Chp 1. What hapened??

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What happens to colour?
What happened to happiness?
What happened to our world?
Before everything changed the world was the place where you would live with love,joy and happiness.
Before the great disaster no one talks about.
Before it all happened is when our lives meant everything. Now we are dying over starvation and sickness.
The only way we can survive is getting an amount of money that will granted for winning the great platinum games, over the other states. So that we can provide homes and shelter this way. But the problem is that none of the children here are strong enough to go against the other powerful States.

This game is competed over technology,life skills,and of course killing each other to survive. It's horrific to see your child go. They would probably have had there first and last best meal before getting killed. In the platinum games there would be different prizes each 2 years. Last year was a year supply of food. This year is over millions of money. Thanks to the Capitol City town of gold. We want to receive it as we are one of the most worst States over the country. We need extra support .

Our state has to have the best three students to go. We need the fittest for the life skills, we need the smartest for technology and the spirited one for killing. Even though it sounds cool and easy but they all participate in the killing. The third has the chance to be the person who will try to keep the team together as well as providing the source of food and water.

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