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chapter eight: outside

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chapter eight: outside

"SO YOU'RE TELLING ME that there wasn't a-" Ha Rin eagerly asks, leaning forwards in excitement.

"For crying out loud, Rin! Focus on the important parts."

"Right, sorry." She pouts. "You met Mark-"

"Yeah, and he found out about Namjoon and is probably assuming the worst." That I gave up on him for another person.

"You can't be a hundred per cent sure about that, Nari. The best you can do is wait for him to come around."

"Wait for him to come around?" I smugly ask, quirking a brow. I swipe open my phone and show her the messages Mark sent me that night.


hey, nari

hope you got home safe


yeah, i did


nice to know

just wanted to let you know that

there is no need to go to the meetup


so you're calling it off?



don't take it personally


is this about namjoon or jimin?


"Wait, why didn't you save his number?" She asks.

"He left me on read," I reply, making her frown. "Besides, he didn't save mine."

"How are you so sure?" She grabs my phone and snatches and her face morphs into an expression of realisation. "I see now."

"See what?"

"He blocked you."

"What the hell!" I yell, causing everyone in the cafe to stare. I quickly apologise.

"Calm down. He obviously just got the wrong idea. I don't blame him. Little man just didn't want to get in between anything."

"What do I do then?"

"I guess you'll wait till he's ready. He already almost died once. You don't want him actually dying on you again."


I bow in respectful thanks for the coffee I received from Chae Rin, a coworker. It seems today would be stressful and she managed to predict it before the rest of us.

Something else I noticed was Jimin's behaviour. He's been distant and emotionally closed off ever since the evening out at that restaurant. God knows what that's about either way.

I'm just tired of this whole thing.

Just as I log in to my computer and bring the coffee to my lips, a voice I know all too well cuts into the silence of the room, making me slam the cup down on the desk in irritation.

"I'm sorry, but do you know if someone named Lee Nari works on this floor? You don't? Okay, thanks for trying. NARI!"

Why, oh why does it have to be me? I sink into my seat in embarrassment, hoping he'd just get the message and go away already. Unfortunately, the sound of his voice and thumping footsteps only got closer.

"Nari? Oh, there you are. Baby, I missed you so much. Why didn't you come home, I've been worried sick!" I glance at the bouquet of flowers in his hands and sigh.

"Meet me outside."

I try to keep my distance, wrapping my arms around myself as we leave the elevator. I move back till his whole body was in my viewpoint and sighed.

"Why are you here, Namjoon?"

"Well, I came to-"

"Stop lying. Just stop lying." It's nauseating to see someone I once trusted almost with my life standing here only to lie to my face. "I'd rather you break up with me here and now."

"What the hell are you talking about?" He asks, his entire demeanour changing. Gone is the apologetic man, now here is the one who was caught in the act and vexed about it.

"You know what I mean. I heard it all. But the least you could've done was break up with me." Trying to hide the shakiness in my voice, I attempt to walk past him, only to be angrily shoved back as he pushes me with force by the shoulders.

"Like hell, you're going anywhere!" He yells through his teeth. This was a side of him even I'd never seen. It makes me wonder who has. "We're talking about this right here, right now!"

"What's going on? And who the heck is that?" I hear Jimin's authoritative voice as both he and Rin step out of the building's doors.

"Mind your business, you stupid dwarf!" Namjoon drops the flowers to the ground and advances in my direction, showing no signs of backing down.


If this is how this would go down, so be it. Even if it means I might lose my job.

"I know you're cheating on me, Namjoon!"

"So what if I am, huh? You're just a worthless-" He pokes my chest, jabbing me with each hurtful word. "Stupid, dumb little wh-"

"That's enough!" Rin says, about to come help me when he briefly turns and slaps her right across the face.

"That'll teach you to mind your own business!" He seems to be enjoying this, throwing women around. It shakes me from the core. He turns back to me. "What did you think, I'd settle for being broke with you?"

"What?" I question, genuinely confused.

"Come on, Nari. I know you weren't always a bright one but think about it. You don't just qualify."

"You're sick." I choke out, tears mixing with the rain that was beginning to fall.

"Aren't we all?" He smiles.

"Listen here. You're gonna either stay the hell out of my work with my lady, or die on the streets. I'm not working with just anybody."

I stay silent. He didn't notice what was coming for him.

"Take the deal if you wanna live, sweethear-"

He yells out in pain as Jimin socks him from behind, landing his punch right at the back of his head and neck.

Just as he angrily tries to stand from his knees, I take the opportunity and slap him with all the strength I had left in me.

Gathering saliva in my mouth, I spit directly into his eyes and lean over him.

"That's for slapping my best friend. Moreover, laying your stupid hands on a woman."

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