Chapter Nineteen

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Sitting on top of the bleachers, with ice on his ankle, Yoshida Toshiro sat like a model, posing for the Camera. Even when injured, he can make that face. This guy is a natural.

"Oh no! He is going to die!"

'That's not even close. Look at him sitting like a model' 

"Teacher, call the ambulance, he broke his bone!"

'Uh... his ankle looks swollen, not broken.'

"Sensei! Save him!"

'What am I? A Paramedic? A Trained Medic?'

"Oh Sensei, is in pain? Is he going to die?"

'Don't ask me, ask him.'

Julia sighed as she approached Yoshida Toshiro with gentle look on her face and told him to show his ankle. He slowly moved away from Julia and calmly said: "I'm fine."

"Your Ankle looks swollen, are you sure-?" Julia asked him.

"I'm fine." He dodged the bullet.

"You can go to the Nurse'-"

"I'm fine."

"You can sit out-"

"I'm Fine."

"Should I call-"

"I'm Fine." He said again.

'Geez, not even an ounce of respect.' Julia inwardly distorted her face but still kept her nice facade and slowly etched away from him. Since the Male lead says he's fine, he's probably fine. She isn't his entertainment.

"Sensei! What did Yoshida-sama say?!" One of the students said as Julia walked away.

"He said he's fine."

"How can you be so sure, Sensei!"

"He said himself, he's fine."

"He probably is in pain! What a rude person you are, you don't even care about your students?!"

'I'm sorry, but I've been trying to care for you, but it seems that you don't care anyway.'

"How will we win the Tug-of-War now?! Our Prince of Battle has disappeared from the Battlefield, we are hopeless, and useless, dear peasants." Somebody says.

'Battlefield? ...these peasantly students... at least you realize...'

They agreed with each other and said: "Yes! We are already dead, what use is there to even try anymore since Yoshida-san is injured!"

'You guys weren't even trying, what use is there to not try anymore!'

"I'll rather injure myself and understand the pain of Yoshida-sama! Let's go break our ankles, dear fellows! Follow the Pain of our Leader!" All of the students decided in the classroom.

'Hey! He isn't dying you know!'

'What is this? Is Yoshida Toshiro some kind of Activist International Leader?' 

'What the heck is happening with the plot now?!'

"STOP!" Julia commanded her students to freeze in one place with her whistle.

 Out of her twenty-six students in her role call, now five of them, including Yoshihisa Hanna, the three girls who had their belongings stolen, and Yoshida Toshiro, are unable to participate in Sports Day. 

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