Chp .4In the games

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Authors Note (Sorry for all this. I know it would seem like the hunger games but this is only the beginning . I will change it. I promise)
#the story begins from here.....:D
The games has started of dangerous everyone is either falling into traps and getting killed or getting killed for no good reason at all. It is no sooner before me Daniel and Zoe go into the games and fight to the death. It seems scary and and cool at the same time. I am kinda ready for what I have seen in the past. I am sure I can make it. It is going to get crazy sooner or later. Well this thing is uncool. I would prefer to stay out but I will like to show what it is to be like as one of the few who past away. I want to stop this but there is no chance as the army soldiers would come over and kill you. I hate to be killed but I am doing it for my state. This is getting tense..........

The gates rise to enter into the games. Smoke is filled in the arena. Before anything happens we have to inject detectors. It is painful. If there is anything in world to stop this I pray it works, this world at the moment is uncool. The games are so deadly but no chance at all that my state representatives can survive. What would happen?

Authors note
(I know it is not much but give me ideas I need ideas.)

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