After the love story...

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Hello, sorry it's been a while, I've had an awful lot of uni work that's been consuming way too much of my time.
I will be going back to 'Unfinished Business', I just have to plan it out lol, so for the meantime, here's this lil number.
And if you've got requests, comments and messages are open xx

Tyler & Saedii

"The first time I laid eyes on her she tried to kill me, or had at least wanted to", I spoke the words fondly. Of all my adventures, of all I had been through, it was still my favourite story to tell.
"It all begun from there. When your mother put me an arena with a huge terrifying drakkan, it was almost 20 metre's long', I say gesturing my arms wide.
My daughter's faces light up, and my son clutches his blanket closer. Their eyes glowing with amusement and fear. They've heard this story before, but its a favourite of theirs too. 
"What happened next?", Asks Lae. The oldest. The most like her mother.
"I'll tell you what happened next little one", says Saedii scooping up Lae into her arms and nestling into the comfy corner of our couch. Isa and Jeri scoot in closer too, so that Saedii has her arms around all of them.
The sight squeezes my heart with a joy so pure I can't help the grin splitting my face.
"Your father, said in broken Syldrathi tongue", she drops her voice down in an imitation of mine, "'I don't need help making a handbag out of a lizard', and jumped down into the arena by himself".
"Fearless you could say...", she continues as I puff out my chest a bit and slide next to Saedii, putting an arm around her, "Although in that moment I thought, 'This Terran is idiotic!' ".
We break out into laughter, Saedii's laugh rich and full and like music, and my childrens joy as beautiful as art.
"Anyway, your father, defeated the beast, and in that moment won my heart, although I could never let him know".
"She made me work for it that's for sure", I say, smiling at Saedii, her violet eyes as beautiful as the moment I saw her.

"What was next?", asked Isa, her big blue eyes as curious as always.
"Well your mum saved me more then once, and I like to think I helped here and there", I say with a wink, "But where we realised we were Be'shmai, was when I was trapped on the Anadrael, the huge warship that your mother was Templar of. You think she is scary now...", I tease, " should have seen her back then".
She lifts an eyebrow as to say, really?
"She locked me in a room, kept me as her prisoner', I continue, 'Until one day, she came in to my room to discuss tactics and ended up pushing me against a wall, and...".
Saedii glares at me hard and says, "Tyler", into my mind.
I realise I am telling the rather in depth explanation that may not be suitable for three young children.
"Right..." I clarify, "anddd... she hugged me, and we felt the bond between us".
"And that is the story of us, of you, my little ones", she says, finishing it up before I can say anything more that might incriminate us.
After more laughs, and stories, their heads start to droop, tired after a day full of adventures.
"Its time to get some rest my babies, we've got a big day tomorrow", I say softly.

We tuck Lae, Isa and Jeri into bed before crashing back down on the couch.
I look to Saedii, still as beautiful and fearless as the day we met.
We've been through a lot. But we now have a lot to be grateful for.
A lot of love to gain. And so much more to give.
I look around our small house, it's a mess with papers, books and chess pieces knocked everywhere from where Saedii was teaching Lae; who inherited her mothers temper; to play.
Our days are full, but for the first time in a while, not in the save the universe, escape from the killer virus manner it usually is.
We spend the days teaching Isa and Jeri to fly ships and Lae tactics and fighting out of their own volition of course. They are a combination of both Saedii and I after all.

My eyes grow heavy with sleep.
Before I drift off, Saedii says into my mind, "We're you really about to tell our children about that... time in the holding cell?"
I laugh, "Not on purpose, you know I get carried away with that story. It's my favourite".
Just before my eyes close, I see a smile paint her lips.
"Mine too, Be'shmai", she says softly, before lightly pressing a kiss to my lips.

Okay that was some extreme fluff lol, and written quickly, but I hope you enjoyed it.
Thank you so much for reading and for all the love on my stories.
So much love ❤️

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