~Finding Her Parents~ (Chapter 9)

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Harry's P.O.V.

I typed in....

Jenny & Jeff Parker

Multiple links appeared like:




I was scrolling through the page until one link caught my eye in particular.


I clicked on the link and it sent me to a well set up page. It was organized and professional.

I scanned the page looking for any contact information when I came across a tab saying "about the owner."

I clicked the mouse and all the information I needed was right here.

Her cell and office number,her address, and her picture.

I printed the page out and went to the kitchen.

"Hey, Liam where are the rest of the boys?" I questioned Liam. The house has been extremely quiet.

"They went to get dinner for us." He said while cleaning a mirror to see his reflection.

"Hmm... Ok do you know where Ari and Danielle are at right now?" I asked. I wanted to go tell her the news that I found her mom. She's going to be so happy.

"They are eating at the new restaurant down the road called, 'Racine." He responded.

"Cool... I got to tell her something. I hope she doesn't break down when I tell her." I said thinking what might be her reaction.

"Your breaking up with her?!" Liam yelled completely worried.

"No! Not in a million years! She is amazing and i hope nothing will pull us apart. I actually think she is the one. But I don't know I have only been with her for like 3 weeks. I can safely say these were the best weeks of my life." I said. Why was I saying all of this. I really feel this way towards her but i hope she has the same feeling back.

I looked at Liam and he was wiping a fake tear away.

"That was really touching bro...the soft side of Harry! I dont know if i can take anymore of this before I full on cry." He said sniffling as if he were crying

"Bull crap! Shut-up!" I said punching him in the arm. He just laughed at me.

I started to walk away but he said "Haz, ok I am serious now. She is a good gal for you and she keeps you in place. She is taking my responsibility." He said relieved. "Now you go and tell her what you wanted to tell her!" Liam encouraged.

"Haha ok Liam see ya later." I called as I put my leather jacket on and headed out the door. What I needed to tell her wasnt even that important. Liam made it sound like I was proposing!

I hopped into my black range rover and was on my way to the restaurant.

When I was looking through my side view mirror I saw a blinking light coming from my window dash.

My eyes darted towards the light and It was Ariana's phone she probably left it.

I didn't really know where it was at but I just kept driving straight.

I gave my car keys to the valet men. They stared at my car and at me for a minute then just took the car and parked it.

Stood behind the reservation desk was a lady staring at a book.

"Excuse me ma'am I'm looking for Danielle Peazer and Ariana Parker's table." I disrupted.

"Hmmm...one second let me check what table they are at." She kept her eyes at the book which was in front of her.

I'm glad she didn't look up because I didn't want to make a scene. I just wanted to go to their table.

"Ok they are at table 25, which is over there."she said pointing at the table.

I could see the beauty at the corner of my eye. There she was sipping on her soda.

"Wait a second, Are you Harry Styles?" The waiter said a little to loud. Interfering with my thoughts. I spoke a little too soon.

"Yes, I am but can you just keep it t-." And before I knew it girls were swarming around me.

"Ariana!! Danielle!" But it was too late she was gone.

Ariana's P.O.V.

We just got done with our food and I was siping on my soda when Danielle asked if I wanted to sleepover to night.

"Sure why not? Let me just text Harry."" I exclaimed.

I digged through my bag trying to find my phone, it wasnt there! I came across the assumption that I left it in Harry's car.

I will just message him later when I get to Dani's.

The waiter just got done with charging dani's card. I insisted in paying but she shot me down.

We got up and slid our chairs under the table. Grabbing our bags we placed them on our shoulders and attempted to leave but there was a big crowd making the entrance impossible to go through.

I struggled to see who the peole were sworming around. But all I got from my struggle was a laugh escaping Danielle's mouth.

"There is no use, Ari." She said calmly.

"Yea lets just go." I agreed.

We shoved our way through the crowd of loud voices and finally managed to see the sunlight outside of the restuarant.

We escaped the people but I heard someone yell our names. But i guess I was hearing things because Danielle didnt hear it.

Harry's P.O.V.

I guess I will just tell her tonight that I am inviting her parents over.


Thanks for reading! Tell me wat you think below.

Thanks for all the support guys!!!! :D

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