Part 2

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"We need to gather those eggs tonight, Amber, the Skywing said as she looked over her companions.
" And how do you think we should do that? " Toucan, the Rainwing said.
"Oh please, shut up-" Starwatcher, the nightwing said, "you're as useless as any other rainwing. "
"Guys can we please stop arguing and get thing done by the end of the brightest night, which is TOMORROW, and we need to gather those eggs by the end of this night." Icicle, the icewing said, trying to stop them from any further arguing.
"I mean, sure" Thorn, the sandwing agreed.

5 years later

"Oh come on Russet, seriously? " Flame, the skywing glared at the young mudwing, who was eating, AGAIN.
"I'm hungry ok! " Russet complained
"You just ate!! " Snowflake, the icewing said shortly after.
Only one of the dragonets was still in the corner, not saying a word.

"Ohhh Starchaserrrr, what are you doing again? " Stingray, the sandwing asked the young nightwing.
"Reading scrools, as per usual" She answered, not taking her eyes off the scrool.
"Yea I can see you as a descendant of Starlflight-" Russet said, his mouth still full of food.
"I wonder why, oh wait, maybe it's because I AM." She roared back to him.

"Whoa, okay there, calm downn" Snowflake tried to calm the situation down.

Starwatcher did nothing but look back onto the scrool, with anger in her eyes.

"Why do we even have to find this secret continent? " Flame asked "like, couldn't any other dragons do it? Why do we need to be caputred under the mountain for 9 years just to uncover a land no one else found for generations? "

"Good question tho-" Starwatcher said as she took her eyes off the scrool to see if she could gain more information on this.
She stepped closer to her friends.

"Well, the prophecy said that we should find this " hidden isle " or whatever it's called, In a great land beyond the edge of the world. " Flame started to talk once again.

"Uhhh, edge of the world? Isn't that prettyyyyy far from where we are kept? " Russet asked worried.

"Yes, but since the prophecy called us, that means we should be able to mess around with this kinda stuff" Starchaser answered. "As much as i can predict, we are most likely being kept near the Skywing kingdom, where generations ago, the dragons that were destined to stop the war of the sandwing succesion were kept.

" You guys", Flame spoke, "what if... We try to escape? ".

" ARE YOU CRAZY!? " Snowflake snapped. "Escaping doesn't sound like a good idea Flame, we could get in big trouble!! "

"Who cares Snowflake? As long as we escape these caverns it will all come to place. " Flame was desperately trying to make her agree.

"Flame has a point Snowflake, if we get out at least we could see the world for ourselves and see what's it like, gain more info, and stuff! " Starchaser got the idea.

"See, even Starchaser agrees, she never agrees on anything! " Stingray said giggling. Starchaser smacked him with her tail playfully.

"Enough of games, so, everyone who wants to escape, raise your wings"  Flame said. He had enough of the caverns, everything is the same every day, he wanted to explore the outside world, and jump after every single adventure, so he can show everyone he is braver than they think.

Everyone expect Snowflake raised their wings, and as she saw that she made a "seriously" face.

"Well Snowflake it's four on one. You have to come with us" Flame made a smirky face.

"FINE! BUT IF WE GET IN TROUBLE, DON'T. BLAME. ME!! ". She was angry, how could her friends ever think of just escaping like that??
Every one of her friends and guardians knew she was a one hundred percent descendant of Sunny, the sandwing who helped stop the war many moons ago. Although she refused on that, because Sunny was a Sandwing, and she was a Icewing, which means, they were completely different from each other.

But then again, tribes don't really matter, it's either you are a descendant or you aren't...

Yea bois that's the second part (or the prologue whatever u want to call it) for now. I think my writing is at least getting a bit better buttttt.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2022 ⏰

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