Chapter 4

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Bucky POV:

Me, Loki and Y/N are going to be parents in the next couple of hours. Our little girl was sleeping in Y/N's arms and she was perfect. She doesn't have a name yet and the rest of the avengers are going to flip out. They wake up in a few hours. Loki was out at the store getting some baby formula, baby clothes, diapers and the essentials for a baby while me and Y/N was looking after our daughter in our room.

Thor and Loki burst into the room with many bags in hand that were filled to the brim. They saw the baby was sleeping and quietened down as to not wake her up. "We told you to just get some bits and bobs to do us till the avengers woke up" I chuckled looking at the slightly panicked god's, they looked cluelessly at the stuff. "We didn't know what to get so we got things that looked important. The pulled out many packets of diaper and wet wipes. Along with 3 packs of baby bottles, 7 tubs of the same baby formula which Loki had chosen out by a worker, loads of mini socks and dresses and pink clothes, bibs, a baby monitor, a bottle steriliser. Thor had brought a few stuffed toys for his niece. Y/N changed her diaper and put her in a dress and some socks. She looked adorable. "Would you like to hold her Thor?" Y/N asked and his face lit up with excitement. He sat down on our couch and gently took our daughter from Y/n. She looked tiny in Thors arms. "Have you chose a name yet?" Fury got held up last night and couldn't bring the adoption papers but it gave us more time to decide on a name. Y/N smiled fondly at the baby "How about Eostre." Me and Loki smiled at one another and then at the baby, the name fit perfectly. "It means the goddess of dawn." Loki explained the meaning of the name. "Its the perfect name." I couldn't contain my smile. Thor was whispering Asgardian fairy tales to Eostre when someone knocked at the door.

I opened it and Wanda was stood there smiling. "The rest of the teams awake, but we haven't told them about the baby. We think you should and Fury is here with the paper work." Fury stepped from behind the corner and we let him in. Y/N wrote down the baby name and we all signed it. She was officially our baby. Fury held Eostre and was cooing at her before giving her back so we could greet the team. Me, Loki and Thor walked in after Fury and Wanda and greeted everyone. Nat looked confused. "Where is Y/N?" She questioned and everyone seconded it. "I'm right here." She had finally announced herself smiling with Eostre bundled in her arms. She makes a beautiful mother. "Eeerrrmm who's that?" Steve was throuroughing his brow's at Y/N completely confused and still sleepy. "Yeah are we seeing things?" Peitro was as equally confused. "Mom, meet Eostre, your granddaughter." Y/N walked towards Nat who looked like she was going to cry in that moment. Then everyone lost their minds. "How long were we out?" we explained one day which made them more confused. Nat was holding her granddaughter and was crying slightly. We explained what happened and how Eostre was found. "as of twenty minutes ago she is officially our daughter." Loki looked extremely proud, he was going to be a great father. "Do you have any baby things?" Tony questioned, he was going to buy it all, without a doubt. "No but we need to get pepper back first. She's still in the same place but we need to move quick." Y/N was still in leader ship mode. "Sorry Steve you're the leader, I've been dishing out orders the past day or two."  Y/N apologised but Steve looked impressed. "How about you lead us from home that way you and Eostre can remain safe and we'll leave some avengers here as extra protection." Steve suggested. Y/N quickly agreed and everyone took the reverse potion of the one they had yesterday to stabilise their powers. 

We all got on the quin jet except for Strange, Scott, Nat and Daredevil. Me and Loki didn't want to leave our two girls but we were needed. She was on video call explaining who's sticking with who. We were all on comms too.

time skip-

After a few hours we arrived in Portugal, obidos  and Wanda preformed the last spell and the team followed in to a heavily guarded building we were blending in to the crowd and we knew that's where pepper was being held. Loki magicked us all in our gear and we got ready to fight. Y/n told us to use brute force, there was no way we were sneaking in here. We tried taking down a few people quietly. Until we were caught, that's what was advised by Y/N. "Tony blast that back door off and blast anyone who get's in your way, Bucky, Loki you go with him. If you find anyone else locked up get them out and get them to one of the quin jets and handcuff them until we know they're not dangerous. Take all precautions. Sam and Steve you get to the mainframe and take any and all information you can find and put it on hardrives. The warrior three, Sif and the rest of you fight and kill anyone that comes at you and keep people distracted by them coming out of the front. Bruce you provide medical care to the team and people extracted when they get to the quin jets." We all took our orders and it went a lot smoother than other missions, Y/N had taken down all communications in the Hydra compound so they couldn't send out alert signals to other bases. They could only communicate within the base. "Wanda walk through the front of the building and take two lefts and a right then walk the the door right at the end of that hallway. The leaders of that base are locked in there for cover, use your powers to unlock the door and kill them no matter what." Y/N's voice over comms was calm and collected. Wanda agreed to her orders and Me, Tony and Loki found Pepper and two others being held captive. we released them and ran out the back with them making a b-line for the quin jet. "Doll we have pepper and two others, Bruce we are on our way to you now." I confirmed over comms. "Everyone out of the building now and head to the quin jet." Y/N ordered. "But there still agents alive." Peter questioned. "Sam light up the base." A shield of power went up around the base trapping the rest of the agents and allowed our team to retreat. Sam dropped what I'm assuming is a bomb into the power shield and ten seconds later it exploded but Wanda's forcefield contained the blast. I waited for Wanda after I got the prisoners and pepper back to the Quin jet. I stayed behind her until she got on the quin jet and got on myself. Pepper was being held by Tony she had been given the all clear and was healthy she had just lost a bit of weight and had some trauma to deal with.

Y/N video called us on both quin jets congratulating us all on a successful mission and Steve gave a congrats on Y/Ns leadership skills. She was a natural born leader. Y/N broke the news of Eostre to Pepper over video call when she called her privately. Pepper came and hugged me and Loki congratulating us on our n ew daughter. The trip back was quicker than the trip there. Me and Loki were the first off the jet going to check our girls and making sue they were all okay. Nat was holding her granddaughter and giving her some cuddles. Pepper went to freshen up and S.H.I.E.L.D took the Hydra prisoners to interrogate them. We had all decided on a Chinese for dinner. All of us too exhausted to cook. "Have you had a baby shower yet?" Pepper asked. "Nope we've only had her one day and we think she's about 3 days old." I explained. She looked shocked. "Would you like to hold her Pepper." I offered. She nodded her head enthusiastically. "Well I'll plan a baby shower, and give everyone a week to get gifts and prepare." Y/N thanked her and we went to bed. 

The next morning- 

Loki Pov:

I sent a message to Heimdall, well a letter. One for him and one for mother., telling them about Eostre. Heimdall got back to me an hour later, congratulating us and saying she looks beautiful. He had given mother her letter and she took a bit longer as she was running asgard but she was more excited and was throwing us a baby shower on asgard. She said the avengers could attend too and it would be after Pepper's one. Mother has always wanted grandchildren and I think Thor told Jane and his other friends so they would be coming to both baby shower's too. This week was going to be a long week. But with all that's going on I've had one thing that's been on my mind for a while. 

Once Bucky, Y/N and Eostre were asleep I snuck out our room and text Steve and Nat to meet me in the meeting room. I needed to ask them both something. They both come running in looking panicked. I may have been a bit dramatic in the text and said it was urgent. They were ready to fight. "Sorry about the wording of the message, I just need to talk about something that is on my mind. Well should I say ask you something."  They both took a seat with me and I pulled out two boxes, lifting the lids. "I would like to ask for Bucky and Y/N's hands in, marriage...."

(A/N: Another brilliant chapter! Happy easter everyone this chapter is an eater present from me lol as I haven't updated in a while. hope you've enjoyed!)

word count- 1709

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