Meanwhile at the Aurora Academy...

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This one is a bit random, but it's what I imagine class would have been like at the Aurora Academy if all our crew were already friends.
Enjoy :)

3rd Period, Terran Biology

"Alright, can anyone tell me the answer to question 2?", says Doctor Arlen, the renowned Trask biologist, and teacher at the Aurora Academy.
Tyler, who is seated at the front of the classroom raises his hand, he's stayed up till midnight studying the ins and outs of Terran organisms.
Doctor Arlen nods, before Tyler proceeds, "That would be meiosis and mitosis".
"Correct Tyler, so can...".
"Nerd", Scarlett interrupts quickly.
She did not stay up till midnight studying.
She attempted to study, but fell asleep at 8:30 with her uniglass smooshed to her face. She knows she could pass with flying colours if she applied her self, but the problem is, she doesn't feel like applying herself.

An uproarious laughter erupts across the classroom, mainly produced by Aurora, who despite her best efforts to concentrate, is instantly distracted by Scars comment.
"Okay then Scarlett", continues Doctor Arlen with a sly smile, "What's the answer to question 4: What organisms on Terra were the first to create oxygen, leading to photosynthesis in other organisms?".
"Uhh... can I get another question? I'm great at diplomacy if you have any questions about that on this list?", says Scar as she picks up her uniglass, pretending to scan the list of questions.

"Considering this is Terran Biology, I'm going to guess no. I'm also guessing you didn't look over the questions?", enquires Arlen.
"That may be true, but promise that I did try to look over them, if that's any consolation?".
"I'm not the one who is going to need consoling Scarlett Jones", replies Arlen, jotting Scarletts name down in her Uniglass under a column with strike 1 as the heading.

"Once again my impeccable sense of humour will be my downfall", mutters Scarlett under her breath.
"I would hardly say that your sense of humour is impeccable Scar, its average at best", laughs Fin sarcastically, whose seated next to Scar, and in direct hearing range of all of Scarlett's muttering.
"I guess someone doesn't want to see me in the new bikinis I ordered last night while I was studying".
Fins jaw drops slightly, but he quickly regains his composure , "While you were studying?".
Scarlett glares at Fin, burrowing her eyebrows as if to say "Really?".

Arlen interrupts Fin before he can say anything else that will damage his position as Scarlett's boyfriend, luckily for him.
"Since Scarlett cannot answer the question, how about you Kaliis?".

Sitting in the back corner of the classroom, Kal is looking out the window; watching the stars and completely oblivious that his name is being called. Likely because he is deep in a day dream about Aurora, and is blasting a song by the Goo Goo Dolls through headphones sneakily concealed in his hair. Although he finds Terrans completely obnoxious and loves the music of Syldra, he can't stop listening to moody Terran ballads. He finds they understand the emotions he feels in a way most people can't. Playing right into the typical misunderstood angsty teenager trope.

"Kaliis?", questions Arlen again.
Still no response. Tyler turns around and spots Kal and peaks the headphones sticking out ever so slightly.
"Kal, Arlen wants you to answer question 4, the answers Cyanobacteria". Says Ty into Kals mind, snapping Kal right out of his daydream.
He looks towards Arlen, "Uhh Cyanobacteria", he says voice rough and unsure.
"Correct, good work", replies Arlen.
"Thanks Brother", Kal replies to Tyler, as he turns down his music ever so slightly.
Tyler nods as if to say anytime, before quickly getting back to the questions.

There's a knock at the door before it swings open and in walks Cat.
"Catherine?" Questions Arlen, "Where have you been?".
Cat has grease on her hands, and smells of burnt fuel.
"Aviation ran over time, I've got a note if you want to see it?".
She says this knowing full well she does not have a note.

She did get caught up in aviation, but not because the class ran over time. More because she lost track of time flying, and then the engine of her ship flaked, and she had to fix it before anyone noticed.
"It's fine, but try to not let it happen again, okay?".
She nods taking a seat next to Zila.

Zila is tucked away in the middle of the classroom, a seat she always chooses.
It's a calculated seat.
It's out of view from Doctor Arlen, as she is concealed behind a particularly tall and muscled Syldrathi.

Cat plonks down, Zila notices the burnt smell but declines to comment, she's sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation but is too caught up in her work to ask.
Cat leans over as if to catch up on the work of Terran Biology, but finds Zila working on a particularly gnarly set of binary code. With 1s and 0s arranged in patterns everywhere, Cat begins to worry she will never catch up on the work.

"Looks like I missed a lot in that half an hour. What on earth is that?", Cat asks worriedly.
"You did miss a lot, but this is not biology Cat. I'm creating a program that will assist in detecting planets with intelligent life in the Universe".
"And what subject is that for?", asks Cat once again worried that she's fallen behind in another class.
"Oh, this is just some extra credit", Zila says plainly, before resuming typing out the code.

Class is almost finished, with Tyler completed all of todays work, and making a start on next weeks class.
He is half-way through the questions when he realises Saedii has not shown up to class.
He isn't surprised, she doesn't show up often. Yet every one of her grades is perfect, except attendance of course.

He pulls out his uniglass;

Tyler: and where r u today?

Saedii: I got caught up. Templar duties stop for nothing.

Tyler: well b safe then ❤️

Saedii: I don't need your benediction, Terran.

Tyler: That's half Terran to u😎

Saedii: Get back to work, half Terran.

Tyler: Have fun with ur Templar duties
Tyler: See you later Saeds 👻✨🌠

I'm so sorry that the last few stories have taken so long, and honestly have not been that great lol, but I really appreciate you all reading them!  They're super fun to write, I just have been struggling with inspiration, so let me know if you have any ideas you want to see ❤️

Thank you!!!
So much love

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