Kinda disgusting

47 1 12

If Mount Lady eats something, turns big, then throws it up, would the food be supersized too?

Seeing how her clothes also grow with her, does that mean Mount Lady also had her clothes designed to grow with her, or does her quirk just grow clothing automatically?

If Midnight releases hormones that put people to sleep, isn't she illegal as for chemical warfare?

Given how toru is invisible, and food disappears in her mouth, could she be the fattest person alive, and no one know until she puts on clothes?

Given how regeneration quirks exist, is selling human flesh a profitable business?

If a quirk requires human flesh, is it better fresh, or packaged?

Would a mutation centered around a cannibalistic species also gain cannibalistic tendencies?

Are there hotlines for human flesh?

Could Mount Lady solve world hunger by just holding food in her mouth, then growing to spit it out, before shrinking, rinse and repeat?

If that's a possibility, how much food could be produced in such a manner per transformation if optimized?

Does Mount Lady's quirk increase her mass too? If so, could she make an infinitely large piece of food with the same nutrient density?

How many growth and shrink cycles would it take to get a 1cm cubed ball of ground beef to the size of a planet?

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