Chapter Thirty Six

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"THIS COUNTRY IS RUN BY IDIOTS," Yoshihisa Hanna, the female lead of our Amazing Romance novel, loudly announced with great pride and confidence. Her entire aura had this sassy cold vibe around her, but Julia could definitely feel that the wrath of the people around her was greater than that. 

'Oh my god, Hanna! You were never like this before!? What happened to the sweet Hanna that I always knew?!' 

"You, little disrespectful brats!" One of the cops barked at her. "Where are your parents? Did they not teach you how to respect your elders?!"

'Respect is earned not donated into a charity for hopeless idiots. ' Julia commented inside her head as she stepped into the fight saying, "She is just a child." 

"Exactly! She needs to listen to us adults!" The Cops yelled back at her. "Hey, kid! Go back home and mind your own business will ya?!" 

"...Listen-" Julia tried to intercept again into their snapping, "since you are older than her, just let her be. She is still young and a child," She shielded Hanna from their face, trying to cover up the evil intent of the Cops. 

"Who are you? Are you our teacher too?" The Cops told her. 

Hearing this, made Julia snap out of anger. Enough was enough to drag people into dirt and mud like this. 

"I'd rather die than become a teacher of some idiots. It's embarrassing you know?" Julia told them. "There is a reason I love my job at the prestigious Paradise Academy," Julia lied. 

Soon the argument became very heated between everyone, the Cops angrily lashed out at Julia as they snapped, "Shut up, you old fatty hag!" 

Julia froze. 








Her world ended right there and then.

"If she is an old fat hag, you must be a trash bag found in a landfill," Igarashi Keith coldly announced, finally as he opened his mouth. 

Usually, Igarashi didn't speak out because it was unnecessary for him to get involved into something that was generally stupid, but for some reason this made him pissed off. 

"And Trash bags need to be exterminated as they pollute our oceans, land, and our environment." He said coldly. "I will do my best to exterminate them all to protect our world." 

Like that. A raining hell of fire dawned on everyone. 



"OH MY GOD! YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT!" A boy came running into the classroom door, almost sliding in as a fugitive on the run. His sleuth was so amazing that he landed right on his spot and yelled, "Guys! You won't believe it! Someone found Yoshida-sama and Nakashima-sama!"

It was like news on steroids. Everyone in Class-2A got up from their seats in surprise and applauded with cheers with such a beautiful surprise! The treasures of their class were back!! They were safe!


"Time to party y'all!"



"Oh, Yoshida-sama and Nakashima-sama! They must have been scared!"

Tsuchiya Mina was the most surprised, had they already found out who kidnapped Yoshida Toshiro and Nakashima Arima. What an interesting development! She applauded gleefully with their return.

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