>>>< 24 ><<<

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>>>< Planning Our Next Big Move ><<<

Ashlyn had written, 'FIRST MAIN OBJECTIVE: GUNSHOP', saying, "We need some better weapons."

I almost threw my shoe at Tyler when he rudely spoke again. "Okay... How are we going to get there?"
"Well, we'll need to do two things first," She added bullet-points to the board.

"We need a vehicle to drive to the gunshop. My parents' Jeep is closest so we'll need to bring it to the Graveyard. However, the phantom got over the walls last time. I'm not sure how, but we need to figure out a way to stop it from happening again, so when we get in the Jeep, any phantoms that follow us won't be able to get in. Anyone got any ideas?"

Ben grabbed his sketchbook and started scribbling furiously. He held up a drawing of barbed wire with a question mark. He looked slightly nervous. Everyone examined it, and there was silence as the smart people thought it over.

Not that I'm implying anything.

Anyway, Tyler spoke after a minute. "If they were normal humans that might work, but I feel like it wouldn't really bother them to grab and climb the wire regardless."

"Yeah, I can see that happening." Taylor comforted Ben as he slunk a bit, realizing his idea wasn't going to work.

As Taylor became interested in the conversation again, Aiden was currently talking about how they could try light fixtures, I went over to Ben. I made sure to pay attention to the conversation, but also check on Ben.

Aiden was too busy to do it right now, so I guess I was the closest thing to family in that moment, and felt like he needed a hug. So what did I do? I hugged him. He smiled a bit, hugging back as we both paid more attention to the next ideas.

"Solar lights? Maybe?"
"That, could work. But how are we going to get them?"
Aiden smiled, and I could almost hear him say the words before they left his mouth.
"Ah, you can leave that to me. I haven't been using my allowance lately so it's built up quite a bit."

Everyone gawked at him, just now realizing he was a rich kid. I couldn't help but laugh, as they struggled to comprehend he was the rich one of the group.

I zoned out again, daydreaming. I tended to do that when I had things overwhelming the braincells I have.

Aiden. My feelings were becoming a problem. It's hard to want your best friend. You know so much more about them then anyone else, and that's the difference between a nonsense relationship, in the moment, or a serious one. The serious ones know everything, but once they end, you lose that person. If anything was to start up, I could lose that one person who brightens my day like the flip of a switch, but with no return. That is the absolute only reason I have no will to speak up, I'm worried. I don't know how I would react if I lost him.

I was abruptly startled when I heard the word 'knife'.

Something from Ashlyn, requesting one. Aiden looked confused as he handed it to her. "Sure. What do you need it for-"

Everyone watched as the braids everyone knew Ashlyn for fell to the ground in a pile. Her hair now only drifted to her shoulders, making movement easier. "These need to go."

I quietly gaped, muttering words under my breath. "Well, that was hot."

I left my place next to Ben, snatching the knife from her hand to clean up her hair, her choppiness messy. My friend laughed as I styled her, now short, hair.

I awoke at the Clark household. There was school today, so we all quickly prepared. We rushed out the door and the three of us headed towards the school. With how close we were, we had those comfortable silences that were relaxing. We didn't need to speak, everything was calm.


We were walking down the halls a bit into the school day, and, as usual, Ashlyn was concerned with the phantom's realm preparations. We could never catch a break from it, it seemed.

"Are you able to order those lights during lunch?"
"I should be, yeah."
"Aren't your parents going to be confused when the lights arrive though?"
"Nah, they're on a trip right now, probably won't be back for a few months."

After a moment of silence, Tyler's attention was caught by something across the hall.
"I was wondering where the nerd was."

We all followed his gaze to see Logan being yelled at by some jock by the lockers.

It seemed to have been violent. I took a step forward.

You can't do that and get away with it.

You can't mess with one of us without consequences. 

word count: 778

Aiden x Reader  |  School Bus GraveyardWhere stories live. Discover now