I'm back and here to stay

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When I was 4 I got kidnapped the first time, Don was so worried about me that he decided at age 19 that he was gonna be a cop, Charlie was a young math genius, who by the age of 13 was with our mother at Princeton for college, he helped figure out who took me, then in second grade I met Jack, and Charlie had his friend I was 8, Charlie was 18, and Don was already 23, I needed a heart transplant. Mom always tried to get the boys to learn how to play the piano, I was the only one that ever actually learned.

After being kidnapped so little I wasn't really a touchy person, unless I came asking for contact, like hugs and things I loved giving and getting hugs, and the three of us were so close, we always knew what to say or do to make the others smile or laugh. They both have such nice smiles, and adorable laughs, but my family still always said that my laughter was like the sweet sound of music a song that no one ever wanted to stop hearing.

By the age of 12 I got my wish, except in order to do that I got kidnapped. I had left note way long ago that if I didn't come home, then either I was kidnapped or my dreams were coming true. I had family on the other side of the US. That was said to watch me, but this guy he had kidnapped me but made my dreams come true, and he wasn't mean, he was nice to me no spoiled me rotten, he was almost like a BFF.

When I was 16 my mother died, Charlie was 26 and Don was 31. No one knew that I had actually been kidnapped for like 4 or whatever years, because I called them saying I was fine, and it wasn't really a lie even when I was scared at first and thought when he said it was a kidnapping that I just laughed. He acted nothing like a kidnapper. But I missed my family and I missed my mother, and Jack, I also went by Red Snow, instead of Farrah Jade, my middle name Jade because of my eyes, and Farrah because in one language it meant Faith and in another it meant Happiness.

My brothers had helped pick the names. When I came back my brothers barely recognized me, but knew me by name. When I showed up I was here to stay. Same house like always. I was here to surprise them, but Charlie was hard to surprise, and it was almost never a good thing to surprise Don, and dad didn't really like surprises anymore because of after mom dying. But I did it anyway.

I knocked on the door. They opened the door to figure out who I was. Hello? Who are you? In my fake horrible British accent I started speaking. My fans know me by a different name then you do, but hear in L.A. Myself and my brother are known as.... I said removing my sunglasses starting to drop the phony accent, my jade eyes sparkling, like emeralds. They call me Farlie. It's good to be home boys.

I walked in hugged my father, then Don, and stepped back. Smirking. I waited for Charlie to figure it out. 3.2.1. I counted in my head. Oh boys, I really haven't been gone that long, I'm still me, just undercover and famous now. I said leaving my bags by the door. Charlie smirked, and shook his head. Farrah Jade Eppes my partner in crime.

Farlie is now back together. Don rolled his eyes playfully. Good to have you back little sister. Hey, wait I didn't get a hug. I giggled. You want one? Come and get one! I laughed running up the stairs to get to my room. Charlie ran up after me. Laughing. Hey, you guys wait for me. Don called up running after Charlie. I shut my door.

Don't slam the door so hard. I locked the door going to open a window, glad that this house wasn't that tall. And that there was an extended tree branch out in reach of my room. I had climbed that tree millions of times before trying to escape the same wrath that I had just created from my brothers. Farrah open the door! Charlie called playfully from the other side of the door.

No! I laughed, going to the window seat window to open the latch. Don, use you FBI power kick to kick down the door! No way, our father called up, do not destroy this house, just use the key at the top. But dad that's not as much fun. I don't care, and don't murder your little sister with laughter, we'd have the killers and the murder weapon, ironic ain't it boys?!

We're not gonna murder her, we're just gonna tickle her silly. Nothing, I repeat nothing has changed in this house, it's like no one ever left. Her laughter is still the pride and joy of this house. And you're all still playing like children. They unlocked the door, and I was trying to escape. Charlie grabbed me around my waist and carried me to my bed kicking and screaming and laid me down and started tickling me. Charlie stop! I cried laughing.

Not a chance little sister. He laughed. Don do something. Oh don't worry I will, hey Charlie move your hands down a little to her sides where her weak spot is. Don?! I cried. Yeah, I'll do that, and you take off her shoes and tickle her feet. No! I cried, my eyes already tearing up with tears of mirth. You guys are so mean! I whined. When they finally stopped, I was out of breath. I hate you both.

They both chuckled leaning down to kiss both of my cheeks. We missed you so much! I missed you guys too. You know who else missed you a lot? Jack? You mean he's still here? Well what are you waiting for let's go over and say hello? Everything's back to normal now, and you'll be going to school. Yeah, but I have to start all over. I whined. Why? Because my credits don't transfer over from FL.

I whined falling back on my bed. So, that just means that you'll start high school with Jack. I was two years older. I guess that's good. I wish I was 14 again. Come on, put your shoes back on and let's go on over. Charlie said hugging me. What was that for? I still didn't get my welcome back hug. Oh Charlie. I love you guys. Come on let's go.

I knocked on the door. I giggled, trying not to. I know that laughter anywhere! I heard Jack mumble. Farrah's back! He called to his sister. They came outside both hugging me. We're all so glad your back. Jack doesn't shut up about you. Hey? I covered my mouth giggling. Ah, the returned sweet sound of music to all our ears. All: Yep!

You guys need help unpacking he asked? Yeah, thanks it will be so much more fun, and faster if we had all the help we can get. Thanks so much. Good to have you back youngest Eppes Farlie isn't the same without the Far part. It doesn't logically make sense to call me that if I don't have her around. Oh you and all your logic, take a break why don't ya? Ha, ha that's like asking him not to breathe. Is that an option? I playfully asked.

I'd say yes, but then that would be murder, so no. Aw I whined. Charlie smirked and reach out to grab my side I jumped back into Jackson. Charlie stop, I whined. He just smiled chuckling shaking his head. Don't worry Farr's, guess what I discovered in the time you were gone? Don said smirking. Don don't you dare! I lifted an eyebrow. Come on Chuck all is fair in love and war. He smirked. Pot calling kettle black, Charlie warned. I just rolled my eyes. The two other siblings laughing at the childishness.

Come on let's go home and get me unpacked. Good idea. Race you back! I laughed. Dad, had come outside. All: Ah, the sweet sound of our favorite song, back once again.

as funny as it seems some of the words make sense, just trust me....

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