Jail break

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At a prison a bus full of prisoners gathered together to be taken to wherever it was the bus would be taking them to transfer them to G-D only knows where, the officer in charge takes role as if it was roster for a classroom. And I'm sure most of if not all of these guys were criminals that myself and my brothers helped put away. And if any of them broke out probably all hell could break loose. Well brace yourself.

There's a car in front, the bus behind, and somehow between secs before and secs after, between those times the two crashed, causing enough force to tilt the bus onto its side that was carrying all the prisoners. Two of the prisoners, Williams and Mcdowd had guns with them, two very dangerous criminals that would be out for revenge at all costs. They came to the guy in the truck and made them him take them with him.

It had been a week, since my stuff happened, so naturally it was Wednesday again, and it was Don's day off, but David needed him to come in, same with the rest of us (outfit 47) to come do our jobs. And I was more than happy to come help. David filled us all in on what I just told you just happened. And Farlie pulls me along on her leash after Charlie to go and examine the wrecked bus, to find Charlie talking with and getting along with one of the officer ladies checking out the scene, while we introduce ourselves.

She didn't know who we were so she wasn't one of our officers, and she'd gone and asked Charlie about his job and what he did. The other prisoners were all still there, and Don was on the phone with someone and he a file about the two guys that escaped. We joined his side as he was getting off the phone and on the way to HQ he dropped us off at home. And back at HQ, Don and David went over these files with the rest of the agents.

That our biggest concern was the lady that testified against one of our guys, Dr. Fisher, that she had been an eyewitness to a crime. Then, one of Don's buddies from his NM days popped in. Billy Cooper, Don's partner from the days that he'd done refuge recovery, Billy said he'd stopped by for a visit and was going to be helping Don on this case of theirs. That just because these criminals aren't smart since that's why they're in prison to begin with, doesn't mean that they're not dangerous.

Don gave David and Billy the chance to connect and work together by sending them out to go track down of their guys while Don took the other. He went to go talk with Dr. Fisher where she worked about the case, and to possibly put her in witness protection. But she was kind of hoping she wouldn't have to deal with this guy again and some of our other officers had gone and told her all about what was going on, but that since Don didn't have any specific reason to put her back into witness protection she wanted to get back to work, that the last time she was there because of this guy, she had 6 months taken away from her.

They compromised that since he didn't at the moment have specifics that she agreed to let officers be around her at work and at home, and not have to go into the program again, until further notice. And then Don's phone went off and he went to go answer it, and back at home we had myself, Charlie, Farlie and the highway officer lady that I didn't catch the name of at the house, and they were talking about the case when dad and Larry walked in looking for him.

And then Larry asked us what kind of accident involved the FBI and her answer to him was a prison bus accident, and then some Larry and Charlie things happened and somehow between then and there the topic of life on Earth got into play, and of course not only do I have no idea what it is Charlie's always going on about when it comes to math, but when the two get together and have a convo, its pointless to even try to figure out what it is they're talking about, and I have no idea how we even got to that topic.

Hey kiddo? Yes? How are ya feelin'? Why don't you go get something to eat that will bring your blood pressure up keep your heart healthy and beating the way it needs to be. He suggested. Might keep it green. Now because of what had happened to me, my brothers helicopter parented me more than usual, especially Charlie. I can't say that I minded considering that at least someone was paying attention to me. The officer lady that I hadn't caught the name of frowned at me, as she watched me get up and go to kitchen to get something to eat.

And while you're in there maybe heat yourself up a warm glass of milk. I'm not a child Charlie. You're not 18 yet. She giggled at our interaction. I take it the two of you are very close she smiled. They might as well have a pair of handcuffs linking them together that's how close they are, Larry teased. Farlie walked over to her and yipped happily at her as she reached down to pet her. What's your dog's name? Farlie, named after the original pair here of their combined name. That must get confusing. Oh boy does it ever.

Then Larry made the comment about something that got us back on track, that he said there were no accidents, and then once he said that Charlie's face went into thinking mode and his gears in his mind started turning. Meanwhile, David and Billy were sitting in a car outside of the ex girlfriend's house of one of our escaped prisoners. And Billy had asked David how long it had been since he'd worked for Don, he said it had already been a year, which was hard for me to believe that it had been that long already. Billy was under the understanding that Don had to come back home to L.A. when his mother got sick, and wondered about her, that she had died since then.

That a few months after that, nearly a full year later, I'd came back home. That Billy knew who I was, he'd met me once or twice before, but that he didn't really know me and the last time he saw me he thinks I was probably about 12. David told him I was 17 now and that Charlie and I have been helping them on their cases and things, Billy thought that time sure flew right by, and then soon the ex girlfriend came out of the house, they watched her, and once they got what they wanted, they were called away to where they'd then find the missing pick up truck.

Don had gotten called in, but by the time they'd found the truck that of course the prisoners had moved on already at this point. And the driver is still missing. Then some guy that said he was in LAPD showed up and that our team would appreciate any help they could get, but Don wanted to make sure that this guy stayed out of the way, and he said he would, but I think we all know that he wouldn't.

Then Charlie called him and the guy walked away when Don got on the phone. That when Don got off the phone he reminded David to make sure that he didn't let anyone touch that truck. And at home Charlie, Larry and I had gone outside to set up our scene with some of our gardening supplies to act as objects to visualize the "accident" that happened. And Charlie was trying to explain with math his whole set up that he had going there, that either the truck had to slow down or that the bus had to speed up in order to cause this "accident" that supposedly wasn't an accident at all.

Then Don pulled up to the driveway, and got out of the car wondering what it was we were doing. I told him we were trying to make sense of something that didn't make sense. That to Don and I meant everything Charlie ever talks about, since we never seem to understand what he's going on about, that wasn't that what Charlie is good at. That I'd taken the words right out of Charlie's mouth, and speaking of which.... Larry, in the garage in the fridge there's a bottle water bag thing with Fiji water in it, will you go get one and bring it out here please?!

Absolutely. Be right back. Charlie I'm really ok. You can never be too careful. When Larry comes back out he hands me the bottle of water. Thank you Larry. Farrah, you do so much for us, let us help you. Hey, its not like I'm complaining. Then Don asked them what the problem was, and Charlie told him that his accident was no accident, that it was staged. And later we arrived at HQ to explain why it was and why we thought so, and that after said demonstration, Billy and Don went to the place where the truck driver supposedly worked, since he was part of this now too.

The problem there though was that when they got there not only did the guy in charge not recall the truck driver's name but he told them none of his trucks went out yesterday, and when they checked the truck for millage, they found a dead body laying there, now it WAS murder. And when they got back David pulled up this guy's file to tell Don that the name they'd been given was the wrong name, and that the missing gardener was well enough to hop on a plane and get out of town the night of the crash.

That Don wanted to know why someone would go through so much trouble to cover something up. You know what, Farrah's always doing weirdo stuff like this all the time, I'll ask her the next time that I see her. Even if she wasn't my sister she's still an undercover secret agent, she would know all about covering things like this up, and she hides things all the time, even when she knows Charlie and I will figure them out.

Are you still going on about her being out in FL? IDK, its just my siblings aren't very good at keeping secrets, but the min they have a secret they don't want anyone to know about, they can keep it just fine. That now that its come down to murder, Don was concerned about Dr. Fisher now again. Then David pointed out that Charlie, Farlie, and I were all here now. Well isn't this perfect timing. Charlie and I had come back to look over the data that Don and Billy had about catching and hunting down fugitives.

Hey kid, I've got some questions for ya. OMG, if this is about FL then just let it go I whined. No, its not about that. I wanna know why someone would go through so much trouble to cover something up? Why are you asking me? Because you do it all the time. Well, then that's an easy answer, people cover things up so that you can't figure them out either in that moment, vs at all. Now, I know that's not what you're here to talk to us about, so talk to Charlie about whatever it is you need to ask him about and I'll sit here and mind my own business. If you think you can.

So anyways.... Watcha got? Once Charlie explained, Billy asked him if he thought he could do his job but with just numbers and math, and Charlie explained what it is that he does, and that pretty much without saying so that he doesn't mean to take over, just to try and make their jobs easier, then David told the rest of us that he'd gotten a call about the sighting of one of our guys Williams, and how he'd returned to the ex girlfriend's house.

And in full swat uniform, they all arrived at this girls house ready to arrest this guy. That Don had a plan, but Billy had a completely different plan. That the two of them would go in, while the others stay out here and not ruin their fun, while the others go around back, and so they went in and arrested this guy to bring him in for questioning. And when they did this guy said that he had nothing to do with the guy that got shot and killed that Mcdowd was in charge of that, that Mcdowd is the ring leader. And that he claimed he was just as in the dark as we all were.

But the thing is, that Mcdowd wasn't here right now, he'd got gone for a while now at this point., and they needed him to come back. And Williams told them everything him knew, that it seemed like Mcdowd knew the bus was gonna crash. And that made things even more suspicious, yet fit Charlie's theory. He told them Mcdowd was gonna kill someone, and that, that's why he broke out, but he hadn't told him who he was after.

That a couple of hours before David came in to tell them that Mcdowd had been found. I gotten to do the job that I loved doing. I'd been showed a picture of our guy and told what to do. I had on a ginger colored wig (outfit 48 part 1) green contacts (48 part 2) (because I forgot that I gave my character green eyes to begin with) and I had a sapphire blue dress on (48 part 3) with pearls (48 part 4) and diamond earrings (48 part 5) and black heels (48 part 6)  I had to look like I belonged in this bar to seek out our guy. When I had my sights on him, I was supposed to keep an eye on him, to call David and let him know, so that he could go and tell Don and Billy.

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