Chapter 1

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Last night I dreamt of Hydra again. It was the first time in a long time too, but it wasn't about what they did to me. It's about what they were doing to Pepper, the note they left us after we all got back from asgard. I could feel Pepper's pain, every time they hurt her. My abilities are the strongest they'll ever be, I can feel peoples pain and emotions all the time. Pepper's is the worst, I can feel the pain she's in. How scared she is, I can hear her begs for help. Her begging to be let go and for them to stop torturing her. I can't switch it off, every time she it goes quiet I get scared that she might actually bed dead this time. The note said that they wanted me or Bucky in return for pepper or both of us. Loki refused to let us go back there, the team did too and surprisingly Tony did too. It didn't stop me, Loki, Bucky from arguing. We never argued about anything really, not anything this big. Me and Bucky wanted to turn ourselves in for Pepper's return, we both felt like we were both at fault. It's been a month and no one can track down Hydras where about's. Tony and the team were falling apart, arguing all the time. The atmosphere was awful. 

The dream I had tonight about Pepper felt so real. They don't usually feel as real. I shot up in bed panicking, covered in sweat. I was scared and confused. Loki was still awake in bed with me and Bucky was asleep on the other side of him. "My love, you're okay. I'm here, I'll keep you safe." Loki's strong but slender arms snaked around my waist pulling me close in attempt to calm me from my panic. Bucky woke up when he wasn't being cuddled back anymore, but Instantly sat up when he saw tears streaming down my face. "Hey doll, did you have another nightmare?" Genuine concern laced his voice, he began playing with my hair. Both of them soothing me was working. my voice was still shaky when I finally spoke. "Not a nightmare, a vision. Pepper has figured out she can send me messages." Both Loki and Bucky looked shocked. "What did she tell you exactly my love." Loki's voice was patient and soft. "Well she was being tortured and beaten, just like usual but before I woke up she said something about a locater spell." I had never heard of such a spell. I got up immediately and ran out of our shared bedroom. Loki and Bucky followed me not even getting dressed, they were both running after me in sweat pants.

I desperately pressed the elevator button, my boys getting to me just it opened. "Jesus Y/N, you can fucking run." Bucky gasped out. I smiled at him, he was still sleepy. I pressed the button to the library and made our way up. "I need to research locator spells" I went straight to my spell books. "You mean we need to research darling." Loki corrected me Bucky looked nervous. "Why do you look nervous James?" I was concerned for him, he looked uncomfortable. "I don't know if I'll be much help with spells and this kind of stuff." I looked at him whilst thinking of stuff he could do to help. "Baby, you can help read through some books or you could always supply snacks and look after us two. You know once we're invested we don't eat or look after ourselves." I cupped my boyfriends face and kissed him and Loki copied my actions reassuring Bucky. Bucky broke out in a smile, "How did I get babysitting god's. You guys are older than me. "Bucky started laughing. Me and Loki both sent him explicit images in his head of what we wanted to do to him. "You two are little shits you know that. Showing me that isn't fair." Bucky's sulking face was enough to earn a chuckle from me and Loki. We still found time to be happy together despite what was going on. "I'm going to get you drinks and snacks. Then I'll be back to research. " Bucky left the library and got back in the elevator to head to the kitchen. As soon as he left me and Loki got comfy on a couch and began reading and writing notes.

"I'm back with fruit, junk food, coffee and energy drinks. Water too which you will both drink." Me and Loki pouted at the fact we had to drink water if we wanted our beloved monster energy. We ate fruit first considering it was morning and had a glass of water before we had our caffeine fix. Bucky got a spell book and began reading and underling what he thought was important for us to read and write note's on.

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