His Words

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The world was entirely white. I wasn't sure where I was, but my hand no longer was in my mother's. I rubbed my eyes and glanced around, finally seeing a man walking toward me. Behind him were dozens of familiar faces.

I didn't need an introduction. I grinned as I hurried toward the man to that I owed my life. It was relieving to see another familiar face in this strange new afterlife, something I still couldn't comprehend. The faces behind him matched the faces that belonged in the portraits of the mansion.

He grinned as our eyes met. "My dear, you've finally made it." His dark hair was pulled neatly away from his face, his form tall and skinny. Gentle blue eyes greeted me as he stopped steps away, bowing his head. My heart tightened as I saw my Vladimir within him. They were nearly identical, causing me to giggle as I recalled how my little Alistair had looked as an adult. The thought of my family wrapped around my heart again, but there was no pain this time. There was only comfort.

I stopped a similar distance away, dropping to the ground to bow before him. To me, this man was more important than any King I had ever met. This man had singlehandedly saved me. "Count Alistair Dracula, it is so wonderful to finally meet you."

The older man merely laughed as he closed the space between us, landing on his knees in front of me. He then pulled me into a strong hug. All at once, I realized what the embrace of a father was always meant to be. Despite us never formally meeting, I felt like I was home. Little words were needed.

After our hug, he pulled me to my feet and led me into the nearby lingering crowd of Vladimir's ancestors. It was as though they had all been waiting for me. The familiar faces were known to me, some better than others, but it was strange finally associating a true person with the name rather than a stoic painting. Meeting Trevor Dracula had been the most thrilling.

I pulled away from Alistair's gentle hand, pushing my way through the crowd once I saw him. His eyes immediately met mine and he grinned. "Before you say anything, you figured it out, didn't you?"

"You frightened me!" I accused but still couldn't fight the smile on my face. It was difficult to be angry in this place surrounded by so many kind family members.

Trevor gingerly grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it. "Yes, but I prepared you for what was to come. We've all suffered in ways we never wanted Vladimir to endure. I had to make sure you would stay." His eyes knowingly moved through the crowd. "And we were right. You stayed, and you became the greatest Countess Translyvania has ever known."

All the conversations I had with those around me were very similar. They all applauded me for becoming a wonderful spouse to Vladimir and how I had done my job well as Countess. It was a bit of a relief to hear an outside perspective, but my mind quickly began lingering elsewhere. I scanned through the faces, searching for the one I had yet to see; the one I absolutely needed to see.

"Looking for someone?" Mother's voice was soft as she materialized behind me, a hand already resting upon my shoulder. I would have thought her touch would be foreign and unknown, but it felt familiar. I never wanted her to let go.

It had been strange at first to see so many people that I knew but had been without for so long, but it allowed my mind to think about who else I would see. I thought again of all those my father had sentenced to their deaths, or servants from Invea that had passed from older ages. My mind settled upon one person. "Where is Caelum? There is so much I want to tell him; so much I need to apologize for."

I imagined the surprise on his face when I would finally appear to him. I thought of how he might scold me for dying so young, but how excited he would be that he was no longer alone. I couldn't wait to tell him about my boys, and how my youngest was named in his memory. I wanted to tell him about the attack on our home and the uncertainy of my family's future that now lingered. I wanted to tell him that I was sorry for letting my father take him back to Invea in his last moments. I needed to know how Caelum had suffered; how long had he been tortured for before death?

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