His Promise

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After Alistair was born, time seemed to pass by quicker. I found my personal timeline was marked by his milestones rather than actual days.

Being a mother felt natural to me, especially as the weeks went on and I found a new routine. Having Alistair in our lives made everything brighter. Even Vladimir, who had once been petrified over the thought of having a baby, had settled into our new life well.

Between learning my new responsibilities as a mother and still taking some time out for myself or time with Vladimir, I was able to learn more about the creature that I had become. It was slow-going, but I didn't mind. There was no longer any rush. I had until the end of time itself to perfect my new abilities.

Vladimir's birthday came and went, though we made sure to celebrate the day to his liking. At his request, it wasn't too much different than what we already did. The only difference was that he had asked all of the servants to leave our family alone for the day, unless it was an absolute emergency. We spent the night together with our infant son beneath the stars.

Our first wedding anniversary followed the very next night, to which we attempted to do something special. Franklin watched over Alistair as Vladimir and I ran to our heart's content. We traveled through the forests and mountains of Romania, leaving almost all of our cares behind. Even though it had been requested of us to refrain from certain activities, we still found ourselves lost in each other's eyes beside a waterfall.

As the rest of our lives began to slow down and the holidays calmed down, I found myself thinking of Caelum again. Nearly two months had passed since either Vladimir or myself had heard from him. I wanted to believe that he was still coming, or that he at the very least still had intention to visit. As my hope dwindled, Vladimir was the one to put my worry at ease.

"Caelum and his family aren't coming, my Sun. I'm sorry. I wish I knew why."

I couldn't say that I was surprised, but there was a new ache that weighed on my chest. I wanted to know what had happened, or why he hadn't come. I wanted to believe he had made the decision on his own and my father had nothing to do with it, but with how Caelum had once talked about freedom I needed to be sure.

Determined to find out what had happened, I decided to be the one to reach out first. I just wanted a reply from him, perhaps even a little note that was quickly written. I just wanted to see that he was okay.

Dear Caelum,

Everyday, I look for a letter from you. I am growing increasingly impatient and worried for you and your family. I can only hope and wish that you're well and that you haven't come based on your own decision, and no one else's.

Shortly after you left, I had our baby. He is identical to Vladimir, but I think I can see my smile in him. At least, that's what I want to believe anyway. His full name is Alistair Orion Dracula, and I can't wait for you to meet him.

Vladimir and I talked it over, and we would love for you to be involved heavily in his life; like an Uncle or a guardian of sorts. We were hoping we'd be able to tell you in person, but it seems like it will be delayed either way.

Please write back regarding what has happened and what your next steps are.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Your dear friend,


I never got a reply.

In a sense, it was strangely heart-breaking. I didn't feel as though it had been broken out of rejection or love, but of worry. My father was a dangerous man and I had witnessed it firsthand. He always struggled to enjoy Caelum's company and it always felt as though he was waiting for the first opportunity to get rid of him. That had been life while I still lived in Invea, but I had wrongfully hoped things would change for Caelum and his family after I left.

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