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London, England

"Me again. The car's here. But you're not. You know what happens if we're late? They close the doors. Please, get here." Ethan spoke into the phone as Adele opened the door to the small apartment.

"Jacks, still isn't back?" Adele questioned, throwing her umbrella to the ground and bumping 10-month  old Eli Hale higher onto her hip as she put down her umbrella.

"No, he is not." Ethan turned around to Adele in frustration.

"I'm sure he just got held up by the rain, he would never forgot your anniversary." Adele smiled at the man.

"We are talking about the same Jackson here, right?" Ethan questioned the woman as he set his phone down and took the small Hale boy from her arms.

"Unless I have another gay werewolf brother, yes." Adele teased as she pulled off and set her wet jacket on the hook by the door.

"I thought I was your gay werewolf brother?" Ethan questioned as he bounced a giddy Eli Hale in his arms.

"Do you want me to call him?" Adele laughed as she took Eli back into her arms.

"No, I'll just wait." Ethan groaned.

"Have you heard from Derek lately?" Ethan changed the subject as Eli began to squirm in her arms.

"Not since last week, he's still in Spain." Adele sighed as she released Eli onto his feet and the toddler happily began exploring.

"Seems like our fiancés have something in common." Ethan rolled his eyes.

"Hmm, seems so. I'm going to put Eli down for a nap in the guest bedroom, call me if you need anything." Adele informed.

"Of course, and please stop calling it the guest room, it's yours." Ethan gave the woman a look.

"They closed the doors. We're 10 minutes late and they close the doors after 10 minutes. Which means we're not going to see the show. It also means, you forgot our anniversary. Which also means, I'm going to kill you." Ethan spoke into his phone again 10 minutes later as young Eli clung to his leg.

"Please don't kill my brother, he's already died once, I don't think he'll come back again." Adele spoke as she returned to the room.

"Fine, maybe not kill, but-" Ethan was stopped by the door flying into the wall.

"Get behind me." Ethan pushed Adele behind him.

Jackson laid in ropes on the ground unconscious by the doorway as a woman shot Ethan with a dart.

Adele stepped towards Ethan only to have a gun pointed towards her head by the man.

"Not so fast." the man threatened.

The man coughed a purple gas as he fell to the floor, the woman kneeing him in the face.

"Hmmm. Now he's just as cute as the other one." the woman spoke before bashing the werewolf's head into the piano.

"Ethan, are you okay?" Adele whispered so low, only the werewolf could hear her.

"I'm fine, stay there." the boy whispered back as the invaders argued.

"You know we're supposed to ask them questions before we kill them?" the man with her spoke.

"Is that from him or from you?" the woman argued.

"You know who it's from." the man answered back, keeping his eye on Adele.

"So, we hear you and your boyfriend have been tracking other werewolves. We'd like to know their names." the British woman lowered herself down next to Ethan, glancing at Adele.

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