~The Bloody Truth~ (Chapter 15)

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Ariana's P.O.V.

"Huh?" I laid up languidly. Where am I? I was sitting in the middle of a bathroom floor. Surrounded by a pool of blood. I stood up looking in the mirror only to find the mysterious pool of blood was coming from my forehead. Which had a huge gash on it. The blood stopped dripping but there was a streak of dried blood remaining there. I looked like a mess.

I flitched at the feeling of another presence in the room. I looked in the clean mirror to see who was behind me. To my dismay it wasn't just one but it was 2 figures directly behind me.

An ugly smirk appeared on both their faces.

"Well doesn't that sight just want to make you throw up?" Jeff asked referring to me looking in the mirror at myself. He began to fake puke putting laughs in between.

"If it makes you feel better...you were never pretty." My mum said.

"Your probably thinking that we used to always say your pretty! So why are we calling you ugly now?" Jeff said in a cocky voice.

"Oh...well honey, those were lies." My mum chimed.

"And lies come from mistakes. And mistakes all started when you were born." Jeff said shrugging.

I hastely turned around. I can't believe they were saying these things about me. They were trying to get in my head and ruin me from the inside out. I tried not to talk so I wouldn't get abused. But I couldn't help it...

"Excuse me!" I snarled at them both.

"Oh, Ariana you think you run this ball game dont ya? Sweet heart, do you remember who is in charge? Because last time I checked you were the one with the blood running out of her forehead." Jeff said slapping me in the face. He made my wounds reopen on my face.

The blood seaming through the open cuts.

"I think you need a reality check missy!" My mom squawked. That meant it was time for them to beat me. To a pulp. Just another attempt to kill me. My body was already acheing from yesterdays events. The unpleasant memories whirred through my brain. 

"You guys will never get away with hurting me!" I screamed painfully.

They laughed in unison.

"Oh, dear! Haven't we already?!" My mum laughed. She was right they were going to get away with it. I guess My text to Harry wasn't recieved because no rescue was here. Ha...nobody cares about me enough to help me. Its been like this for years and the only people I would go to is my parents but it looks like they have turned on me. Everyone has! How can I blame 'em! I would if I could. Even Justin...he left me hangin. 

"Harry is going to come for me!! I know it!" I screeched. I doubted Harry in my mind but I couldn't let my parents know.

"Well you keep waiting, love! I would show you the text i sent him on your phone but your phone is somewhere... actually...everywhere." Jeff motioned pointing out the pieces of the broken phone on the bathroom floor.

"What did you type Jeff!!" I said sternly.

"Don't talk to us like that!" My mom scolded. With another slap to my already bleeding face. I winced in defeat. My face was hurting i just didn't want to talk anymore. That was the first time my mother slapped me. Usually it was Jeff that did the abusing.

"Ok, the text i sent said that you hated him and never wanted to see him again. No biggy love!" He said with a smirk.

Omg! He did that! Why would he even...errg!!!

"Oh while we are confessing, how did you and your stupid ex break up." I was hesitant to answer but I needed to recover from my last slap.

"This boy...um, Justin he was flirting-" I began.

"Stop right there because here's our confession. We hired, Justin! Just to make Harry jealous. Now we have you to kill and life is amazing!" My mother stated.

"I don't understand why anybody likes you anyway. Harry was probably dating you for money or-" 

How could he still be talking!!! They are both little...uh... DEMONS!

"You guys are a bunch of arses!!!" I yelled uncontrollably interrupting Jeff.

"Oh...baby, Ariana can't even say the real word in stead you say arses?" She said grabbing my cheeks and squeezing it.

"I could if I WANTED TO." I said confidently. I really didn't want to. I hated cussing it's just i didn't like how it made people feel. Like if you are gonna try to make some one feel bad and die inside just by cussing why not just kill 'em with some kindness.

"Oh really?!" Jeff asked sarcastically. 

"Yes." I answered quick just as he finished his words.

"Well then why don't you say it, right here, right now!" They both screamed.

"I dont wanna say it." I said in defeat. I looked down and fiddled with my thumbs.

"Ok then. But if I were you, I would get a head start." My mum said as they both moved aside.

I know what that mean't. They insisted I get head start before they chase after me and beat me. I zipped out of the room but it felt like 2 seconds because in a blink of an eye i was caught.

"How was the run?! Did ya enjoy it because ya wont enjoy this..." Jeff murmured.

He punched me in the ribs. My mom came running up to us with a belt. Jeff repeatedly punched, kicked, and slapped me. Not helping my pain at all.

My mom handed him the belt and he began whipping it onto my skin. Stinging everytime it touched me. My weeps and wails didn't matter to them because even how horrifying the cries sound they wouldnt stop. I wished they would stop but my wish had not come true...

~Harry's P.O.V.~

The text rang through my head another 50 million times before i was shot back into reality.

Harry, I hate you so much! I never want to see you again.

Those gruesome words that will never stop replaying.

Hmm...how could I have been so naive to just accuse her for flirting. I'm so sorry and I wish I could say it to her.

I have tried calling her but it would just say this phone is out of service, leaving me to ponder on where she is or what she is doing.

I miss her and I feel guilty. She needs my help but there is no way i can help here.

She doesn't want my help.

And worst of all she doesn't want...ME.



Thanks for the support everyone!!!

Sorry this chapter is boring because its a filler. The next one will be more exciting...I hope! :D

I NEED UR HELP!!Lol ok I have dwayne johnson as jeff... But idk if that is good or not. So in real life who should be Jenny (the mum) and who should be Jeff in this story. 

Comment the cast you want below...

Ok so thanks for the reads, votes and the wonderful comments. Keep commenting! :D

17 votes and 75 reads for next chapter!!

Ok toodles!!.

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