>>>< 23 ><<<

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>>>< Inky ><<<

We were poking and prodding at the deformed creature. I can say with an air of confidence that they were basically ink, just grosser.

Yeah, my hand will probably be stained for a while.

Logan got up after a bit, and examined the creature. By now it was mostly liquid, and eyes peered from all over the stringy, inky, mess.

"Turns out if these things are exposed to light for too long, they wig out and turn to goop."
I nodded in agreeance with his statement, deciding to add in.
"Yeah! Then they turn to pretty much slime, sticky and gross but still addicting and-"

Aiden started to add more details when Tyler shut him up.
"Okay, stop. I think he gets the picture. Now quit before you make him sick. Since he's awake now, let's talk about Savannah. We can't keep hoping that things will go back to normal on their own."
"And we can't risk getting stuck here permanently!"

Ashlyn and Tyler's staring contest gave the room a tense atmosphere. My aggravation was getting high and I was done with it. I lost my temper a bit.

I grumbled, loud enough for everyone to hear, directing it at Tyler and Ashlyn. "This is stupid. Talk it out like normal people, stop acting like you're trying to kill one another. We're trapped here with you animals, and I, for one, can say I'm tired of you guys bickering over everything. Can you shut up? At least until you think you can handle this situation like adults, not like a bunch of 5-year-olds."

My voice grew more confident the more I spoke, and now I was the center of attention. I went and sat down away from them a bit, looking out the window at the walls we used to try and protect us from the dangers of the other side.

After a few minutes of the abrupt silence I caused, Taylor spoke up.
"Um, going back doesn't mean we have to go back to the house again, or interact with the phantom, right? Maybe we can just search around for someone who might know something? The locals are bound to know something. We've been reading myths, lore, and watched who-knows-how-many investigations about Savannah for the past 2 weeks, and still haven't found anything useful."

Tyler- calmly this time -spoke, as everyone followed behind. "I'll agree to avoiding that place and only looking for local information. That way, we don't have to risk anything."

"I-if we don't go back to the Sorrel House, then I'm not against going back to Savannah."

"...Ben, what about you?" He pulled out his phone and typed a message. 'I'll go with whatever Aiden decides.'

"Hm? I don't care either way, both options seem fun."

I chuckled a bit from my spot by the window. "As long as I get to not be stuck here forever, I don't care how you guys figure out how to do it."

After a pause, Ashlyn finally decided to speak up her opinion. "...I don't think this was an accident. There's the possibility that this lady did this on purpose and we could run into her again. There might even be others like her."

Interrupting, again, was Tyler. "So you're still against going?!" She calmly answered, unlike his little outburst.
"No, I'll go. But only if we wait a year."
"A year?! You want to be stuck here for a year?!"
"Calm down. There's no guarantee that even if we go back, we'll find a way out of here. Plus, none of us here have a car or a license."
"Oh yeah."

I decided to speak up again, feeling like being noisy today. "I can get a fake license and drive." Aiden whipped his head towards me. "You guys can't trust them, you can tell they are a crazy driver by how they act!"

I smiled, as most of the others brushed off our conversation and continued the serious talking.
"And aside from finding a way down there, I think a year would give us time to prepare for the worst outcome."
"...worst outcome?"
"Even with all our precautions, we could still somehow get stuck here permanently or have another encounter with that woman. So for a year, we should train ourselves, research, and turn this place into a reliable stronghold to survive in. It's about time we start taking this seriously."

And that is the story of how Ashlyn had me drag a whiteboard into the bus. I just stood silently. Ashlyn is smart. If she has a plan, I feel it can be trusted. I've known her long enough, she's reliable and wouldn't want to put us in danger. Knowing this still didn't calm my nerves.

"Did we really need this?"
"Alright, so. This should be our first goal." She grabbed a marker and started writing. After a moment, Tyler opened his mouth.
"How are we going to do that?"

Honestly, how is he still alive?

We don't even have proof the phantoms would kill us, sometimes I consider using Tyler as an experiment. We could have a vote.

Annoying brat.

word count: 820

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