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chapter seven: mark

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chapter seven: mark


"Relax, Jimin. Jeez." Ha Eun scoffs, stepping out of the SUV as Jimin is ushered - and by ushered, I mean shoved- out by one of her men.

Her flamboyant high heels loudly hit the concrete pavement nearly obnoxiously as we walk toward a fancy-looking restaurant. It's already evening time and we've been with this woman since earlier this morning. The whole situation forced our 'CEO' to send everyone home early on paid leave. Speaking of the annoying pig, I look in his direction, only to notice him wiping his hands down his slacks and straightening his tie, visibly swallowing.

He's nervous. Even worse, anxious.

On a normal day, I'd bully him for it. But knowing how it makes him act and react to people, I'd rather not. Especially after him being in rehab.

"Are you okay?" I whisper, leaning over to him.

He swallows again and nods quickly, which is a good sign.

"Just not used to, well, this."

"Wait, so where the hell do you go when you want to, you know."

"What?" He asks, seeming genuinely confused.

"Come on, Jimin. You want to tell me you haven't taken anyone on a date before?"

I must've hit a nerve, as he turns to the side, face reddening more and more by the second.

"What about when you want to treat yourself?"

"I order food from home, Nari." He sounds pained now.

I decide to stop. For now at least, as I now have something to use against him. However, whether I like it or not, I can't help but feel remorseful. Maybe I shouldn't have pushed him for answers like that.

The line outside of the entrance has reduced, so we're next in line. Just as the bouncer is about to ask for names, Ha Eun raises her large sunglasses and eyes him. He immediately raises a brow and lifts the red rope for us to pass through.

Even her amount of 'men' should've given me an idea of how powerful she's gotten, considering her ability to annihilate people.

She loudly claps her hands together making everyone but the men behind us and next to her jump. "Mary! Show my guests and me to our table."

A frail, skinny girl that looks about seventeen rushes over and shows us to the VIP section. It's heavily air-conditioned, with blue and red LED lights flashing everywhere and a large table covered by the roundness of a joint couch seat.

The cold leather comes in contact with my skin and Jimin notices my jolt, offering me his jacket.

"One minute, you're all 'tElL mE wHy yOU'rE iN mY cOmPaNy' and now you want to give me your blazer? Damn, pick a side!" I say, pulling out the leather one I always bring anyway.

His arms drop to his side in defeat as he avoids my gaze, thinking deeply. The even darker shade of his brown eyes takes me back to the time we were in his house and he yelled at me to leave, making me glad I just spoke to him the way I did, even if I meant it as a joke.

"Enough chit-chat!" Ha Eun screeches, stopping the chatter going amongst her men and lifts a slim glass of champagne. "The man of the hour is here."

My heart slams against my ribcage as my fingers grasp the leather of the seats, trying to calm myself down.

It's Mark. Just, Mark. So why am I panicking?

'You gave up on him waking up three months ago.'

Yeah, right. That.

Suddenly, the French doors separating us from everyone else in the restaurant open and everyone 'cheers' (as forced to by Ha Eun's orders) while she screams the loudest.

I've always expected to see him on crutches or at least in a wheelchair, but I find myself severely wrong. In fact, it's like he was never comatose.

He has his infamous, nervous smile on his face, hands pushed right into the back pockets of his light blue denim jeans as he glances around the room.

He seems to have matured only slightly, the once short, chestnut brown hair now a shoulder-length jet black. His chubby face has lost all chub and has become sharp and angular and his delicate eyes are enunciated by thick, bushy eyebrows.

Everyone starts to get occupied again and my plan to pretend that this whole thing is simply a fever dream fails as soon as his eyes lock with mine, an innocent glint of recognition shining in them.


"The one and only." I nervously chuckle, starting to feel Jimin's burning gaze staring holes into the side of my face.

He walks over and sits in between us, eyes still on me.

"It's been so long."


He looks at me for a long moment before glancing at my exposed arms.

"I remember these. I can't believe you've still got them."

"You remember?" I stupidly repeat.

"That is what I just said, right?" He laughs.

"We know it is." Jimin bites out.

"Oh. You."

They clearly still have their unsolved business. I use it as an excuse ad escape to the roof, taking a wine chute with me.

As I sip on the cold drink, I enjoy the peace I am gifted with at this moment.

"It's been such a lon-"

"DON'T DO THAT!" I scream, my hand flying up to my chest to calm my beating heart.

"I'm sorry." He laughs.

"You don't seem like it." I mutter, letting out a breath of relief.

I squirm slightly as his arm worms itself around my waist, pulling me into a back hug.

"I think I've missed you, Nari. Even though I've basically slept through it all."

We both laugh this time, even though it wasn't that funny. However, that is the beauty of it all. It's what drew me to him in the first place.

Only, I doubt juvie me is me now.

"Mark, listen. I-"

"It's okay. Jimin's got his grip on you, but I thought I'd beat him to it first." He says cheerfully, reaching for my phone and successfully unlocking it.

"Mark, if you just-"

"Don't worry, Nari. I've saved my number already and I'll text you the details. Wait, who's 'Namjoon'?" He innocently asks, and I cover my eyes as he clicks on the chat labelled as such.

"You didn't tell me you have a boyfriend, Nari." His voice sounds a tad bit disappointed, but he keeps calm. "Could you bring him with you, maybe?"

"I don't want to do that to you." I did try to warn you, Mark. You sorta did this to yourself.

"No, no. I'm fine with it, really." Great, now he's moving toward the roof door.

"Seriously, Mark!" I yell after him. "I'll catch up with you, I promise!"

But he doesn't answer.

Unfortunately, I'm too busy with this whole thing to notice the grin on Ha Eun's face.

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