

As I was speeding through the town keeping an eye out for stop signs and cops, I passed something red... I think it was a stop sign. I hope it wa--

My thoughts stopped processing everything was blank. I could see blackness everywhere, and that was the last thing I remember.


I fluttered my eyes open, not able to hear anything. My dad was in front of me. I could tell he was yelling. His veins were popping out of his temple, a red hue coursing through his face. But was he yelling at me? I tried looking around for anyone else in the room to see who he was talking to. As soon as i attempted to move a wave of pain just went through out my body. Stopping me from continuing my movement.

My ears popped and I could here the sounds of the room now like I was a new born baby. The sound of the beeping of the machines I was hooked up to, the talking coming from outside the door, and one last sound, the yelling of my "dad." Why was I even hooked up to a machine? What happened.

"Ariana, How could you do this?!" he screamed. My mom strolled into the room showing the signs of anger also, I'm guessing to holler at me too.

I was full of confusion not knowing what I did. "You are a worthless child!" my mom voiced. "Your such a mistake. You have no heart. No one will ever love you. Your full of nothing!" my "dad" finished.

What the actual hell?! Moisture stung

my eyes. Tears streaming down my face. I don't even know what I did to deserve the harsh words coming out of my parents mouth. "What did I do?" I said with a cracked voice. I wanted the answer, but so afraid to hear it.

"What kind of sick person would just kill there brother and act like you didnt do it on purpose!" my "dad" shouted. His eyes trying to hold in the tears. This couldn't be happening? I don't get it? Is this a joke?

Once he said that I was full-on crying. If only my body wasn't aching i would have ran out by now.

"I... " They both stared at me waiting for me to finish. I took too long to say what I needed to say so my "dad" uttered the last words of his part of the discussion "If you weren't already hurt right now... I would have killed you for killing my son." He stormed out of the room throwing the glass plant vase by the door to the ground. The shattered glass that hit the floor felt like it was hitting my heart. Every single verbal blow went straight to my heart.

My mom shook her head at me and said "We saw your jealousy towards Zach. We saw it everyday with the way you look at him, the way you hold him with a disgusted look of spite. You hated Zach huh?" She huffed in between breaths causing her to sound a bit muffled but every word she said was as clear as water. Just because they were clear doesn't mean they were true. Yea i was jealous of Zach. But it was never strong enough to be considered hate... I just want all this to stop. Her voice is not helping my pounding head ache and I bet my heart beat is going up by the second. Not from anger but from realization.

''I bet you hated him so much you decided to ram in the back of our car on purpose. I don't think I want nothing to do with you. Your going to have to fend for yourself. Your 18 act like it and get out of our lives." She stormed out too.

I have no where to live now. My body is broken physically and my heart is broken emotionally from the guilt taking over my blood streams and the disappointment spreading throughout the layers of my heart.


I was released from the hospital a week later. Not even thinking about my predicament. Too much hurting at once and I have to deal with each of my pains one by one. I was still in an amount of pain but I had to get out of the hospital by telling them i was ok. As soon as i walked out of those glass doors the thoughts were shooting through my brain.

Life is not worth living for. Jeff said I should of been killed.

I couldn't kill myself at the hospital they would try to stop me. I felt someone was watching me or were they following me. I ran into a dark alley and took out the pills I stole from the hospital. I opened the bottle and started to pour them in my mouth when a groggy voice was heard behind me. "Um ...Hi? I'm Harry" the tall curly haired man interrupted.


How was that? Please comment and tell me what you think so i can possibally continue the story. :)

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