Unfinished business Pt.1

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This one is from Ty's perspective
Some of the timing might be off, so if it is let me know!

The Aurora Academy is packed to the brim this morning. All manner of people, from all corners of the universe are busily running around, making sure everything is perfect. Because today is the drafts. The most important day of the year.
I'm sitting in my bunk, reading over my speech for the thousandth time when Scar walks in.
"Okay Ty, when Battle Leader De Stoy asked you to prepare a speech I don't think she wanted an Epic", Scar laughs taking in the to be fair giant stack of note cards.
I just glare at her, my stomach roiling at the thought of speaking to everyone.
"Are you nervous Bee-bro?", Scar asks, her empath abilities always accurate.
"Yes I am Scar. This is a speech that's going to set the tone for the whole draft and their whole careers as Legionnaires. I don't want to stuff it up".
"Ty, first of all. You have never stuffed anything up in your whole life. And second, no one listens to the speeches anyway. I mean, I know during De Stoy's speech last year, I caught up on some much needed beauty sleep".
"Thanks Scar", I reply flatly, still feeling that queasy pit in my stomach.

A knock sounds at the door a moment later. And it opens to reveal, Auri, Kal, Fin, Saedii and Battle Leader De Stoy, all in perfect Legionnaire uniform, except for Saeds, who although endured all manners of persuasion would not join the Legion.
"You ready Goldenboy?", asks Fin, a smile in his voice.
"As I'll ever be", I say, giving a weak smile, as we walk out into the crowd.


"Good morning Legionnaires and notable Aurora Legion members. I Tyler Jones, Alpha of Squad 312, welcome you to Aurora Academies 93rd draft. It has now been a few years since my journey in squad 312 began. It was a rough start. From almost dying deep in space, to stopping the Ra'haam and more importantly almost missing the drafts. But I wouldn't have had it any other way. For one thing, my time in squad 312, has broadened my perspectives. It has shown me that life is unexpected. You never know where a mission is going to take you. Who you are going to meet along the way. So I guess my advice to all of you..."

Out of the corner of my eye I see a flicker of long dark curly hair, and the glint of a golden hoop with a charm. Is that-
The person disappears into the crowd and Scar nudges me with her elbow, to continue my speech,

"Accept everything with open arms and an open heart, whether that be a mission or a...".

There she is again. She's moving off to the side of the crowd . Long dark curls bobbing on an incredibly short frame.

Scar whispers in my ear, "Ty what's going on".
I don't answer till the girl turns around and,
I run off the stage to where Zila is now disappearing out of the door and into the hall.
I reach her and she's standing there. In the flesh.
She's exactly the same. Same eyes, and mouth and earrings. Yet now she's older, her face slightly creased.
"Zila? What- How?", I stumble over the words. Only the Maker knows how....

"Hello Tyler, you haven't changed a bit".
"What the Fuck", yells Scar. Running to Zila and throwing her arms around her.
"Are you real", says Fin poking her in the arm to make sure.
"I'm very real. But I am also very short on time. Are you all ready for one last mission?".


"So you're completely sure?", says Auri, her cheeks paling.
"Yeah this cannot be for real", says Scar.
"I wouldn't have come otherwise", says Zila, in her collected, sensical voice. "It's taking a lot for me to be here, I'm not sure if I will make it back... in one piece".
"So you're saying that Caersen was brought back to life by the Eshvaren. And Caersen brought back the Ra'haam?", I repeat.
"How do you know this?", Asks Saedii.
"It is only a 9% chance, but I believe that something that Caersen said to Auri in the Nerida, was actually a warning coded. It was always replaying in my subconscious, until last year, when finally I cracked it"
"So it is only a 9% chance?", Saedii questions incredulously.
"Yes only 9%, but if it is true then there's a 99% chance the universe will be destroyed", says Zila flatly.
How could this have happened. After all of these years. After all we've been through. And to do it over-
I look around at my family. Their faces are hollow. We all thought life would be peaceful now.

I guess my speech was right. Life is unexpected.
All I need to do now is accept it with open arms and an open heart.

Everyone's looking to me. Their Alpha. So I lift my chin.
One more mission. All together.
"Okay squad. Pack a bag. We're going on an adventure".


The Longbow purrs beneath me as its engines power up. I loose a deep breath, trying to dislodge the pain of sitting in her... Cat's chair.
It should be her here. She should be sitting here, Shamrock on the dash. Racing through the stars, never missing a beat.
I push down the thought as everyone takes a seat.
For them I will be strong. For them I have to be.

We pull out of Aurora Academies port, and the giant spaceship glitters behind us.
I can't believe we are doing this again.

"Anyone for cookies?", says Scar, hugging a pack of biscuits with one arm.
"Scar, aren't you meant to wait at least an hour on road trips before you bring out snacks", smiles Fin.
He earns a glare from Scar, before, "Okay none for Fin, anyone else?".
"I'll have one", Says Zila.
Scar reaches to hand Zila the pack, but Zila's eyes fling shut, her hand gripping the seat.
"Zila!", screams Auri, running up to her, Kal by her side.
"What's happening to her", the latter asks.
Veins up her fingers turn black.
"Ty do something!", yells Scar.
I flick the longbow off, and run to Zila.
Her eyes flicker under her lids. But then... nothing.
Her hands let go of the chair.
The black veins retreat.
And her eyes flick open as she gasps for air, breathing in deep heaving breaths.
"Zila. Are you okay?".
"I knew that bending through time would have weird effects on my body. But I didn't expect... that", she says her gaze wary.
We wait for her to continue.
"I know where Caersen is".
"Where?", asks Saedii and Kal together.
"You aren't going to like this".
I feel my stomach drop. It's readying for whatever Zee is about to say.
"He's on Octavia. And he's already awoken the Ra'haam".


Part 2 coming soon!

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