chapter 2

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The team stood quietly on the edge of the room while the my group of sorcerers and witches set up the world map. We were going to have do the spell twice because getting maps of each country and the cities would take up more space and energy we didn't have. I took out Loki's ceremonial dagger, It was big and the team didn't like the look of it. All of them winced watching me slice my hand open and squeeze it onto the map. "Is everyone ready?" I asked the others standing around the table. They all nodded and we began the Latin chant with our palms facing upwards.

"in tota nostra potestate hunc hominem invenio"

"Eos ad nos adduc"

"Ostende nobis locum summ"

The blood travelled across the map and finally stopped on Portugal. "They're in Portugal, get the map of Portugal." I snapped my fingers and Tony stumbled forward with that map. The magic was strong and it was taking a toll on the other avengers. They weren't used to this level of power. "Once more then we're done and you can all recover in your rooms." The team nodded at me and Thor just smiled to himself because it had no effect on him. I sliced further up my arm to draw blood and the team didn't look please again, neither did Loki or Bucky. 

"in tota nostra potestate hunc hominem invenio"

"Eos ad nos adduc"

"Ostende nobis locum summ"

The blood travelled to the city that Pepper was being held in. "Obidos. They could still move her so rest up team and I'll call Fury myself and fill him in." I was leading the team and it just felt natural. Steve smiled at my leadership skills and everyone dispersed. Tony stayed behind to hug me and my little group. "Good job everyone. I wouldn't have been able to do this without you all." I smiled at them all and held Loki's hand. "We should do this more often and come up with a group name. We could learn and develop our magick together and learn new things from one another." Wanda suggested. All of us agreed to the suggestion and Loki made a group chat with us all in. Bucky was waiting for me and Loki but didn't look to well. "James baby, are you okay?" I rushed over as he stood up, he looked a bit wobbly. Loki was quick to respond when he realised and Strange advised Bucky to sit. He went to collapse but Loki caught him and I started to help him stand again. "He need's to lie down. we need to take him to our room Honey." Loki scooped Bucky up and we rushed to our now shared room to lay him down. He drank a healing potion and water we gave him and he immediately fell asleep. "The healing potion is working, it's knocked him out. " Me and Loki left the room to hand out the same healing potion to the rest on the avengers apart from Thor and the ones involved in the spell. The team answered their doors and took the healing potion after letting us in. We needed to observe them to see if it was working. They all fell asleep in minutes knowing that the group of magick practicers would protect them. Fury sent agents to sit in the tower just in case anything went wrong while we filled him in on the pepper situation and our discoveries. 

"We had no choice but to give them the healing potion. The symptoms they would experience from the amount of power we all gave out would last weeks. And they'd all be useless and not in any position to fight. With the healing potion they should be up in a few hours or by tomorrow, Tony might take longer because he's sleep deprived." I explained to Fury. "You are lucky you're my favourite Y/N. You are in charge until Steve wakes up and recovers 100%" Fury made me leader until our actual leader was in better condition to fight. A total of 30 S.H.I.E.L.D agents were in the building, I was in charge of them too. I called them into the room whilst Fury was still here. Maria was one of the agents I was in charge of. "Right I've been put in charge of you all until Steve wake's up and has recovered. Take a white sticker label and write your names on them. I'm terrible with names and it will help me learn it better." All the agents took a white sticky label and took a pen.

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